RightLink version 10.0.3 is now Generally Available.
New Features
- Changed product name to RightLink from RightLinkLite. Service names for upstart, systemd, and sysvinit were changed from rightlinklite to rightlink.
- Added rightlink.rc-replacement.sh for upgrading for 10.0.rc0, 10.0.rc1, and 10.0.rc2 to 10.0.3. This updates filename paths as mentioned above.
- /rll/proc added to display process variables, such as the executable path (bin_path) version (version, full_version), uptime, protocol_version
- Added disable.sh to allow previously enabled instance to be returned to the state they were in before they were enabled.
Bug fixes
- Fixed array inputs not showing up for Git based RightScripts.
- Fixed a bug in which
rightlink -selfcheck
overwrote /var/run/rightlink/secret - Updated enable.sh to allow deployment href input. Removed -u (run as current user) option to enable.sh. Numerous bug fixes to enable script.
For additional detail and documentation on this release, please refer to the following release notes.