Cloud Appliance for vSphere

Bug Fix

Security Fix Fix a bug were some passwords were only being partially filtered out of logs.

  • Login to the RCA-V Admin UI.
  • Click on vCenter in the left column.
  • Find the Cloud Appliance (vscale) card and click on Upgrade button.
  • Look for the package labeled vscale_1.3_20151202_17.
  • Download and Activate that package.
  • Refresh your browser window.

Cloud Management

New Features

  • OpenStack - OpenStack Kilo is now officially supported in RightScale. For more information, see the OpenStack documentation on our docs site.
  • Dashboard Sidebar Redesign - Along with resolving minor bugs in how the sidebar hides/shows on certain views within Cloud Management, the new sidebar design is part of a continued effort to align the look and feel of RightScale's applications for a consistent user experience.
  • Disabling RightScripts - We have added support for disabling RightScripts from the boot sequence when launching a Server/Array through the CM API 1.5, allowing you greater control of the boot behavior of your RightScale servers.
  • EC2 Instance Tenancy Option - In EC2, you can now select the tenancy for a given instance when launching it (instead of relying on the VPC tenancy setting), giving you more flexibility around workload placement in AWS.
  • EC2 g2 Instances - We have added support for g2.8xl instance types in EC2.
  • GCE Preemptible Instances - We have added support for launching instances and configuring servers/arrays to use preemptible instances in GCE. Use of these types of instances in GCE can drastically reduce costs, but come with a variety of limitations -- see GCE documentation for more information. This setting is now available in the Cloud Management Dashboard and available in the API and CAT through the cloud_specific_attributes hash of an instance.


Changes in Behavior

  • to_s Function - Changed the behavior of the to_s function for hashes to return a correct JSON representation of the hash as documented. It was incorrectly returning a string representation (similar to what inspect does).