Release Notes
Additions and updates to the RightScale platform. Use the navigation on the left to select the product category.
Latest Weekly Changes
Week of 2021-03-15
Platform Changes
- The FROM email address in the Policy Incident emails changed to from
New Policy Templates
- Azure Hybrid Use Benefit for Linux - The policy identifies all Linux server instances (SLES and RHEL) that are not currently using Azure Hybrid Use Benefit. It raises an incident for all applicable VMs not currently using AHUB, which once approved, will enable AHUB on all identified instances.
- Azure MCA Reserved Instances Recommendations - This new policy provides recommendations for Azure Reservations billed under Azure CSP MCA.
Changes to Existing Policy Templates
- Schedule Reports - Fixed issue with top 10 cost categories when there is no data yet for current month.
- Superseded Instances - Corrected duplicate column name
- AWS Unused Volumes - 1) Fixed issue that may prevent an AWS snapshot to be created before terminating a volume. 2) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 3) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
- AWS Unused IP Addresses - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) corrected the cost for total estimated savings
- AWS Old Snapshots - 1) Improved action error handling and debug logging. 2) Add a parameter to override the Flexera One org ID to use when querying Optima for cases when the project is not in the same org where the AWS bill is registered in Optima
- Budget Alerts by Cloud Account - 1) Fixed AWS account name lookup bug that lead to an error, 2) Refactored Billing Center index call to return Billing Centers the user has access to, 3) Fixed budget column heading
Week of 2020-12-21
New Policy Templates
- Policy Updates Be informed of updated policy templates in the Policy Catalog. This policy template identifies the version of all the policies that are applied in an account and compares them to the version of respective policy template in catalog. It further creates an incident providing details on when the policy was last updated in catalog and the link to README and CHANGELOG files.
Changes to Existing Policy Templates
- Azure Unused IP Addresses - Includes Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Unused RDS Instance - Includes Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Old Snapshots - Changed Deregister Image parameter default to No to prevent accidental deletion of AMI Snapshots.
- AWS Cost Policy Templates - Identity the AWS Account by adding the AWS Account ID to the Policy Incident summary.
- AWS Policy Templates - Update all AWS policy templates to evaluate the allowed regions to support AWS Service Control Policy (SCP).
- AWS Unused IP Address - Remove IP Addresses from the incident report that have an association with an instance.
- Azure Reserved Instances Utilization - Resolve false positive reports for RI Utilization.
- Low Service Usage - Resolve ability to apply the policy template.
- SaaS Manager Policy Templates - Added support for EU Zone instance of the Policy Manager.
- Google Committed Discount - Fixed issue to support multiple zones.
Week of 2020-09-07
Changes to Existing Policies
- AWS Old Snapshots included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Delete Unused Classic Load Balancers included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- Azure Idle Compute Instances included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Unused IP Addresses included Total Estimated Monthly Savings in the policy incident.
- No Recent Snapshots include running and operational states when searching for instances with no recent snapshots
- Billing Center Cost Anomaly fixed empty table cells in incident
- Google Rightsize CloudSQL Instances fix error related to getting CPU metrics
- Azure Hybrid Use Benefit for Windows Server - removed Windows Client/Windows 10 VM's from the incident.
- AWS Inefficient Instance Utilization using CloudWatch - Fix issue with duplicate records displayed in the incident
Week of 2020-08-24
New Policies
- Azure - Schedule Instance allows you to schedule start and stop times for your Azure virtual machine.
- Google - Schedule Instance allows you to schedule start and stop times for your Google instances.
Changes to Existing Policies
- AWS Unused Volumes included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- Azure Unused Volumes included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- Azure Rightsize SQL Databases
- All AWS Policies - fix issue where the policy failed because of AWS Service Control Policy region restrictions.
Week of 2020-08-10
New Features
- The Policy Manager has a new feature to allow users to run actions on selected resources within a Policy Incident. The user also can select an action to run automatically when the incident is created. Read more. Review the Readme file of the policy templates that interest you for additional details as it pertains this new feature.
New Policies
- AWS - Unused IP Addresses identify unused AWS EC2 IP Addresses (EIP) and allows the user to delete the IP address.
- AWS - Untagged Resources identifies AWS resources that do not have a tag and allow the user to create a new tag on the resource
- AWS - Schedule Instance allows the user to stop and start an AWS instance on a schedule.
- Azure - Untagged Resources identifies Azure resources that do not have a tag and allow the user to create a new tag on the resource.
- Azure - Unused IP Addresses identifies unused Azure IP Addresses and allows the user to delete the IP address.
- Google - Unlabeled Resources identifies Google Cloud resources that do not have a label and allow the user to create a new label on the resource.
Week of 2020-06-22
New Policies
- SaaS Manager - SaaS App User Report by Category uses Flexera SaaS Manager to identify users entitled to SaaS apps within a specified department.
- Budget Alerts by Cloud Account uses Optima to determine if a Cloud Account has exceeded its monthly cost budget.
- AWS Service Control Policy Audit audits whether a named policy is applied across all AWS Accounts in the organization
Week of 2020-06-01
New Policies
- Azure Sync Tags with Optima identifies all Azure tag keys that are not being used as custom dimensions in Flexera Optima.
- ServiceNow Inactive Approvers identifies approver users in ServiceNow that have not approved any requests in the past n days.

RightScale Release Schedules
RightScale performs regularly scheduled weekly no-downtime releases of the Cloud Management and Self-Service products every Wednesday afternoon (PDT). Optima no-downtime releases occur every Thursday morning (PDT).
If you have questions regarding the RightScale release schedule, please contact our support team at