Week of 2021-03-15


Platform Changes

  • The FROM email address in the Policy Incident emails changed to noreply@flexera.com from noreply-governance@rightscale.com

New Policy Templates

Changes to Existing Policy Templates

  • Schedule Reports - Fixed issue with top 10 cost categories when there is no data yet for current month.
  • Superseded Instances - Corrected duplicate column name
  • AWS Unused Volumes - 1) Fixed issue that may prevent an AWS snapshot to be created before terminating a volume. 2) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 3) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
  • AWS Unused IP Addresses - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) corrected the cost for total estimated savings
  • AWS Old Snapshots - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
  • Budget Alerts by Cloud Account - 1) Fixed AWS account name lookup bug that lead to an error, 2) Refactored Billing Center index call to return Billing Centers the user has access to, 3) Fixed budget column heading

Week of 2020-12-21


New Policy Templates

  • Policy Updates Be informed of updated policy templates in the Policy Catalog. This policy template identifies the version of all the policies that are applied in an account and compares them to the version of respective policy template in catalog. It further creates an incident providing details on when the policy was last updated in catalog and the link to README and CHANGELOG files.

Changes to Existing Policy Templates

Week of 2020-09-07


Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2020-08-24


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

  • AWS Unused Volumes included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
  • Azure Unused Volumes included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
  • Azure Rightsize SQL Databases
  • All AWS Policies - fix issue where the policy failed because of AWS Service Control Policy region restrictions.

Week of 2020-08-10


New Features

  • The Policy Manager has a new feature to allow users to run actions on selected resources within a Policy Incident. The user also can select an action to run automatically when the incident is created. Read more. Review the Readme file of the policy templates that interest you for additional details as it pertains this new feature.

New Policies

Week of 2020-06-22


New Policies

Week of 2020-06-01


New Policies

Week of 2020-05-18


New Policies

Week of 2020-05-11


New Features

  • The Policy Manager has an improved incident table. The new incident table allows users to sort columns, hide and show columns and filter for text within the table. This feature requires the use of the export block within the policy template.

New Policies

Week of 2020-04-06


New Features

Week of 2020-03-16


New Policies

Week of 2020-02-24


New Features

Changes to Existing Features

  • Improved success and error messages when managing credentials
  • Selected credential information is now available when viewing applied policies
  • Improved experience when editing credentials
  • Simplified credential editing screens for AWS credential types

New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

  • Budget Alerts was updated to provide a more accurate assessment of current month costs against the specified budget amount.
  • Billing Center Cost Anomalies was updated to help reduce noise by allowing for a minimum spend amount before billing centers are reported on.

Week of 2020-01-13


New Features

  • Policies now have credential management built-in to the product, making it easier to connect your different clouds for policy governance. Along with the feature release, many policies have been upgraded to use the new credential capability (see below). Check out the docs to learn more. Some of the benefits include:
    • Simplified experience to connect clouds for policy governance
    • Ability to rotate credentials without affecting running policies
    • Support for new credential types including AWS Cross-Account Roles and NTLM
    • Reduced overhead when dealing with multiple cloud accounts
  • Policy designers can now specify a default frequency value in their policies, simplifying the process of applying a policy for their users.

New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

The following policies have been updated to support the new method of credential management mentioned above:

Week of 2019-12-02


New Policies

Week of 2019-11-11


New Policies

  • AWS Long-stopped Instances checks for instances stopped longer than the specified period of time and terminates the instance after user approval.
  • Google Long-Stopped Instances checks for instances stopped longer than the specified period of time and terminates the instance after user approval.

Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-11-04


New Policies

Week of 2019-10-28


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-10-21


New Policies

Changes to Existing Features

  • Azure Subscription Access was modified to account for more than 100 users and to only gather subscription-level role assignments.

Week of 2019-10-07


Changes to Existing Features

  • Policies can now be configured to run on a monthly interval for use cases that require less frequent checks. Simply choose the monthly option under policy schedule when applying your policy.

Week of 2019-09-30


New Policies

Week of 2019-09-23


Changes to Existing Policies

  • Multiple policies were modified to include a manual approval step before taking action so that items can be reviewed before being modified. Manual approval for any policy can be skipped by checking the Skip Action Approvals option when applying a policy.
  • Multiple policies were modified such that they are now limited to only being applied to only one account. This limitation is appropriate in cases where the policy uses an external credential for authentication and running the policy on multiple accounts would lead to the exact same behavior repeated numerous times.

Week of 2019-09-16


New Features

  • Policies can now be restricted to only being applied in one account by the policy designer for those policies that do cross-account checks and actions. Avoid accidental policy applications across many accounts when each one will behave the exact same by using the tenancy attribute of the policy template language.

Changes to Existing Features

  • The policy Catalog and Dashboard page have been updated to show any category that is defined in the policy template instead of grouping them into an Other category.

New Policies

  • AWS Object Storage Optimization checks for S3 objects that haven't been updated outside of the specified timeframe and moves the object to Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive after user approval.
  • AWS Rightsize RDS Instances provides rightsizing recommendations for RDS instances by gathering AWS CloudWatch data on 30 day intervals and can rightsize the instances after user approval.
  • AWS Unused RDS Instances checks for unused RDS instances by reviewing the CloudWatch DBconnection metric for the last 30 days. If there have been no connections the RDS instance is reported can be automatically terminated after user approval.
  • Azure Blob Storage Optimization checks Azure Blob Storage for objects that haven't been updated outside of the specified timeframe and moves them to the Cool or Archive tier after user approval.
  • Azure Idle Compute Instances checks for idle virtual machines in Azure, as defined by CPU utilization, and optionally terminates the virtual machines after approval.
  • Azure Expiring Reserved Instances reports on active Azure RIs that are expiring within a user-provided window.
  • Azure Rightsize SQL Instances provides rightsizing recommendations for SQL instances based on CPU usage for the last 30 days.
  • Google Expiring Committed Use Discount (CUD) reports on active Google CUDs that are expiring within a user-provided window.
  • Google Object Storage Optimization checks for objects that haven't been updated outside of the specified timeframe and moves the object to nearline or coldline storage after user approval.
  • Google Unused CloudSQL Instances checks for unused CloudSQL instance in Google Compute Engine and terminates them upon approval.

Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-09-09


New Features

  • Organizational Summaries give users with org-scoped access to policies an improved view of policy information across all accounts in the organization. All operational views of policies, including the Dashboard, provide an Organization Summary option in the account selector that rolls up data from across all accounts in the organization. Applied policies are grouped together and can be managed from a single page. To check it out, go to the Dashboard page in Policy Manager.
  • Policy managers can now skip pre-defined approval steps in the action sequence of a policy incident, allowing for policy remediations to be fully automated. When applying a policy, a new option is available called Skip action approvals in both the UI and the API.

New Policies

Week of 2019-08-26


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-08-19


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

  • Discover Old Snapshots was updated to filter out snapshots created from images.
  • Low Account Usage was updated to sum up the total potential savings and to remove the APN Fee from the calculation.

Week of 2019-08-12


Changes to Existing Policies

  • Superseded Instances was updated to show the monthly estimated cost for each instance instead of the run rate.
  • Cheaper Regions was updated to show the resource IDs of affected virtual machines.
  • Old Snaphots was updated to always send an email when new snapshots are detected.

Week of 2019-08-05


New Policies

  • AWS Unencrypted S3 Buckets checks all S3 buckets in the AWS account and reports on any that do not have default encryption set, allowing the user to set encryption settings for the bucket or delete it after manual approval.

Changes to Existing Policies

  • Low Service Usage has been changed to more closely meet the data provided in Optima Recommendations.

Week of 2019-07-29


Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-07-22


New Policies

  • Azure VMs Not Using Managed Disks checks all Azure VMs and reports on any that are not using Managed Disks, which are the latest offering from Azure and are much easier to manage.
  • AWS S3 Buckets without Server Access Logging checks for any S3 buckets that don't have Server Access logging enabled and allows the user to enable logging after approval.
  • Azure Subscription Access checks all users who have Owner or Contributor access to a given Azure subscription and creates an incident whenever that user list changes.

Week of 2019-07-08


New Features

  • Cloud workflow now supports JWT tokens when making http calls so that any API that uses JWT can be leveraged when remediating policy incidents or automating cloud resource actions.

Week of 2019-07-01


New Policies

Week of 2019-06-24


New Policies

  • Superseded Instances checks for instances running on instance types that have been superseded by newer, usually improved, instance types.

Changes to Existing Policies

  • AWS Instance CloudWatch Utilization now supports tags to ignore instances, minimum usage thresholds for reporting, and actions to tag the resources that fail the policy check.

  • Low Account Usage can now be run against specific billing centers, supports a minimum savings threshold to limit the noise, and reports against the monthly run rate instead of the current usage.

  • Low Service Usage can now be run against specific billing centers, supports a minimum savings threshold to limit the noise, and reports against the monthly run rate instead of the current usage.

Week of 2019-06-17


New Policies

Week of 2019-06-10


New Policies


Changes to Existing Features

  • Policies now support pagination markers in the body of a request, enabling the use of APIs that leverage this method for pagination, such as some AWS API calls. You can find additional information and examples of the body_field page marker in the Pagination section of the policy language documentation.

Week of 2019-05-27


New Policies

  • Stranded Servers reports on any servers that are stranded in booting so that they can be repaired or terminated to reduce waste.

Changes to Existing Policies

  • Cheaper Regions policy now reports only on instance data instead of all region costs, helping to simplify the report and help users target relevant spend.
  • Unattached Volumes now provides an option to take a snapshot of the volume before deleting it.

Week of 2019-05-20


New Policies

ServiceNow Integration

Release Details

Changes in Behavior

  • Revised Inbound Executions to exclude Cost Value and Cost Unit fields
  • Rebranded the application as Flexera Cloud Management
  • Adjusted redirect URL on Documentation link

Version: 1.2.0

Week of 2019-05-04


New Policies

  • AWS Unused ECS Clusters checks all ECS clusters to determine if any are unused (no registered instances, no running tasks, no pending tasks, no active services) and offers the option to delete the cluster after manual approval.
  • AWS Internet-facing Load Balancers checks all AWS load balancers (both Classic Load Balancers(ELBs) and Application Load Balancers(ALBs)) and reports on any that are Internet-facing. When such a load balancer is detected, the user can choose to delete it after approval.
  • AWS Unencrypted Volumes checks all Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes in a given account and reports on any that are not encrypted.
  • Low Account Usage reports on accounts with low usage, which may indicate abandoned accounts that could be cancelled or consolidated into larger accounts for ease of management.
  • Low Service Usage reports on services with low usage, which may indicate abandoned services that can be terminated or potentially consolidated into a larger account/region for ease of management.
  • Google Unused IP Address checks Google for Unutilized IP Addresses.

Changes to Existing Policies

Learn about updating policies

Week of 2019-04-22


Changes to Existing Policies

Learn about updating policies

Week of 2019-04-15


New Policies

Week of 2019-04-01


Changes in Behavior

Policy incidents are now archived after 30 days if there is nothing actionable and the incident is terminated or resolved. Archived incidents can still be found in the API if additional information is needed. Read more about incidents on the docs page.

Week of 2019-03-25


New Features

Policies now give you more control over what conditions cause an incident to be updated, allowing you to specify which fields of data should be used in determining whether or not incident data has changed. This is particularly useful in cases where incident data contains a time element, such as N days ago, allowing you to ignore the days ago field when determining if an incident has been updated. For more on this feature, see the hash_include and hash_exclude attributes of the policy declaration, described in the documentation

New Policies

Week of 2019-03-18


New Policies

  • GitHub Available Seats alerts you when you are close to your maximum number of seats in a GitHub organization or when the seats you have purchased are under-utilized.

Week of 2019-03-11


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

Week of 2019-02-18


New Features

The fpt command-line tool has been released which provides policy developers with an improved workflow to build, test, and deploy policies across their organization. More information on the tool and policy development in general can be found in the policies getting started guides.

Week of 2019-02-11


New Policies

Changes to Existing Policies

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v3.0.1 update

Version: vscale_3.0.1, vscale-admin-3.0.1

Updating the RCA-V appliance

More information about RCA-V 3.0

Week of 2019-01-28


New Policies

  • Underutilized Azure Reserved Instances reports on Azure Reserved Instances that are not being utilized to help identify and remediate waste.
  • Budget Alerts allows you to set a budget amount on a per-billing center or organization level and get an alert when your actual or forecasted spend is above the specified budget amount.
  • Azure Hybrid Use Benefit identifies all VMs not leveraging Azure Hybrid Use Benefit (AHUB) and allows for AHUB to be enabled after approval.

Changes to Existing Policies

  • Untagged Resources - fixed issue with creating tag for invalid_tag
  • Downsize Instances - Added cpu and memory datapoint check for instances that are operational, but not sending monitoring data back to the platform


New features

  • In addition to monthly, quarterly, and biannual calendar periods, the Optima date range calendar now has an additional tab for daily granularity, as seen below. When daily is selected, users can choose a custom range of up to 31 days in the calendar. Daily data is available in Tabular View and all Dashboard reports except the resource list, which will support a daily calendar period at a future date.

    daily granularity

Week of 2019-01-21


New Policies

  • Azure Superseded Instance Types identifies VMs that are running on older instance types where a newer instance type exists and can automatically resize the VM to the new type after approval.

Week of 2019-01-14


New Policies

  • Scheduled Reports provides the user with periodic reports of their cloud spend for the selected billing centers.


New features

  • Custom tag-based dimensions can now be added and updated directly by users in the UI which allow a user to specify tags used for filtering and grouping Billing Center cost data. You can find them under Settings -> Custom Tags in Optima.

Week of 2019-01-07


New Policies

Week of 2019-01-01


New features

Week of 2018-12-17


New features

  • Optima now supports Azure CSP for the latest cost features including Tabular View and Custom Dashboards. You can get started with CSP in Optima by following our guide.

ServiceNow Integration

Release Details

New features

  • Support for London

Version: 1.1.13

Week of 2018-10-22


New Features

  • Policies now include the option to approve actions prior to execution. Users have the ability to add an approval action as part of escalation or resolution. The Approval API creates an approval request and blocks further actions from executing until a user approves or denies the action. Parameters can be referenced by subsequent cloud workflows or emails within the same escalation or resolution. Users with policy_approval role can approve or deny an action with the ability to add a comment, the details of which can be seen on the Incident details page as well as the api. policy_approval.png

  • Applied polices API now includes a filtering option on name.

Week of 2018-09-16

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Hashicorp has certified the RightScale provider for Terraform, allowing Terraform users to include multi-cloud resources in their configurations. RightScale resources can be provisioned/updated/destroyed/etc using the Terraform tools like any other resource, and allow for building Terraform configurations that can support multiple clouds with one set of files/resources. Additionally, the provider exposes the ability to run arbitrary Cloud Workflow code as part of a configuration, providing a powerful tool for complex configuration tasks as part of a Terraform configuration.

Week of 2018-09-10

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for the AWS X1e instance type

Week of 2018-09-03

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for the AWS t3 instance type

Week of 2018-08-20


New Features

  • An applied policy can now be run on-demand by leveraging the Run Now option in either the UI in the Actions menu or the AppliedPolicy#evaluate method in the API.
  • Each run of a policy now provides a detailed log that can be accessed by users with the policy_designer role to see a full log of all data and requests made by the policy. Users with the privilege will see this both in the UI in the Actions menu as well as in the AppliedPolicy#log action in the API.


  • The datasource now supports an ignore_status_code field to allow you to specify any status code responses to ignore, instead of throwing an error. Read more about this in the Request details for datasource in the documentation.

  • Applied policies now provide detailed status, including the last time the policy was started and finished as well as the next scheduled time it will run. All of these fields are available in the AppliedPolicy#status action in the API and the last started time is shown in the UI as Last ran on.

Week of 2018-08-06

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for the AWS r5, r5d, and z1d instance families.
  • New CM 1.6 Cloud Account API to expose cloud accounts registered in the RightScale account. The index call will return the subscription-id for Azure, Account id for AWS, and Project name for Google in the tenant_uid field of the response. The API requires observer role on any account.
  • Support for discovering Google Custom Instances. RightScale will now detect the custom instance and display it in the instance list for Google. It may take up to 5 minutes before the information is updated.


Week of 2018-07-30


New Features

Announcing a completely redesigned multi-cloud policy management capability in RightScale with built-in Cost, Security, Compliance, and Operational policies to help you achieve quick ROI.

Key Capabilities

  • Built-in Policies for Cost, Security, Operational, and Compliance use cases
  • Dry run policies and then configure them to take automatic actions on any API backed cloud, service, and resource
  • Automate policies across your entire cloud landscape (multiple accounts)
  • Maintain policy-as-code using the built-in policy template language to write your own policies
  • Policies can enforce rules on any cloud or any service with an API
  • Automate your policies using the fully-featured Policies API and documentation

Learn more about RightScale Policies.






Week of 2018-07-23


New Features

  • Custom dashboards can now be created in billing centers, giving you complete control over what costs you see and how they are laid out within your billing centers. You can pick from various visualizations of data and filter the data to show only particular costs. Custom dashboards are scoped to the user, so any changes you make won't affect other users in your organization. Get started today by reading the documentation optima-custom-dashboard-example.png

Week of 2018-06-25

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for the AWS c5d and m5d instance families

Week of 2018-06-11

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Server Array scaling behavior can now be customized using Cloud Workflow. When a server array needs to scale up or down, custom RCL logic can be used to tailor the specific behavior, such as configuring the launching instance to use spot pricing or available RIs, or ensuring the terminating instance is the instance of your choosing.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Azure Resource Manager subscriptions can now be registered with Cloud Management using an Azure Active Directory Application of your choosing. This provides full control over the security principle that RightScale uses to interact with your subscriptions and is available via Cloud Management API 1.5. Read more about how to register your subscriptions here.

Week of 2018-05-07


New Features

  • Billing centers can now be created in a hierarchical structure, allowing you to break down your costs incrementally into their component pieces. Users can be granted access to billing data at any level of the hierarchy and perform their own analysis of the costs relevant to their area of responsibility. Get started with hierarchical billing centers to create more powerful breakdowns of your multi-cloud costs.

Week of 2018-04-23

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for C5, M5, and R4 instance types in additional AWS Regions


New Features

  • In Tabular view, you can now choose to show percent change for each data cell, giving you a quick way to identify large changes in spend month over month. To show/hide the percentages, use the Show button -- the tooltip explains the logic behind the coloring of the percentages.


Changes in Behavior

  • The Reserved Instance Details page under in Instance Analyzer has been deprecated. The new Reserved Instances top-level page contains a more complete and accurate list of your AWS Reserved Instances

Week of 2018-04-02


New Feature

  • Introducing a new dedicated role (credential_viewer) for view-only permissions on RightScale's Credentials feature. You no longer have to grant admin role to view credentials. The credential_viewer role can be assigned to users at an organization level (all accounts), as well as to individual accounts, like other Governance roles.



Changes in Behavior

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

API 1.5

  • By default, the VolumeAttachments.create call in the API behaves synchronously, blocking until the volume is attached. An api_behavior=async attribute was added to the VolumeAttachments create call, allowing you to make the call and then poll for status.
  • Added skip_deletion='true' to Backups cleanup. The cleanup action will return a list of backups that can be removed without removing them.

Week of 2018-03-19


New Features

  • In Tabular view, the dimensions can now be dragged-and-dropped to rearrange them


Changes in Behavior

  • The Reserved Instance Details page under in Instance Analyzer has been deprecated. The new Reserved Instances top-level page contains a more complete and accurate list of your AWS Reserved Instances

ServiceNow Integration

Release Details

New features

  • Support for Istanbul
  • Support for Jakarta
  • Support for Kingston
  • Re-certify Application in ServiceNow Store

Version: 1.1.13

Week of 2018-03-12

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • A new account preference has been added which, when enabled, uses the user-specified volume name as the name of the volume in Google Cloud Platform. If left disabled, the default, RightScale uses a unique string for the volume name in Google to prevent clashes. This setting can be enabled per-account by any user with the admin role by going to Settings -> Account Settings -> Preferences and enabling the Unique Google Volume Names setting.



New Features

  • Added region as a new dimension available in Tabular view and in the Billing Center Overview page.



New Features

  • New and improved Dashboard page has been released -- new features include the ability to slice by different dimensions, improved performance, support for showing amortized costs, consistency with billing center data, and a spend-by-day line chart. One important change is that permissions to the data shown in Dashboard are now determined by billing center permissions, instead of by access to RightScale accounts. Also, the new Dashboard does not show which accounts are linked to which RightScale accounts, and for each cloud account only the ID is shown, not the cloud account name.


Week of 2018-02-26


New Features

  • Added the ability to export Excel files from tabular view, providing for exports that work in various localized currencies through Excel.


Changes in Behavior

  • For customers that are part of an AWS Enterprise Discount Program, those discounts are now automatically calculated and incorporated into cost reporting in Optima throughout the month. To enable these features tailored to your agreement, please contact RightScale support.

Week of 2018-02-19


New Features

  • Added the year to the tabular view column header to make it easier to tell which month you're seeing when looking at long time periods..


  • The top-level Tabular View is now available to all users (it was previously only available to users with access to all org data). Now users with access to individual billing centers can also use this feature as a rollup of information across all billing centers they have access to.

Changes in Behavior

  • The default cost type is now amortized, unblended for new users to the system.

Week of 2018-02-12

Cloud Management

New Features


New Features

  • Added a new date picker for Tabular view in Billing to provide additional controls over the granularity and timeframe shown in the table.


  • Recommendations in billing centers can now be ignored, helping to reduce the noise by providing a way for non-applicable recommendations to be hidden for users. Users with the billing_center_admin or enterprise_manager roles are able to ignore and restore recommendations.


Changes in Behavior

  • When in a billing center, changing the breakdown dimension dropdown no longer resets the page to the current month -- the currently selected month remains selected.

Week of 2018-02-05


Changes in Behavior

  • Added support for the encrypted field for volume resources in CAT.
  • The cred() function in both CAT and RCL now chooses exact match before failing over to partial match

Week of 2018-01-08

RightLink v10.6.1 Modification

Changes in Behavior

  • Updated backoff retries for network timeouts

Week of 2017-12-11

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for F1 FPGA instance type in AWS

Week of 2017-11-27


New Features

Changes in Behavior

Cloud Management

New Features

Changes in Behavior

Week of 2017-11-20


New Features

Week of 2017-10-30


Changes in Behavior

  • Self-Service is now enabled for all RightScale accounts
  • Improved the account selector to show accounts by Organization

Week of 2017-10-23


Changes in Behavior

  • To increase visibility around billing center level permissions, users with enterprise_manager role can use Governance to see the list of billing centers a user has access to with the ability to easily navigate to them.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for specifying service accounts for instances/servers on Google Compute Engine in the Cloud Management UI, CM API 1.5, and Self-Service CAT files. Use service accounts in GCE to allow your virtual machine to make scoped calls to other services in your project. You can find the new option in the instance and server launch windows and the cloud_specific_attributes hash in CM API 1.5 (and CAT files).
  • Improved security group rule support for Azure Resource Manager allows you to use RightScale to see more information about your security group rules created in Azure.

Week of 2017-10-09

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for image families on Google so that a Multi-Cloud Image can point to the latest of a given image family on GCP instead of a specific version. Use latest images to avoid having the versioned image deprecated out from under your servers.


Week of 2017-09-18

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v3.0 update

  • Rotate wstunnel logs
  • Increase RCA-V appliance memory to 2G.

Version: vscale_3.0_20170814_17, vscale-admin_3.0_20170921_19

Updating the RCA-V appliance

More information about RCA-V 3.0

Week of 2017-09-11

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for Azure Dv3 and Ev3 instance types for launching infrastructure in Cloud Management and Self-Service
  • Support for resizing stopped instances on Azure and Google to match what was already supported in AWS
  • Support for resizing a volume when restoring a snapshot on Google
  • Redesigned account picker that shows accounts sorted by organization, making it easier to locate and organize your accounts in Cloud Management

Week of 2017-08-28

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for deny rules and rule priority for Security Group Rules in Azure Resource Manager, available through the Cloud Management UI, CM API 1.5, and Self-Service CAT files
  • Support for Korea South region in Azure Resource Manager

Changes in Behavior

  • Discovery of the os_platform for custom Windows images on Google Compute Engine

Week of 2017-08-14

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • Added support for showing the attachment between OS disks and Servers in AzureRM clouds -- now associated OS disk volumes can be found in the Volumes tab for a Server.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v3.0 release

  • Support for vSphere 6.5
  • Update appliance to Ubuntu 16.04
  • Support datastores in folders
  • Support host clusters in folders
  • Improve error handling when profile driven storage permissions are not set
  • Sync instance names from RightScale to vSphere
  • Delete userdata ISOs after upload
  • Use whitelisted URLs for admin UI status checks
  • Improve error handling when discovering instance types
  • Backup application config to datastore

Version: vscale_3.0_20170814_17, vscale-admin_3.0_20170829_18

How to upgrade to RCAV 3.0

More information about RCAV 3.0

Week of 2017-07-17

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for Managed Disks in Microsoft Azure, allowing you to create and manage these resources through the Cloud Management UI, API, and CAT files in Self-Service. For more information, read the documentation for Managed Disks.

Week of 2017-05-29

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added support for cs1 and st1 volume types in Amazon.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

New Features

  • Fix update installer, to allow appliance OS (Ubuntu 12.04) to be upgraded with current updates.

Version: vscale_2.0_20170601_10

Week of 2017-05-22


Changes in Behavior

  • Introducing new frictionless way to manage users, groups, and accounts in bulk. Governance users can now switch the view to update multiple users, roles, accounts, and groups seamlessly.

    Users Page

    Groups Page

    Accounts Page

Week of 2017-05-15


New Features

  • Plugin CATs can now be more easily identified in the Designer view with a new column that shows the type of each CAT.


Cloud Management

New Features

  • Simplified invite experience for the Self-Service users by adding the new roles (ss_end_user, ss_designer, and ss_observer) to the current Invite flow.


Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: changed the way Security Group Rules map to Inbound and Outbound security rules in Azure Resource Manager to more closely match the behavior in Azure

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

New Features

  • Fix to allow the discovery of IP Addresses on network interfaces other then the primary interface
  • Enhanced logging around IP Address discovery

Version: vscale_2.0_20170517_10

Week of 2017-05-08


Changes in Behavior

  • Account names in the account picker now have a hover-over effect to show the full name in case the name is truncated in the list


  • Bugfix: fixed bug that prevented downloading CAT source for imported packages

  • Bugfix: fixed bug that prevented canceling or postponing a custom scheduled action


New Features

  • Governance users can now download a detailed user role report (CSV), broken down by accounts, for better visibility as well as auditing.

    Enterprise Manager's View


    Admin's View


Week of 2017-04-17


New Features

  • Self-Service Plugins are now available, allowing you to integrate and manage any service through Self-Service CAT files. Integrate with any service from any cloud or service provider by defining a plugin in your CAT and publishing the application to the Catalog.


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed an intermittent bug causing admins to see lack privileges screen on login or navigating from Cloud Management.

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • When creating a network in Azure Resource Manager, RightScale no longer creates a default subnet. Instead, create subnets as required when creating a new network.
  • Bill data can now only be added to your organization's master account in RightScale.

Week of 2017-04-10

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • CentOS 5 mirrors are now frozen to 4/12/2017 (latest points to this date). Any use of a date farther in the future will cause errors when launching.


Changes in Behavior

  • Reduce confusion for Enterprise Managers by hiding users, with no roles, from the accounts view.
  • Performance improvements by reducing amount of network requests.

Week of 2017-03-27

RightLink v10.6.0 Modification

Changes in Behavior

  • Modified the installation and enablement scripts to make them more resilient in cases where the Linux OS has increased security on /tmp and restrictive umask settings.


New Features

  • Enterprise Managers now have the option to navigate to the Invitations Page directly from the Users page.


Changes in Behavior

  • New UI loading indicator while the page is loading the data.
  • Improved usability around new user invite flow by reducing the number of clicks it takes to get to the Invite page.


New Features

  • An indicator has been added for the deprecation of CAT version 20131202. Anyone impacted has also received an email with additional information
  • After publishing a CAT from Designer, the Launch link in the success growler will now launch the CloudApp from Catalog, instead of from Designer

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google Virtual Machines can now be launched using images from another project if the current project has appropriate read access to those images. In order to take advantage of this, you will need to whitelist the source projects in RightScale.
  • The registration process for Azure Resource Manager has been greatly simplified and no longer requires the user to provide the tenant or subscription ID.
  • Added support for AWS i3 instance types to Cloud Management, Self-Service, and Optima

Week of 2017-03-20


Changes in Behavior

  • To provide more context to the users, who belong to a single organization, Governance will now show the organization name in the UI. Previously, the organization name only appeared for users affiliated with multiple organizations.

Week of 2017-03-13


New Features

  • Any modification to a scheduled action, either postponing it or canceling it, will now be tracked in the Activity Feed view of the CloudApp along with the user that performed the action.



New Features

  • Enterprise Managers can now seamlessly remove a user, including all it's roles, from the organization.


Changes in Behavior

  • Security bug fix to ensure that access token can not be generated by a terminated instance.

Week of 2017-02-27


New Features

  • You can now create user groups with special characters.
  • Usability improvement to reduce number of clicks and time to value by making Roles as the default tab.


Changes in Behavior

  • Bug fix around user roles were not reflecting all inherited roles.
  • Bug fix where incorrect message was displayed if a user only had roles inherited from the organization level.


New Features

  • Support for the Resource Group resource introduced in Cloud Management

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Improved integration with Azure Resource Groups, allowing you to launch resources through RightScale into user-specified new or existing Resource Groups in Azure. Associate any RightScale Deployment with any Azure Resource Group so that resources in the Deployment exist in the associated Resource Group. Read more about this integration in the docs site.

Week of 2017-02-13


New Features

  • A Failed CloudApp can now be forced into either the Running or Stopped states by users that have either designer or admin privileges. This can be leveraged when the logic in the CloudApp or some environmental factors cause errors in a CloudApp operation, but the underlying issues can be resolved manually. This action is available in the CloudApp view in the UI and the Execution resource patch action in the API.

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that caused a session expired growler to show in Self-Service on the CWF Console when another browser window changed accounts in Cloud Management
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug in custom provision functions that required that the function take an actual named resource as its input parameter -- such functions can now accept a generic resource declaration name

Week of 2017-02-06


New Features

  • Introducing support for bulk resources in CAT, allowing CAT designers to easily specify resources with many copies and efficiently launch and manage them
  • Custom provision functions are now available, providing authors with a built-in method for customizing the provisioning of any CAT resource
  • The above and more are available in a new CAT version (20161221)

Changes in Behavior

  • See the new CAT version documentation for changes in the new version - existing versions are unaffected


New Features

Announcing General Availability of the new Governance application, located within the RightScale product dropdown, to provide enhanced identity access management (IAM). With features like User Groups, Role Inheritance, Full Audit entries etc, users with role enterprise_managers and admins will get greater control over the user's permissions.


  • Organizations: Organization is new concept we have introduced to help you manage multiple accounts within your company. For existing customers, we have automatically created an Organization based on your master account.

  • Groups: Organize users into Groups based on your organizational needs or other criteria and assign specific roles to the Groups.

  • Role inheritance: Inheritance is a powerful feature for assigning Roles at the top level, say organization, and then cascading it down to the Group/Account/User level. Roles granted at the organization level will automatically appear at the account level.

  • Audit Entries: Gain visibility into which users are making changes to your cloud resources.

  • New Self-Service User types: New granular roles (ss_end_user, ss_designer, ss_observer) for the Self-Service application designed to give you complete flexibility. Learn more Self-Service User types

Changes in Behavior

  • Cloud Management User tab, for managing permissions, is now moved under the new Governance application to allow you to manage user permissions in one place.

  • API support for provisioning Self-Service users: Self-Service roles (ss_end_user, ss_designer, ss_observer) can now be assigned via the API 1.5. Learn more about Inviting Self-Service users.

  • With the new Self-Service user types, you can now grant Cloud Management and Self-Service roles independently of each other giving you more control over the platform.


Week of 2017-01-16

Cloud Management

New Features

  • New Audit Entries are now being created when a Server Array pricing type or state change is made in either Cloud Management UI or CM API 1.5. You can find these audit entries in the Audit Entries tab of the affected Server Array.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that would, in some cases, cause VmWare volumes to not be able to be re-attached once they were detached

Week of 2017-01-09


Changes in Behavior

  • Notification emails are now sent when a CloudApp fails if the launch process was aborted or canceled

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for new AWS Regions - AWS Canada Central, and AWS UK London are now available in Cloud Management. Follow the AWS registration flow to add these new regions to your account.
  • A custom admin username can now be set for Windows instances on Azure Resource Manager. You can find the new field in the Server launch UI and API.
  • Install-at-boot support for Windows on ARM, GCE, and AWS allows for easier installation of the RightLink10 agent on your servers. Follow the install-at-boot instructions and note that this requires RightLink v10.6.0 or later

Week of 2017-01-02

Cloud Management

New Features

  • New Audit Entries are now being created for various actions in Cloud Management. The following actions are now being audited and can be found in the accounts audit entries under Reports -> Audit Entries:
    • Connecting to a cloud
    • Changes to IP Whitelist settings
    • Creating a new child account
    • Changes to SSO settings

Week of 2016-12-26


New Features

  • Cloud Workflow code debugger is now available under the Designer menu -> CWF Console. This console provides the ability to execute Cloud Workflow code (RCL) directly in order to help debugging your custom code. This feature is available in Labs.

Changes in Behavior

  • The use of sha has been changed to ref

Cloud Management

New Features

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that would cause problems when launching multiple instances concurrently on Azure Resource Manager
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that would revert the spot/On-Demand choice for AWS instances when editing a Server

Week of 2016-12-19

RightLink v10.6.0 Release

New Features

  • Support for Ubuntu 16.04
  • New optional RightScripts for both Windows and Linux to optionally configure NTP if it is not already configured

Changes in Behavior

  • Refresh the managed login policy when reconnecting to RightScale to reflect any missed updates
  • Added -proxy flag for RightLink 10 installation on Windows
  • Boot bundle no longer re-runs if RightLink is manually restarted after a reboot on Windows
  • Change to use built-in monitoring for certain versions of CentOS/RHEL 7 with broken collectd
  • Multiple bug fixes

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-12-12

Cloud Management

New Features

Changes in Behavior

  • You can now specify just a Server href instead of an Instance href when creating IPAddressBindings and VolumeAttachments, simplifying the API call and/or Cloud Workflow code for managing these resources (the server must have a current_instance)
  • The Availability Set is now an optional parameter when creating a server/instance in Azure Resource Manager
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug where not all available volumes were being shown for attachment for vSphere clouds

Week of 2016-12-05

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for AWS R4 and refreshed T2 instance types is now available in RightScale. You can read more about these new instances types on the AWS Blog.

Week of 2016-11-28

Cloud Management

New Features

Changes in Behavior

  • Use of Availability Sets for Instances in Azure Resource Manager is now optional

Week of 2016-11-14

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Increased the amount of SSD disks that can be attached to a new instance in Google Cloud Platform to 8, to match their current capabilities.

Changes in Behavior

  • Updated various parts of the UI to make it clear that SSH Keys are not required for launching instances in AWS
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that prevented prices from showing in Cloud Management for Azure Resource Manager instance types

Week of 2016-11-07

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Improved monitoring graphs have been released as a Beta feature under our Labs banner. The new graphs improve on the user interface by adding drag-to-zoom, interactive highlighting, and more. If you are interested in checking these out and providing feedback, please contact your Account Manager.


Week of 2016-10-31


Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix that was preventing some column preferences from being saved

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for AWS Ohio (us-east-2) region
  • Support for AWS Seoul (ap-northeast-2) region

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix that was preventing more than 400 ELBs from being displayed in the ELB Browser for AWS
  • Bugfix that was preventing more than 100 RDSs from being displayed in the RDS Browser for AWS

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 update

  • Support setting static IPs at boot via userdata on instances using RightLink 10

Version: vscale_2.0_20161028_16

Week of 2016-10-24

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that prevented tags starting with ec2 to be inherited from a MultiCloudImage to a Server launched from that image

Week of 2016-10-10

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for P2 Instance Types when launching servers on AWS. Note that the pricing information has not yet been updated in Optima, so Instance Analyzer might show incorrect costs for these instances.
  • Azure Placement Group Tags now sync between RightScale and Azure Resource Manager. Use the tag predicate azure in RightScale to create a tag that syncs to the cloud. More resource tag sync functionality is coming soon.

Week of 2016-10-03


Changes in Behavior

  • Improved the support drop-downn (when clicking your name in the UI) to include more information and an easier method to create support tickets
  • The Next Action now includes custom scheduled actions, in addition to the lifecycle actions that have always been shown
  • Implemented performance improvements for CloudApp runtime operations, particularly impactful when using call frequently to call other definitions

Week of 2016-09-26

RightLink v10.5.3 Release

New Features

  • Support for RHEL 6 and RHEL 7, including new boot and decommission RightScripts in the RightLink 10 Linux Base ServerTemplate to help with registering and unregistering with RedHat Subscription Management Services.

Changes in Behavior

  • Upgrade version of the RightScale Network Agent for RCA-V Linux instances.

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Stop/Start/Reboot is now supported on Azure Resource Manager, no matter whether the action is initiated from the RightScale UI/API or from Azure itself.

Week of 2016-09-19


Changes in Behavior

  • Changed the from email address on Self-Service automated emails to noreply-selfservice@rightscale.com
  • Updated the CAT parser to throw an error if the rs_ca_ver value is a string (it should be an int)

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Added the ability to use Credentials for proxy username/password tag settings for RightLink 10, offering a secure method for configuring proxy information. Read more about how to use these settings.
  • Add support for fingerprinted images in CM API 1.5, making it easier to create MultiCloud Images (MCIs) in an automated fashion for your private clouds. The new CM API 1.5 MultiCloudImageMatchers resource allows you to manage these MCI configurations.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 update

  • Fix a memory leak in volume snapshot create

Version: vscale_2.0_20160921_23

Week of 2016-09-05


New Features

  • A new function to retrieve Credential values has been added to both Cloud Workflow and CAT. This allows you to more easily leverage sensitive credential values in your CAT/CWF code. Learn how to use the cred() function in both CAT files and in Cloud Workflow code.
  • Added the ability to set schedules and end dates for Test CloudApp launches from Designer to help your CAT authors save costs when they are developing CloudApps.

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that prevented checkboxes from rendering properly in the CloudApp launch dialog

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for the X1 instance type on AWS clouds

RightLink v10.5.2 Release

New Features

  • The RightScale Network Agent set of configuration scripts for RCA-V installation can be disabled by passing the '-n' option to rightlink.install.sh or the -NoNetworkingScripts option to rightlink.install.ps1. These scripts have also been updated to not install for the enablement and install-at-boot use cases where functioning network connectivity is a prerequisite
  • Added support for passing open_stack_v3 as a cloud_type for enablement on Openstack (Liberty)
  • Added reference/example alerts to both the Linux and Windows RightLink 10 ServerTemplates
  • Added a new RightScript for both Linux and Windows that will enumerate the network interfaces from the current server and add/update the alerts to reflect the correct interface naming
  • Add support for a shebang on Windows to specify extra command line flags for PowerShell such as -Version 2.0, the shebang must be the first line of the RightScript, for example #!powershell -Version 2.0

Changes in Behavior

  • Update to no longer mark the state or secret files for deletion on Windows. This was found to interfere with some Microsoft installers (MS SQL 2016). RightLink checks if the state file was created before the system boot time to determine the booting state on Windows
  • Fixed an issue where the Server could fail to post audit entry updates grater than 5 MB in size
  • Fixed a possible race condition where the RightLink state file did not always reflect the current state before a required service restart (Docker monitoring). This could cause the boot scripts to run a second time or for a stranded server to go operational
  • Updated to go 1.7 to resolve an issue with timeouts from the RightLink10 local proxy
  • Update to both Linux and Windows enablement scripts to use UUID to locate servers in Azure Resource Manager
  • Update to enable-managed-login.sh script to suppress benign error output
  • Update to allow a reboot during the boot script execution which will now stop execution of further scripts and not enter a stranded or operational state until the subsequent boot
  • Update to avoid exit code 143 (sigterm) for RightScripts on upstart-based systems by putting them in their own process group

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-08-29

ServiceNow Integration

Release Details

New features

  • Support for Helsinki
  • Support for Geneva
  • Support for Instances as a first class CI record
  • Support for ServerArrays as a first class CI record
  • Ability to change the refresh token for a given account
  • Add the ability to force an update of a given resource type

Changes in Behavior

  • Make it possible to use Always On schedule for Self-Service CloudApps
  • Improved error logging
  • Use encryption for credential storage
  • Updating instances now correctly updates all instances, not just those in deployments
  • Fixed an issue where deleted resources would sometimes not be removed in SN

Version: 1.1.11

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

Week of 2016-08-15


New Features

  • Azure Resource Manager Volumes are now supported in CAT using the volume declaration type

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that prevented sleep_until calls from being canceled if the operation/process was canceled
  • Bugfix: fixed a problem in RCL when following resource links with the view attribute

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Premium Storage Accounts are now supported in RightScale - they can be managed via the Cloud Management UI and API as well as included in CAT files in Self-Service. Read more about using Azure Storage Accounts here.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that cause some support emails sent from the Cloud Management UI to bounce
  • Fixed an issue where starting a stopped server would sometimes cause the server to be stuck in the booting state

Week of 2016-08-08

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Azure private images in premium storage accounts can now be used to launch servers.
  • Expandable Deployment descriptions in Cloud Management allow you to leverage Deployment descriptions more effectively by placing relevant content right where it can be used while ensuring that important Server information isn't below the fold

Week of 2016-07-25


New Features

  • New strftime() function in RCL allows easy translation of datetimes into various string formats for use with other APIs. Learn how to use this function in our docs.

Changes in Behavior

  • The parser will now throw an error on upload if an operation is missing a definition field
  • Redesigned tabs for consistency across fht eplatform
  • Bugfix that was causing buttons to appear/disappear and the page to jump
  • Various other bugfixes and UI improvements

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for new Azure Regions and Azure India - RightScale now supports the additional regions recently added by MS Azure, West US 2 and West Central US as well as Azure India. Re-register your Azure Resource Manager subscriptions to get access to these new regions.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing proxy tags on an MCI from being inherited by Servers

Week of 2016-07-18

RightLink v10.5.1 Release

New Features

  • Support for Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
  • User Data Fetcher for Windows to ignore proxy settings
  • Removing extra 'STDERR' strings in audit entries
  • Updated Linux MCIs to use more proxy friendly rs_agent:mime_shellscript tag

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Initial Support for Azure Resource Manager - Now available in Cloud Management is the next generation Microsoft cloud, Azure Resource Manager. During this initial release, access must be requested through support and there are some important known limitations to be aware of. Read more about our ARM Support here


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug with using retry and skip keywords in error handlers in RCL v2

Week of 2016-07-11


New Features

  • Improved performance on the Manager page when viewing large lists of CloudApps.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug with using import statements in a file with Windows-style line endings
  • Improved error messages for some cases

Week of 2016-07-04


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug in the tag_value function in RCL version 2

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Improved support for install-at-boot for RightLink 10 when an instance is behind a proxy. The rs_agent:mime_shellscript tag can be used to provide a proxy-aware environment to run the install script. Read more on the RightLink 10 Proxying page.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that caused some attributes set by API calls to not show correctly in the UI.

Week of 2016-06-27


New Features

  • CAT Imports is now available, allowing you to create package CATs that can be imported into other CATs, enabling code reuse and best practices implementation. You can read more about how it works on the Packaging CATs docs page. Please note that this requires using a new CAT Version and associated RCL Version that both contain breaking changes. Details on the changes are listed on the CAT Changelog and the RCL Changelog pages.
  • Support for escaped characters and shorthand classes in RCL regex

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Improved Managed Login functionality for RightLink 10.5 and higher. With the new managed login feature, RightLink 10 leverages an open-source NSS plugin to authorize users from RightScale roles (server_login and server_superuser) and authenticate users using their keys stored in RightScale. Every user has a system-provided login name and can create a preferred login name in their User Settings under SSH. Read more on the RightLink 10 Managed SSH Login page.

RightLink v10.5.0 Release

New Features

  • Improved Managed Login functionality for RightLink 10.5 and higher. With the new managed login feature, RightLink 10 leverages an open-source NSS plugin to authorize users from RightScale roles (server_login and server_superuser) and authenticate users using their keys stored in RightScale. Every user has a system-provided login name and can create a preferred login name in their User Settings under SSH. Read more on the RightLink 10 Managed SSH Login page.
  • Added support for $RS_PACKAGES env variable for RightScripts which allows you to efficiently invoke your package manager to install all packages required by your RightScripts. Read more on the RightLink10 Script Execution page.
  • Bug fixes for Docker support, Start event, and Docker Import

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-06-06

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • Tags on an MCI are now inherited by any instance that is launched using that MCI. This allows you to set tags on an MCI and know that all instances created from it will have those tags.

Week of 2016-05-30

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack Liberty Support. OpenStack Liberty is now a supported private cloud in RightScale. All of the major capabilities of OpenStack that are supported by RightScale are available with Liberty. Read more about RightScale's support for OpenStack on our docs site.
  • Added a new field to instances that indicate whether or not they were provisioned by RightScale.

Changes in Behavior

  • Changed the way that the platform gets password data for AWS instances -- if AWS responds with a 403 Permission Denied, the platform now gives up instead of retrying the call.

Week of 2016-05-23

ServiceNow Integration

Release Details

New features

  • Support for Geneva
  • Support for Instances as a first class CI record
  • Support for ServerArrays as a first class CI record
  • Ability to change the refresh token for a given account
  • Add the ability to force an update of a given resource type

Changes in Behavior

  • Make it possible to use Always On schedule for Self-Service CloudApps
  • Improved error logging
  • Use encryption for credential storage
  • Updating instances now correctly updates all instances, not just those in deployments
  • Fixed an issue where deleted resources would sometimes not be removed in SN

Version: 1.1.11

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 update

  • Change error to warning when the instance type cannot be calculated immediately after launching a VM. Some environments are slow to show the required attributes to calculate what instance type is being used.

Version: vscale_2.0_20160523_21

Week of 2016-05-09

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Change to the way instance names are set in GCE and Azure. With this release, the name of the Server/Array in RightScale is used as the instance name in those clouds, after it's been sanitized per cloud limitations. By default, a unique ID is still appended to ensure uniqueness on the cloud, but this can be disabled using an account setting by going to Account -> Preferences.
  • Added support to choose the root volume type for GCE instances. Use any supported volume type via the UI, API, and CAT files.
  • Added support for I2 instance types in AWS-Beijing.

Week of 2016-05-02


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from changing their timezone

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Container Management is now available under Manage. This page shows information about the containers running on your instances, including image and tag information as well as monitoring data. Read the documentation for more information.

    Container Management

  • Added support for the new D15v2 instance type in Azure

RightLink v10.4.0 Release

New Features

  • Integration with Docker on the instance to detect running containers and images and send that information to RightScale in the form of tags on the instance. Read more about the details and how to enable this feature on our documentation page

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix for Enablement scripts (Linux/Windows) to ensure exact IP address matching vs. fuzzy matching
  • Bugfix for Windows enablement/disablement script that was causing long execution times
  • Updated RL10 Linux Setup Hostname script to fix an issue where the configured hostname would not persisting a reboot in some cases
  • Updated RL10 Linux Enable Monitoring script to always use latest release of EPEL repo vs. a hard-coded version

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-04-25


Changes in Behavior

  • CloudApp Description Change: the description of a CloudApp is no longer populated with the short_description from the CAT. Previously, if a user launched a CloudApp and didn't set a description, the system would copy the short_description from the CAT -- this is no longer the case.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented user time zone settings from being saved
  • Fixed a bug related to selecting days when editing an existing Schedule in Designer
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes show an error growler when deleting a CloudApp

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug where the Network rulemap would sometimes show incorrect information for Openstack clouds

CM API 1.5 Change Log

Modified Resources

  • Permissions
    • Permissions IDs have changed from being a unique numeric ID for the resource to containing a combination of user ID and role title (example: user_id-role_title). See API documentation for details

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 update

  • Fix a bug where logging of rbvmomi objects in the launch config was causing large memory spikes

Week of 2016-04-11

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 update

  • Optimize listing of attached ips to only look through configured tenants
  • Generate id and add key 'uuid' to cloud init metadata to fix cloud-init booting issue

Week of 2016-04-04

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 error handling fix

  • Fix error handling when the extraConfig of a VM is not yet available

Week of 2016-03-07

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0 error handling fix

  • fix error handling logging when no SDRS recommendation is returned

RightLink v10.3.1 (GA)

RightLink version 10.3.1 is now Generally Available.

New Features

  • Support for Windows on Google Compute Engine

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-02-29


New Features

  • Self-Service Only Users - Users can now be granted access only to Self-Service, allowing them to launch and manage infrastructure that has been defined and approved by application designers. These Self-Service only users are not able to log in to either Cloud Management or Optima. Read more about how to add these users here: Granting Self-Service only access.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

  • fix a small bug where userdata file was incorrectly named

Week of 2016-02-22

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

RCA-V Adapter v2.0

Note: This is a major version change and requires installation via .ova as well as some potentially breaking changes. See upgrade instructions

  • Make the use of vSphere Resource Pools optional for tenants. Tenants can now forego the use of resource pools entirely and instead the adapter will use folders for organizing VMs. (PM-358) (PM-355)
  • Added official support for vSphere 6.0. (PM-175)

  • Allow mix of DHCP/Static network configuration. See the Documentation for more details. (PM-362)

  • Improved error handling

  • Upgraded version of Ruby

  • Use ConfigDrive instead of AltCloud for userdata

  • Multiple bug fixes

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google Compute Engine - GCE Subnetworks are now discovered and can be used when creating and launching servers, arrays, and instances in GCE. Networks and their subnets are shown in Network Manager, however they can not be managed there today – they must first be created/configured in GCE. Any of those subnets can be used when managing servers, arrays, and instances through the CM Dashboard, CM API 1.5, and Self-Service CAT files.
  • MultiCloud Images - The MCI image selector now allows filtering on image metadata such as ID.

Changes in Behavior

  • AWS API Requests - We have updated the backoff algorithm used when AWS throttles API requests.
  • Deprecation of old Servers tab In 2013, we released a new version of our Servers tab for a deployment, while allowing you the option to switch back to the older version. This release removes the option to use the legacy Server tab for a deployment and all accounts will automatically switch to the new version of the Servers tab. *

Week of 2016-02-08

RightLink v10.3.0 (GA)

RightLink version 10.3.0 is now Generally Available.

New Features

  • Support for Windows Azure cloud (Windows & Linux)
  • Support for CoreOS
  • Support for Windows custom monitoring (RightLink native)
  • Support for Linux custom monitoring (RightLink native, intended for use on CoreOS or when collectd is not in use)
  • Support for Linux base monitoring (RightLink native, intended for use on CoreOS)
  • Updated reference images(GP1) on AWS that support the latest instance types

Bug Fixes

  • Improve userdata fetcher service bundled with Windows to skip scraping userdata if we already have valid credentials
  • Fixed memory leak in which goroutine would be left behind after running an operational script
  • Fixed agent not starting up if localhost is not defined or incorrect
  • Fixed networking scripts for installation on CentOS/vSphere if SELinux is disabled
  • Remember the level of built-in monitoring across RightLink service restarts
  • Add in doppelganger detection for EC2 by killing duplicate launches
  • Only add Byte Order Mark on Powershell scripts that do not have one already
  • Fixed service failing to start when disabling then enabling an instance on CentOS/RHEL 7
  • Fixed final audit entries being cut short for upgrade script on occasion
  • Fixed boot bundle sometimes not running after stop/start on Windows 2008R2

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2016-02-01

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for OpenStack volume types - RightScale now supports volume types for OpenStack volumes. You can create volumes using different volume types and view the type for any existing volume. This can done in Cloud Management as well as automated through the API and Self-Service CAT files.

Week of 2016-01-25

Cloud Management

New Features

  • MCI Creation - Selection of machine images when creating or editing MCIs has been improved with a new filterable selection interface.

Changes in Behavior

  • Server Arrays - Cloning a Server Array will now also clone the recurring volume attachments.

Week of 2016-01-11

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services - Added support for the new t2.nano instance type across all supported AWS regions.

Week of 2015-12-14

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google Compute Engine (GCE) - Network Support - Google Networks are now supported in the Network Manager of RightScale. Use RightScale's UI, API, and CAT files to create, manipulate, and manage any GCE Network object that is part of your application. See Using Network Manager with GCE for additional information.

Week of 2015-12-07


New Features

  • Additional String Functions - Cloud Workflow now supports many more common string functions to make it easier for you to work with different data sources in RCL. For more information, see the pertinent section of the RCL Functions documentation.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • GCE Instance Types - We have added support for GCE instance types that exist only in specific regions (specifically: n1-highcpu-32, n1-highmem-32, n1-standard-32).

Changes in Behavior

  • Changes to security group rules are now audited in more detail, including the exact fields of the rule that was created/removed, the author of the change, and the resulting security group definition.

Week of 2015-11-30


Changes in Behavior

  • to_s Function - Changed the behavior of the to_s function for hashes to return a correct JSON representation of the hash as documented. It was incorrectly returning a string representation (similar to what inspect does).

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack - OpenStack Kilo is now officially supported in RightScale. For more information, see the OpenStack documentation on our docs site.
  • Dashboard Sidebar Redesign - Along with resolving minor bugs in how the sidebar hides/shows on certain views within Cloud Management, the new sidebar design is part of a continued effort to align the look and feel of RightScale's applications for a consistent user experience.
  • Disabling RightScripts - We have added support for disabling RightScripts from the boot sequence when launching a Server/Array through the CM API 1.5, allowing you greater control of the boot behavior of your RightScale servers.
  • EC2 Instance Tenancy Option - In EC2, you can now select the tenancy for a given instance when launching it (instead of relying on the VPC tenancy setting), giving you more flexibility around workload placement in AWS.
  • EC2 g2 Instances - We have added support for g2.8xl instance types in EC2.
  • GCE Preemptible Instances - We have added support for launching instances and configuring servers/arrays to use preemptible instances in GCE. Use of these types of instances in GCE can drastically reduce costs, but come with a variety of limitations -- see GCE documentation for more information. This setting is now available in the Cloud Management Dashboard and available in the API and CAT through the cloud_specific_attributes hash of an instance.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

Bug Fix

Security Fix Fix a bug were some passwords were only being partially filtered out of logs.

  • Login to the RCA-V Admin UI.
  • Click on vCenter in the left column.
  • Find the Cloud Appliance (vscale) card and click on Upgrade button.
  • Look for the package labeled vscale_1.3_20151202_17.
  • Download and Activate that package.
  • Refresh your browser window.

Week of 2015-11-16

RightScale Cloud Management - November 18, 2015

New Features

  • Google GCE - Local SSDs - RightScale now supports local SSDs on GCE instances. When launching a supported instance, simply choose how many SSDs to attach. Each local SSD provides 375GB of storage and is deleted when the instance is terminated. See Create and Launch a New GCE Instance for additional information.

Week of 2015-11-09

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Microsoft Azure - All Azure instance types are now supported, including the newly released Dv2 instance type series.

Changes in Behavior

  • Updated the name sync with CloudStack so that hyphens no longer get stripped from instance names.

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

New Features

wstunnel Update - the RCA-V admin portal has been updated to use the latest version of wstunnel (v1.0.6) for communication with the RightScale platform. We recommend all customers upgrade to this new version using the steps outlined below:

  • Login to the RCA-V Admin UI.
  • Click on RightScale Platform in the left column.
  • Find the Admin Interface card and click on Upgrade button.
  • Look for the package labeled vscale-admin_1.3_20151110_23.
  • Download and Activate that package.
  • Refresh your browser window.

Week of 2015-10-26


New Features

  • Account Selector - We've added an Account Selector control to the header in the Self-Service UI to make it easy to switch to a different Self-Service enabled account in any shard. See Account Selection in the Self-Service User Interface Guide for additional information.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes select other CloudApps in index view after a period of time.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • GCE Instance Tag Support - RightScale now supports GCE instance tags and syncs them with the cloud. Any tags on a RS instance prefixed with gce: will be synced to GCE, and tags from GCE will come in to RS in the same format. Read more about it here.

Changes in Behavior

  • SAML/SSO Improvements - Our SAML/SSO implementation has been enhanced as follows:
    • Invitation emails sent to an SSO-enabled invitee now contain a link that logs the user in through SSO with one click, no additional user action required and no discovery hint needed.
    • SAML login once again redirects to a user's last account instead of to an account selector. (This is default behavior that can be changed by making use of default SAML RelayState; refer to the RightScale SAML RelayStates page on our documentation site for additional information.
    • Password-reset emails have consistent HTML styling.
  • Hard Instance Shutdown - We've added a hard shutdown after an instance has been decommissioning for a specified period. The default time is 50 minutes, but can be extended through the use of an instance tag. Read more about it here.

Week of 2015-10-19


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that prevented using strings as regular expressions in the split() function.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack Bootable Volumes - We now support in the Cloud Management dashboard the ability to launch an OpenStack instance, server, or array and boot from an image to a new volume. You may also specify the size of the new volume and whether to delete or retain the volume when the instance/server terminates. The Instance Provisioner and Add Server Assistant UIs have been enhanced to provide this capability. For additional information, see Create a New Instance using the Instance Provisioner and Add Server Assistant.

Week of 2015-10-12


New Features

  • CloudApp Details - We have revamped the UI when viewing details of a CloudApp based on user feedback and suggestions. The information and styling has been improved for all user types of Self-Service. For additional information, see the Viewing CloudApp Details section of the Self-Service User Interface Guide.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google Compute Engine - Stop/Start - We have added support for Stop/Start for instances on Google Compute Engine. Note that any instance terminated directly in Google Compute Engine will show as stopped in RightScale since they can be restarted.

  • CM API 1.5 - Private IP Address - This new feature adds the ability to specify a private IP address when creating or updating the next instance of a Server resource. While currently available in the Cloud Management user interface, this feature extends the functionality into CM API 1.5.

Week of 2015-09-29

RightLink v10.2.1 (GA)

RightLink version 10.2.1 is now Generally Available.

New Features and Bug Fixes:

  • Support for Windows. Initial clouds supported include EC2, Openstack, vSphere, Softlayer.
  • Support for GCE on Linux
  • A basic monitoring agent is now built-in to RightLink. Currently only the Windows Base ServerTemplate makes use of this agent by default.
  • Bundle RightScale networking scripts with RightLink. Install scripts on vSphere cloud. Scripts configure networking for RightScale Cloud Appliance for vSphere (RCA-V).
  • User homedir created for 'rightlink' user in /home/rightlink
  • Numerous bug fixes.

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2015-09-28


New Features

  • Introducing Test CloudApps - In order to help CAT developers during the design and testing phase of CATs as well as simplify the End User experience, we have introduced the notion of Test CloudApps. Test CloudApps are any CloudApp launched from the Designer UI and they are hidden from End Users. For more details, see Testing CATs on our docs site.

RightScale Cloud Management - September 30, 2015

New Features

  • Pricing Support - Building upon the recent addition of Spot or On-Demand pricing support for ServerArray and Server resources in API 1.5, you can now also specify Spot or On-Demand pricing when launching raw instances via API 1.5.

Week of 2015-09-21

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google Compute Engine - Added support for the GCE option canIpForward for instances. You can find this option in both the Server and Instance Launch flows.


Week of 2015-09-14


Changes in Behavior

  • It is now easier to use HTTP functions in RCL with RightScale APIs. To make any call to any of the RS APIs, just omit the authentication header and Cloud Workflow will use the existing session to make the call. Note that this means the user running the CloudApp must have the requisite permissions (or have had them delegated to the CloudApp).

  • Fixed a bug where terminating Azure instances sometimes failed due to the boot volumes not having been deleted yet.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Network Manager - Outbound security group rules are now supported for Openstack in Network Manager.

  • API 1.5 - Spot Pricing - Allowing the specification of Spot or On-Demand pricing for Server and ServerArray resources via API 1.5 adds further flexibility in selecting the best instance pricing for a given workload. While already available in the Cloud Management user interface, this feature extends this functionality into API 1.5. Read more about it in the API docs here: http://reference.rightscale.com/api1.5/index.html.

  • Customization - Logo Support - Cloud Management now provides a setting for organizations to change the top-left logo in the Cloud Management and Optima interfaces to your own custom logo. Read more about changing the RightScale Logo to your own custom logo here.

Week of 2015-09-07

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack - Bootable Volume Support - We now provide tools that help you leverage OpenStack's ability to boot instances from an existing volume. With RightScale, you can now create volumes from images as well as specify volumes to boot from. See the OpenStack boot volume guide for additional information.

  • CM API 1.5 - Instance MediaType - Two new attributes have been added to API 1.5 Instance MediaType. The attributes are: monitoring_collector_http which specifies the hostname used to GET from or POST to the monitoring system, and monitoring_collector_udp which specifies the hostname used to push the data to the monitoring system using the collectd udp protocol. See http://reference.rightscale.com/api1.5/media_types/MediaTypeInstance.html for additional information.

Week of 2015-09-31

Cloud Management

New Features

  • CM API 1.5 - New Sessions Resource View - We have introduced a new “whoami” view to the API 1.5 Sessions resource that provides a link to the currently logged-in user (or instance) and to the account they are interacting with. This is useful for OAuth clients who may be given a refresh token without knowing to whom it belongs. For more information, see http://reference.rightscale.com/api1.5/resources/ResourceSessions.html#index

Week of 2015-08-24

RightLink v6.3.4

Release Version: RightLink 6.3.4 GA

Release Date: Aug 27, 2015

RightLink v6.3.4 is a point release with the following bug fixes:

  • Updated right-agent gem to 2.6.1 - Robustness improvements. Reconnects quicker if network connectivity is restored after a long down time.
  • Rackconnect fix - No longer stuck in booting if Rackspace account is provisioned for Rack Connect, but the data center is not.

You can view full changes in the GitHub repository located here. Archived Release Notes for older releases are available Here

It is also recommended that you review the RightLink 5 to 6 Breaking Changes document which identifies changes in RightLink 6 which may cause issues with ServerTemplates previously working with RightLink 5.


New Features

  • New Resource Support - The CAT language now supports additional resources, including: Networks, NetworkGateways, PlacementGroups, RouteTables, Routes, Subnets, and more. Leveraging these resources gives you the ability to define entire networks as part of your CloudApp. For more information on the resources supported by the CAT language, see our reference guide..

Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed the denormalization of HTTP headers in http_ function calls in RCL.
  • The Next action for CloudApps is now more accurate, showing only actions that apply given the current state of the CloudApp (i.e., we will hide the start action if the CloudApp is already in the Running state).
  • Improved the handling of regular expressions for parameter input validation. For more details, and for a link to an interactive, online regex testing tool, read our reference guide.
  • The logic used for the delete() function in RCL (used both in custom code and by the auto_terminate built into Self-Service) has been improved to more accurately determine resource dependencies and ensure that resources are deleted in the correct order.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • GCE - Remove Public IP Option - When creating an instance, server, or array on GCE, you now have the option to remove the public IP from the instance, ensuring that it will not have a public IP assigned when it is launched. When using this option, you must ensure that the instance's private network allows routes to the RightScale platform in order for RightLink to connect.

Changes in Behavior

  • RightScale now identifies and correctly handles cases in which instances are stopped/started in the cloud instead of through RightScale. This applies to AWS, Azure, VMware, and SoftLayer.
  • For OpenStack cloud registration, if the protocol returned by the public endpoint is incorrect, we instead use the protocol used in the catalog.

Week of 2015-08-17


Changes in Behavior

  • Improved the error message shown to designers when a server's launch call fails.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack SSH Keypairs - OpenStack ssh keypairs are now supported, allowing you to manage the keypairs with the RightScale UI/API and assign them to servers upon launch.

Week of 2015-08-10

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Account Overview - The Account Overview feature is now enabled for all customer accounts.

  • TSS Monitoring - We have switched all customer accounts to the new monitoring system – TSS. This change will allow you to do a lot more with your monitoring system data in the future.

Note: If you construct your own monitoring URLs you may need to update them. Previously, you could submit data points through collectd by using the hostname sketchyX-Y.rightscale.com (e.g., sketchy1-1.rightscale.com). With TSS, new instances will be assigned to tssX-Y instead of sketchyX-Y. You will now have to submit your data points to tss-collectdX-Y.rightscale.com. This change does not impact those using our RightScript/Recipe without modification, nor does it impact instances that are still assigned to the legacy sketchyX-Y.

Week of 2015-08-03


New Features

Permissions Actions - Added new permissions actions specifically for the sensitive view of Credentials and SSHKeys resources. This means that you no longer need the admin role to publish CATs that contain those resources. The new actions are called index_sensitive and show_sensitive.

Deferred CloudApp Launch - You can now choose to defer launching of a CloudApp if you've selected a schedule that is outside of the current time. Simply choose the Launch CloudApp at next scheduled start option on the Launching CloudApp screen and your CloudApp will be launched at the scheduled start time rather than immediately. For more information, see the Select a Schedule when Launching a CloudApp section in the Self-Service Creating Schedules Guide.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing parameter descriptions from showing on the launch modal.

Week of 2015-07-27

Cloud Appliance for vSphere

New Features

This version of the RightScale Cloud Appliance for vSphere (v1.3) introduces the following new features.

Proxy Support for Private Clouds

Network admins within enterprises almost always require a proxy as a sentinel between the internal network and the open Internet. Typically, private clouds that are behind a corporate firewall are behind a proxy server as well. All traffic from/to these private clouds has to traverse through the proxy server.

We now support traffic proxying for all communication between:

  • RightScale platform and the cloud controller (for OpenStack, CloudStack)
  • RightScale platform and RCA-V (for vSphere environment)
  • RightScale platform and virtual machines within the private cloud. This is RightLink traffic. Both authenticated and non-authenticated proxies are supported.

In order to enable proxy support, please follow the instructions below:

  1. From the RCA-V Admin UI, go to Connectivity > RightScale Platform > Overview card > Edit.
  2. Select the HTTP(s) Proxy Enabled checkmark as shown below and supply the proxy URL. Overview Card
  3. You can specify the authenticated proxy URL using the following format: http://username:password@proxyurl:proxyport
  4. To remove the proxy, uncheck the HTTP(s) Proxy Enabled box.

Support for Volumes on vSphere Storage Clusters

This version of RCA-V adds additional volume management capabilities related to use of storage clusters.

Volume Types can now be associated with Storage Clusters in vSphere instead of individual datastores. Volumes are created based on a volume type, thereby associating the volume to a storage cluster and not to a specific datastore within the storage cluster. Volume creation and attachment should remain at the cluster level, delegating the responsibility of actual datastore selection to the SDRS mechanism.

Snapshots for the volume can be associated with an individual datastore or storage cluster.

This feature is significant for enterprises that rely on the SDRS mechanism to create a balanced workload in their storage clusters, rather than having to pick an individual datastore for a volume that remains tied to that volume through its lifecycle. At present, re-location of volumes using automatic Storage vMotion is not supported.

Download Instructions

The latest version of the RCA-V appliance can be downloaded from the URL in this latest file. The latest appliance encapsulates the latest versions of the vscale and vscale-admin packages.

Upgrade Instructions

You can upgrade the vscale and vscale-admin packages to the latest versions using the RCA-V Admin UI. Please note that the upgrade path requires the RCA-V 1.2 appliance with vscale-admin_1.2_20150305_16, vscale_1.2_20150303_16, or newer.

Upgrading the vscale-admin Package

  • From the RCA-V Admin UI, go to Connectivity > RightScale Platform > Admin Interface > Upgrade.

admin package upgrade 1

Upgrading the vscale Package

  • From the RCA-V Admin UI, go to Connectivity > Center > Cloud Appliance (vscale) > Upgrade.

vscale package upgrade 2

In case you are on an older version of the appliance, it is best to make a copy of the vscale.cfg config file (which can be accessed through the Admin UI > Cloud Configuration > Advanced) and apply it to a new install of the latest version of the appliance.

Bug Fixes

The RCA-V v1.3 release addresses the following bugs/issues.

  1. Implemented consistent name duplication checks across all cards in the Admin UI.
  2. Introduced support for virtual CDROM to enable the following:
    • Added support for cloud-init.
    • Allow userdata to persist through a Stop (PowerOff) and Start (PowerOn) operation using a virtual CDROM drive.
      Note: Virtual CDROM is the default mechanism for placing userdata into the VM. This can be turned off manually by adding cloud_init_support => false to either the tenant defaults or specific tenant config in the Advanced section of RCA-V Admin.
  3. Addressed an issue where dynamic type networks did not work as the default network.
  4. Addressed an issue where VM snapsnots were not getting cleaned up after a failure.
  5. Added ping time in the Connectivity > Center > vCenter Server card to show the network latency between the RCA-V appliance and the vCenter server.

Week of 2015-07-20


Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed the join() function in CAT to take an array as the first argument.

Week of 2015-07-13


New Features

New Resource Types - The CAT language now supports two additional resource types: Credentials and SshKeys can now be incorporated into a CAT file natively, allowing you easily create these secrets on a per CloudApp basis and leverage them within the other servers, arrays, and other assets.

RCL Enhancement - We have added the ability to use variables as actions in Cloud Workflow, making the language even more powerful for interacting with the API. For example, you can now do @cloud.$resource_type.create(...), dynamically calling create based on the value of the variable.

Changes in Behavior

  • We have removed the ability for End Users of Self-Service to Delete CloudApps that are in the Failed state. This should prevent instances of users accidentally leaving resources running in Cloud Management. Designers and Admins can still delete those CloudApps, and should always make sure that the deployment is cleaned up in Cloud Management first.

Week of 2015-07-03

Cloud Management

New Features

  • SoftLayer - Added the ability to Stop and Start virtual servers using the RightScale Cloud Management (CM) Dashboard as well as the RightScale API. Due to the fickle nature of SoftLayer cloud, after issuing the Stop request, please confirm that the operation indeed completed successfully by looking at the audit entries for the virtual server in the CM Dashboard. In the event of failures, a retry of the operation is recommended.

CM API 1.5 Change Log

Modified Resources:

  • VolumeSnapshots
    • create - removed the optional volume_snapshot_copy hash
    • added copy action

Week of 2015-06-29


New Features

Introducing CloudApp Permissions - The permissions required to launch and operate a CloudApp in Self-Service are now captured in the CAT itself and can be delegated to users with lower levels of permission. This allows you to build complex CloudApps that can be launched by anyone on your team without worrying about giving them explicit permissions on all the resources in the CAT. Older CloudApps that use the legacy permissioning model are labeled as such in the Catalog for Designers so that they can be updated. Read more about CloudApp permissions here.

Changes in Behavior

  • Text inputs now support multi-line entry. Just hit enter or paste in text and the text input will grow as needed.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support for New AWS Instance Types - RightScale now supports the new M4 and t2.large instance types. Both instance types support 64-bit HVM AMIs and require to be launched within a VPC. For information on the M4 instance type see the official AWS blog entry - The New M4 Instance Type. For information on the new t2.large instance type see the official AWS blog entry - New T2.Large Instances.

Week of 2015-06-22

Cloud Management

Changes in Behavior

  • Removal of Usage Estimate Report - As part of our continued effort to remove cost information from the Cloud Management Dashboard, we have removed the Usage Estimate Report feature from the dashboard with this release. The Usage Estimate option is no longer accessible from the Reports menu in the dashboard user interface. Customers are encouraged to view costing information for their accounts using RightScale Optima.

Week of 2015-06-15

RightLink v10.1.3 (GA)

RightLink version 10.1.3 is now Generally Available.

New Features

  • RightLink10 decommission scripts can now distinguish between stop and terminate using /rll/proc/shutdown_kind. Base ServerTemplate rll::shutdown-reason.sh now exports DECOM_REASON (service_restart, stop, terminate, or reboot)

Bug Fixes

  • RightLink10 now adds Host header to proxied API requests.
  • Base ServerTemplate rll::setup_hostname.sh now adds hostname to /etc/hosts to avoid sudo warnings.

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.


New Features

User Inteface Enhancment - Introduced a new slideout panel for interactions with large amounts of content (such as launching a CloudApp and viewing a CAT source).

Cloud Workflow Language - The provision() and delete()` functions have been rewritten in Cloud Workflow RCL language. The definitions used for these functions will be publicly documented in the coming weeks and allow you to inspect their behavior or create your own equivalents.

Changes in Behavior

  • Improved the auto_terminate behavior so that any resources that fail to be terminated/deleted are skipped and the user is notified, while any resources that can be terminated/deleted, are.
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that prevented users from Terminating a CloudApp that was in the Stopped state.
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that was calling the on_error handler during a cancel rollback.
  • Added a timeout to the canceling_operations transition. When a CloudApp is terminated and operations are running, we cancel those operations. There is now a 2-hour timeout for those operations to be canceled, else the operations will be aborted.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Instance Provisioner: Availability zones for AWS subnets are now visible in the Subnet Selector within the Instance Provisioner.

Changes in Behavior

  • The Deployment Show Servers (DSS) page (Manage > Deployments > Servers) was displaying selected items incorrectly in the overview. This issue has been resolved.
  • The Servers page had a bug where the SSH icon would not display. This defect has been fixed.
  • There was a bug in the Instance Provisioner which prevented the user from expanding the Hardware -> Advanced section. This problem has been addressed.

Week of 2015-06-08

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Support Added for AWS China Region - RightScale continues to expand its support for newly introduced AWS regions. The latest supported region is AWS China. The China (Beijing) region offers a technology service platform that is similar to other AWS Regions around the world with the same API and protocols that work in other regions. Customers who wish to use AWS resources in China are required to create an AWS (China) Account which includes a set of credentials that are distinct and separate from other global AWS Accounts. Only customers with an AWS (China) Account will be able to use resources operated in the AWS China (Beijing) region. For additional details on the AWS China region, please refer to: https://www.amazonaws.cn/en/about-aws/china/.

Changes in Behavior

  • Login Panel - The new login page will now remember your preferences. If you have closed the marketing panel or selected to log in via SSO etc, these preferences will now be persisted.

  • Multiple Tag Updates - When updating multiple tags at once in the Instances and Servers page, the updated tags would not be copied through properly to AWS. This bug has now been fixed.

  • Miscellaneous - A number of minor defects have been addressed in this release.

Week of 2015-05-25


Changes in Behavior

  • Bugfix: fixed non-working filters in AccountPreference.index call.
  • Bugfix: fixed end-date calendar to not show today if it's already passed.
  • Bugfix: made the system smarter about using an existing session.
  • Bugfix: made the UI remember your column visibility and sorting preferences.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-05-18

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack and SoftLayer Support Added to Instance Provisioner - The Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Cloud Management Dashboard now supports OpenStack and SoftLayer clouds. You can access the Instance Provisioner by navigating to Manage > Instances & Servers > New Instance. For additional information on using the Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Dashboard see New Instance on the RightScale support site.

Changes in Behavior

  • Product Selector Menu - The Product Selector on the RightScale Cloud Management Dashboard has been enhanced to always show all menu options (Optima and Self-Service) regardless of account settings.

  • Account Cost Quotas - As indicated in a previous release note, we are gradually removing cost information from the CM Dashboard. With this release we have removed Account Cost Quotas from the Enterprise Account View on the CM Dashboard.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-05-11

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Login Panel - We now have a new Dashboard Login Panel with cleaner styling for an improved user experience.
  • OpenStack - The web socket tunneling software wstunnel is now supported for OpenStack. The wstunnel server establishes a TCP socket tunnel over a web socket connection.

Changes in Behavior

  • Search Box - The search box in the Dashboard header now has expand/collapse functionality.
  • Account Overview - You can now hide the Getting Started content box on the Account Overview page. Previously, the Getting Started box would always be visible for the first 30 days that a new account was active. Now, clicking the 'close' button on the Getting Started box will dismiss the box.
  • Instance Provisioner - The Placement Group setting in the Instance Provisioner for Azure cloud is now optional.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-05-04

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Stop/Start Functionality on Raw Instances - We now support stopping and starting raw instances on the Instances and Servers view as well as the Manage > Deployments > Servers Show view. For additional information see Instances and Servers

  • SoftLayer - Block device support has been added for the SoftLayer cloud.

Changes in Behavior

  • Cost Information Removed from the Enterprise Account View - As indicated in a previous release note, we are gradually removing cost information from the CM Dashboard. With this release we have removed cost information from the Enterprise Account View.

CM API Change Log

Modified Resources:

  • Volumes
    • update - added allowed_instance_hrefs hash (optional)

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-04-27


New Features

  • Added new run action to ScheduledActions resource in the API so that any custom operation can be scheduled.
  • Improved the login process so that users are redirected to the correct location when they come to Self-Service by way of a link.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug that prevented End Users from modifying a running CloudApp schedule and end date.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing notification emails to be sent for Terminated CloudApps.
  • Added ranges as a first class entity type in RCL, providing an easy method to iterate through numerical or string ranges.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Cloud Management

New Features

  • VMware vSphere and Rackspace Support Added to Instance Provisioner - The Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Dashboard now supports VMware vSphere and Rackspace. You can access the Instance Provisioner by navigating to Manage > Instances & Servers > New Instance. For additional information on using the Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Dashboard see New Instance on the RightScale support site.

  • Style Updates - We're refreshing part of Cloud Management Dashboard and converging on CSS buttons for cross-product design consistency.

  • AuditEase - Audit information is now updated automatically on the Audit Entries tab. You no longer have to refresh the page manually to see the latest audit log records. This feature is now available to all customers.

  • SoftLayer SSH key support - SSH keys created in SoftLayer management console can now be used through RS dashboard and API during server launch. SSH keys can also be imported into SoftLayer, using RS dashboard. Note: At this time, SoftLayer cloud does not allow creation of new SSH keys. New SSH keys have to be created using tools like ssh-keygen and then imported into SoftLayer through RS dashboard or using SoftLayer management console directly.

Changes in Behavior

  • Cost Information in CM is Starting to be Removed - We will be gradually removing cost information from the CM Dashboard, first from the deployment overview widget on the Widgets dashboard, and also on the old Servers view in a deployment.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-04-13

MCIs & RightImages


These release notes document new features, changes, and bug fixes to RightImages.

  • Rightlink version: 6.3.3
  • RightImage version: 14.2.1
  • OS package repository freeze date: 20150317
  • Base Build ID: v14-63d0ddc6




  • CentOS 6.x updated to 6.6
  • CentOS 7.x: Made /var/run a symlink to /run to follow the distro standard. (IV-1043)


  • RHEL 6.x updated to 6.6
  • RHEL 7.x updated to 7.1


  • Grub timeout updated from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. The grub timeout is applied for private clouds only. (IV-1232)


  • Added support for Central US, East US 2, North Central US, South Central US, Japan East, Japan West, Brazil South, Australia East, and Australia Southeast regions.


  • Added support for RHEL 6.6 HVM


  • Reinstall VMware tools when the kernel has been updated. (IV-773)


  • vSphere MCIs have been merged into VMware

Clouds/Images Supported

Cloud Support

  • CentOS 6.6 - Amazon EC2, Google, Azure, CloudStack*, OpenStack**, Rackspace Open Cloud, vSphere
  • CentOS 7.0 - Amazon EC2, Google, Azure, CloudStack*, OpenStack**, Rackspace Open Cloud, vSphere
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 - Amazon EC2, Google, Rackspace Open Cloud
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 - Amazon EC2, Google, Rackspace Open Cloud
  • Ubuntu 12.04 - Amazon EC2, Google, Azure, CloudStack*, OpenStack**, Rackspace Open Cloud, vSphere
  • Ubuntu 14.04 - Amazon EC2, Google, Azure, CloudStack*, OpenStack**, Rackspace Open Cloud, vSphere

-- CloudStack versions supported include 4.x

-- OpenStack versions supported include Juno.

Image Reports

Image reports for supported clouds are available from the image reports S3 bucket:


Known Limitations

CloudStack Xen

  • CentOS 7.0: CloudStack/XenServer 6 does not support CentOS 7 so you will need to set the OS type to Other CentOS (64-bit). Because it is not supported by XenServer, it boots as HVM which will not allow volume support.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here


New Features

  • Removed the ScheduledOperation resource from the API. This will be re-implemented by using ScheduledAction with the action name of run and additional metadata.
  • New publish modal is available that shows a live preview of the card in the Catalog as you're publishing. You can choose whether to use information from the CAT, from an existing published version, or create your own. Markdown tips are also now embedded in the modal.
  • Email notifications from Self-Service are now white labeled using the same settings as the portal. We use the primary background color and the primary logo as a header in your emails.
  • CloudApps in card view now load lazily as you scroll down the page - previous search and filtering works just like before.

Changes in Behavior

  • Fixed a bug where the terminate operation could sometimes go above 100%.
  • Changed the HTTP functions to encode spaces as %20 instead of + so that they will work with AWS services.
  • Fixed a bug where failure messages in the UI would not wrap correctly when using Firefox.
  • Fixed a bug where the sleep() function would not take duration style arguments.
  • Fixed errors in the behavior of the unary - and ! operators.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a CloudApp from the Catalog did not remove it immediately.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Google GCE Support Added to Instance Provisioner - The Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Dashboard now supports Google GCE. You can access the Instance Provisioner by navigating to Clouds > Google > Instances > New or Manage > Instances & Servers > New Instance > Google. For additional information on using the Instance Provisioner in the RightScale Dashboard see New Instance on the RightScale support site.

  • Support Added for New AWS D2 Instance Types - The new Dense Storage instances for EC2 are suitable for situations where large amounts of data storage are needed. See the official [AWS blog on D2 Instance Types[(http://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/next-generation-of-dense-storage-instances-for-ec2/)] for additional information.

  • Cloud Management API v1.6 - Reference documentation is now publicly available for Cloud Management API v1.6. View the new API v1.6 docs here.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-04-06

Cloud Management

CM API Change Log

Modified Resources:

  • Instances
    • create - added api_behavior attribute (optional)
    • index - added sensitive view
    • show - added sensitive view

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

Week of 2015-03-30

RightLink v10.0.3 (stable)

RightLink version 10.0.3 is now Generally Available.

New Features

  • Changed product name to RightLink from RightLinkLite. Service names for upstart, systemd, and sysvinit were changed from rightlinklite to rightlink.
  • Added rightlink.rc-replacement.sh for upgrading for 10.0.rc0, 10.0.rc1, and 10.0.rc2 to 10.0.3. This updates filename paths as mentioned above.
  • /rll/proc added to display process variables, such as the executable path (bin_path) version (version, full_version), uptime, protocol_version
  • Added disable.sh to allow previously enabled instance to be returned to the state they were in before they were enabled.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed array inputs not showing up for Git based RightScripts.
  • Fixed a bug in which rightlink -selfcheck overwrote /var/run/rightlink/secret
  • Updated enable.sh to allow deployment href input. Removed -u (run as current user) option to enable.sh. Numerous bug fixes to enable script.

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2015-03-23

RightLink v10.0.rc4 (release candidate)

NOTE: This is a Release Candidate, the latest GA release is 10.0.3

(This Release Candidate is virtually identical to 10.0.3 except that the ServerTemplate has images for 7 operating systems on 4 clouds making it much easier to try out the install-at-boot use-cases than 10.0.3 and making it easier to refer to a known-to-work image if you're having difficulties.)

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Week of 2015-03-09

RightLink v6.x

View the Release Notes for RightScale RightLink v6.x

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here

RightLink v6.3.3

Release Version: RightLink 6.3.3 GA

Release Date: Mar 12, 2015

You can view full changes in the GitHub repository located here. Archived Release Notes for older releases are available Here

It is also recommended that you review the RightLink 5 to 6 Breaking Changes document which identifies changes in RightLink 6 which may cause issues with ServerTemplates previously working with RightLink 5.

Week of 2015-03-02

Cloud Appliance for vSphere


This version of the appliance addresses three specific issues:

  1. Volume attachments progressively getting slower when the number of volumes in the vSphere environment increases. Due to a locking issue in the VMFS implementation on vSphere, the performance of the volume attach operation through RightScale was impacted when the overall number of volumes managed by RCA-V increased. While RightScale does not have much control over the timing of VMware's release for the VMFS issue, we have worked around the issue by placing each volume created/managed by RightScale under its own sub-folder. This circumvents the locking issue we have encountered on vSphere. This fix requires an upgrade to the vscale_1.2_20150303_16 package. See instructions below.
  2. Boot time performance improvement: Servers launched on vSphere will be polled more aggressively (instead of a 2 minute poll interval) so a powered-on VM gets detected quickly allowing the subsequent booting steps to start quicker than it normally would. This enhancement will result in boot time reduction of up to 90 seconds.
  3. When sharing a VLAN across two datacenters, RCA-V only allowed a network to be configured for one of the datacenters. This issue has been resolved such that the same network that is shared across two datacenters can now be configured under both datacenters using VM Networks->Add Network for each datacenter. In order to take advantage of this fix, you must upgrade to the vscale-admin_1.2_20150305_16 package. Upgrade instructions for the admin package are provided below.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade the vscale-admin package, please follow the steps outlined below:

  • Login to RCA-V Admin UI
  • Click on RightScale Platform in the left column.
  • Find the Admin Interface card and click on Upgrade button.
  • Look for the package labeled vscale-admin_1.2_20150305_16.
  • Download and Activate that package.
  • Refresh your browser window.

To upgrade the vscale package, please follow the steps outlined below:

  • Login to RCA-V Admin UI
  • Click on vCenter in the left column.
  • Find the Cloud Appliance card and click on Upgrade button.
  • Look for the package labeled vscale_1.2_20150303_16.
  • Download and Activate that package.
  • Refresh your browser window.

Note: Archived Release Notes are Available Here