
RightLink 10 is a single statically compiled Go binary. Outside of the executable, there are a couple runtime files and a few support files for managing the service, detailed below.


For Linux, Starting with 10.1.rc0, RightLink runs as the rightlink user under the rightlink service account.

Filepath Format Purpose
/var/lib/rightscale-identity bash-style VAR=value assignments Provide information for RightLink to connect to the RightScale platform. This file is created through cloud-init or the rightlink.enable.sh script with root only permissions.
/var/run/rightlink/secret bash-style VAR=value assignments Provide local/proxy secrets to other scripts/programs running on the instance, such as rsc. This file is created with rightlink only permissions.
/var/run/rightlink/state JSON Stores state information about RightLink.
/var/spool/rightlink directory Directory to store attachments, cookbooks, scripts (code). Created with rightlink only permissions.
/usr/local/bin/rightlink Binary RightLink executable
/usr/local/bin/rsc Binary RightScale API client executable
/var/log/rightlink.log Log file RightLink installation log. Created with root-only permissions.
journalctl -u rightlink
Log file The rightlink process logs to standard output. This log is also duplicated in the Server's audit entries as an entry named named RightLink 10 <version> log pid <process pid>. Each init system captures standard out differently. For Upstart, see /var/log/upstart/rightlink.log. For Systemd, use journalctl -u rightlink.
Service config files Service config files
/etc/cron.d/rightlink-upgrade crontab Created by RL10 Linux Upgrade base ServerTemplate script to periodically upgrade RightLink
/home/rightlink Home directory Default $HOME dir for RightScript executions.
/etc/sudoers.d/90-rightscale Sudo config Sudo configuration for the rightlink (rightlink service) user. Default configuration provides unrestricted sudo permission.

Enabling Managed Login includes other files specific to that feature. View the Managed SSH Login document to see that list.


For Windows, Starting with 10.2.1, user runs under a configurable account which defaults to an Administrative account named RightLink.

Filepath Format Purpose
C:\ProgramData\RightScale\RightLink\rightscale-identity VAR=value assignments Provide information for RightLink to connect to the RightScale platform. This file is created through the Ec2ConfigService or rightlink.enable.ps1 script. The values are fed into the NSSM service.
C:\ProgramData\RightScale\RightLink\secret VAR=value assignments Provide local/proxy secrets to other scripts/programs running on the instance, such as rsc.exe. This file is created with rightlink only permissions.
C:\ProgramData\RightScale\RightLink\state JSON Stores state information about RightLink.
Temp dir for RightLink user directory Directory to store attachments, cookbooks, scripts (code).
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\nssm.exe Binary Non-Sucking Service Manager, used to manage the RightLink service.
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\rightlink.exe Binary RightLink executable
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\rsc.exe Binary RightScale API client executable
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\Logs\install.log Log file RightLink install log.
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\Logs\userdata-fetcher.log Log file Since Windows doesn't come with cloud-init, a userdata fetching script that runs at startup ships with RightLink and logs to here.
C:\Program Files\RightScale\RightLink\Logs\rightlink.log Log file RightLink program log.
Scheduled task Scheduled task Created by RL10 Windows Upgrade base ServerTemplate script to periodically upgrade RightLink
C:\Users\Rightlink Home directory Home dir for the RightLink user, selected or created at installation time