Changes to Existing Policies
- AWS Old Snapshots included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Delete Unused Classic Load Balancers included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- Azure Idle Compute Instances included Estimated Monthly Savings for each resource in the policy incident and Total Estimated Monthly Savings.
- AWS Unused IP Addresses included Total Estimated Monthly Savings in the policy incident.
- No Recent Snapshots include running and operational states when searching for instances with no recent snapshots
- Billing Center Cost Anomaly fixed empty table cells in incident
- Google Rightsize CloudSQL Instances fix error related to getting CPU metrics
- Azure Hybrid Use Benefit for Windows Server - removed Windows Client/Windows 10 VM's from the incident.
- AWS Inefficient Instance Utilization using CloudWatch - Fix issue with duplicate records displayed in the incident