New Policies
- Running Instance Count Anomaly checks for changes in the count of instances running in a specific account over the prior 30-day period and alerts you if the count has crossed the specified threshold.
- AWS Unencrypted ELB Listeners (CLB) checks for any CLBs that are unencrypted and sends an alert.
- AWS Unencrypted ELB Listeners (ALB/NLB) checks for any ALBs or NLBs that are unencrypted and sends an alert.
- Monthly Actual v. Budgeted Spend Report allows you to specify a budget amount for a given billing center and be altered if the spend crosses that threshold.
- AWS Disallowed Regions reports on any instance usage in regions that you specify as disallowed, allowing for termination of the instances after user approval.
- Azure Unused SQL Databases checks for unused Azure SQL Databases, based on DB connections, and deletes the database after user approval.
- New Service Usage reports on any new service usage in the current month that did not exist in the previous month, based on billing data.
Changes to Existing Features
- Azure Subscription Access was modified to account for more than 100 users and to only gather subscription-level role assignments.