Operating System Use Case AWS Azure[1] AzureRM[6] GCE RCA-V[2] OpenStack SoftLayer
CentOS 7 Enable-running 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4 10.1.4/10.5.2[7] 10.1.4
Install-at-boot 10.1.4 ns 10.5.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Install-on-image 10.1.4 ns 10.5.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
CentOS 6[4] Enable-running 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4 10.1.4/10.5.2[7] 10.1.4
Install-at-boot 10.1.4 ns 10.5.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Install-on-image 10.1.4 ns 10.5.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
CoreOS Enable-running 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.3.0/10.5.2[7] 10.3.0
Install-at-boot 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.0 10.3.0[3][5] 10.3.0[5] ns
Install-on-image 10.3.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.0 10.3.0[3][5] 10.3.0[5] ns
RHEL 7 Enable-running 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3 10.5.3 10.5.3 10.5.3 ns
Install-at-boot 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] ns
Install-on-image 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] ns
RHEL 6[4] Enable-running 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3 10.5.3 10.5.3 10.5.3 ns
Install-at-boot 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] ns
Install-on-image 10.5.3 ns 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] 10.5.3[5] ns
Ubuntu 16.04 Enable-running 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 nt
Install-at-boot 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0[5] 10.6.0[5] nt
Install-on-image 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0 10.6.0[5] 10.6.0[5] nt
Ubuntu 14.04 Enable-running 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4 10.1.4/10.5.2[7] 10.1.4
Install-at-boot 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Install-on-image 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Ubuntu 12.04 Enable-running 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4 10.1.4/10.5.2[7] 10.1.4
Install-at-boot 10.1.0 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Install-on-image 10.1.4 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.2.1 10.2.1[5] 10.1.4[5] 10.1.4
Windows Server 2012R2 Enable-running 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.1[8] 10.2.1 10.2.1/10.5.2[7] 10.2.1
Install-at-boot 10.6.0 ns 10.6.0 10.6.0[8] ns ns ns
Install-on-image 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.1[8] 10.2.1 10.2.1 10.2.1
Windows Server 2012 Enable-running 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 nt 10.2.1 10.2.1/10.5.2[7] 10.2.1
Install-at-boot 10.6.0 ns 10.6.0 10.6.0[8] ns ns ns
Install-on-image 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 nt 10.2.1 10.2.1 10.2.1
Windows Server 2008R2 Enable-running 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.1[8] 10.2.1 10.2.1/10.5.2[7] 10.2.1
Install-at-boot 10.6.0 ns 10.6.0 10.6.0[8] ns ns ns
Install-on-image 10.2.1 10.3.0 10.5.1 10.3.1[8] 10.2.1 10.2.1 10.2.1

green = minimum RightLink 10 version required
ns = not supported
nt = not tested
Known Limitations:
[1] Command line based stop requests will result in an allocated stop in the Windows Azure cloud. This is type of stopped state is not supported by RightScale so the server will stay in the Operational state in RightScale as opposed to transitioning to the stopped state as expected.
[2] Static and Dynamic IP addressing not currently supported with Liquid userdata.
[3] Requires RCA-V version 2.0_20160415_21 or above.
[4] Docker integration not supported due to kernel version not matching minimum requirements.
[5] cloud-init is not installed by default on some Linux distributions. In order to use the install-at-boot or install-on-image use-cases cloud-init must be installed and baked into the image per these instructions: cloud-init Installation.
[6] Please see the list of Known Limitations for the initial release of RightScale support for Azure Resource Manager.
[7] Openstack Liberty requires enablement support for the open_stack_v3 cloud type which was added to the enablement scripts for Linux and Windows in RightLink v10.5.2 and above.
[8] Private Windows images are not supported on Google Cloud Platform