RightLink v10.1.3 (GA)

RightLink version 10.1.3 is now Generally Available.

New Features

  • RightLink10 decommission scripts can now distinguish between stop and terminate using /rll/proc/shutdown_kind. Base ServerTemplate rll::shutdown-reason.sh now exports DECOM_REASON (service_restart, stop, terminate, or reboot)

Bug Fixes

  • RightLink10 now adds Host header to proxied API requests.
  • Base ServerTemplate rll::setup_hostname.sh now adds hostname to /etc/hosts to avoid sudo warnings.

For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • Instance Provisioner: Availability zones for AWS subnets are now visible in the Subnet Selector within the Instance Provisioner.

Changes in Behavior

  • The Deployment Show Servers (DSS) page (Manage > Deployments > Servers) was displaying selected items incorrectly in the overview. This issue has been resolved.
  • The Servers page had a bug where the SSH icon would not display. This defect has been fixed.
  • There was a bug in the Instance Provisioner which prevented the user from expanding the Hardware -> Advanced section. This problem has been addressed.


New Features

User Inteface Enhancment - Introduced a new slideout panel for interactions with large amounts of content (such as launching a CloudApp and viewing a CAT source).

Cloud Workflow Language - The provision() and delete()` functions have been rewritten in Cloud Workflow RCL language. The definitions used for these functions will be publicly documented in the coming weeks and allow you to inspect their behavior or create your own equivalents.

Changes in Behavior

  • Improved the auto_terminate behavior so that any resources that fail to be terminated/deleted are skipped and the user is notified, while any resources that can be terminated/deleted, are.
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that prevented users from Terminating a CloudApp that was in the Stopped state.
  • Bugfix: fixed a bug that was calling the on_error handler during a cancel rollback.
  • Added a timeout to the canceling_operations transition. When a CloudApp is terminated and operations are running, we cancel those operations. There is now a 2-hour timeout for those operations to be canceled, else the operations will be aborted.