RightScripts used with RightLink 5 and 6 may not work with RightLink 10 due to incompatibilities. Below are common issues and suggested steps to alter your code to work with RightLink 10. The recommended workflow is to develop on a separate copy of your existing RightScripts specifically for RightLink 10. Updating a single set of RightScripts to work in both RightLink 6 and RightLink 10 is not recommended. Lastly, use of the right_st tool is recommended.

RightScripts run as non-root

If a command in your script requires root privileges, you can add sudo to the front of that command. If the whole script requires root privileges, you can alter the hashbang line by adding sudo to it, ie #!/usr/bin/sudo /bin/bash.

'Packages' field does not install packages

The Packages field for RightScripts in the RightScale dashboard is no longer used to install packages. This field is used to set the RS_PACKAGES environment variable with a space-separated list. RightLink 10 does no actions with the RS_PACKAGES environment variable. It is suggested that RightScripts install any required packages, avoiding the use of the Packages field. If use of the Packages field is desired, the RightScale provided example script implements some suggested semantics using RS_PACKAGES to install packages.

Reduced number of predefined environment variables

Pre-defined environment variables have been reduced to RS_ATTACH_DIR, RS_SELF_HREF, and RS_PACKAGES. It is suggested to write idempotent scripts to replace use of RS_REBOOT and using operating system provided resources to replace RS_DISTRO and RS_ARCH such as the /etc/os-release file and uname command.

No frozen software repositories

Use of frozen software repositories are ignored as RightLink 10 does not setup OS mirrors. It is strongly recommended to follow best practices by using the current software repositories provided by the OS, as they are often updated based on security and dependability concerns. If a frozen software repository is required, this must be done in a RightScript. The RightScale provided example script shows how to implement a frozen software repository. Another method would be to attach the specific package file to the RightScript and update the code to install from RS_ATTACH_DIR.

No hiding of credentials in audit entries

STDOUT and STDERR from RightScripts are sent to audit entries and are NOT filtered to hide credentials. It is strongly suggested to review the scripts and verify that credentials are not sent to STDOUT or STDERR.

'rs_*' commands are no longer used

rs_* commands are no longer used. RightLink 10 ships with rsc, a RightScale Client command line tool, and should be used instead to make API calls through local and proxied HTTP requests. Following is an example function to add to your bash scripts to replicate rs_tag:

function rs_tag() {
  case $1 in
    options="--xm .name"
    return 1
  rsc --retry=5 --timeout=60 --rl10 cm15 $action /api/tags/$action \
    resource_hrefs[]=$RS_SELF_HREF \

No Private Sandbox

RightLink 6 used commands and software packages installed in a private sandbox located at /opt/rightscale/sandbox for Linux and %ProgramFiles(x86)%\RightScale\sandbox for Windows. This was the location where Ruby, Rubygems, and rs_* commands were installed to be used by RightScripts. With RightLink 10, the private sandbox does not exist and commands and packages installed on the OS are exclusively used.

Remotely Running RightScripts

As stated earlier, 'rs_*' commands are no longer used, including rs_run_right_script and rs_run_recipe. These commands used with the --recipient_tags option could remotely execute RightScripts on servers in the same deployment. If these commands were used for automation and orchestration, Self-Service is the recommended method to do so with RightLink 10.

Alternatively, rsc can be used to replicate this function, provided an API Refresh Token. Please be careful! This is a user-specific OAuth 2.0 refresh token representing a grant with unrestricted scope. Anyone who possesses it can login to RightScale's API and perform requests on any account with all of your permissions. For more information, including how to enable and obtain the API Refresh Token, consult the OAuth documentation. Following is an example Bash RightScript that uses rsc to remotely run LB_Attach_Application_Server RightScript on all instances in the local deployment with the tag load_balancer:active=true:

#!/bin/bash -e
# ---
# RightScript Name: APP Remote Request LB Attach
# Description: |
#   Remotely runs the RightScript 'LB Attach Application Server' on all servers in the local
#   deployment with the tag 'load_balancer:active=true'
# Inputs:
#     Input Type: single
#     Category: RightScale
#     Description: API Refresh Token
#     Required: true
#     Advanced: false
#     Default: cred:REFRESH_TOKEN
#     Input Type: single
#     Category: RightScale
#     Description: API Token Endpoint
#     Required: true
#     Advanced: false
#     Default: cred:TOKEN_ENDPOINT
# Attachments: []
# ...

rightscript_name="LB Attach Application Server"

retry_args="--retry=5 --timeout=60"

# REFRESH_TOKEN and TOKEN_ENDPOINT should be cred inputs
auth_args="--refreshToken=$REFRESH_TOKEN --host=$TOKEN_ENDPOINT"

# Obtain deployment_href current instances is in
  rsc $retry_args \
  --rl10 cm15 index_instance_session /api/sessions/instance \
  --x1 ':has(.rel:val("deployment")).href'

# Obtain all instance_hrefs from servers in deployment
  rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
  cm15 servers $deployment_href \
  --xm ':has(.rel:val("current_instance")).href'

# Obtain all instance_hrefs from servers with desired tag
  rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
  cm15 by_tag /api/tags/by_tag resource_type=instances "tags[]=$desired_tag" \
  --xm ':has(.rel:val("resource")).href'

# Find union of servers in deployment with desired tag
  printf '%s\n' $deployment_instance_hrefs $tagged_instance_hrefs | sort | uniq -d | tr -d '"'

# Run remote RightScript on discovered servers
for instance_href in $tagged_in_deployment_instance_hrefs; do
  # Obtain resource_uid from instance to be used to specify where to run RightScript
    rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
    cm15 show $instance_href \
    --x1 '.resource_uid' | tr -d '"'
  cloud_attribute=$(echo $instance_href | cut --delimiter='/' --fields=-5)

  # Obtain rightscript_id specific to ST attached to instance
    rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
    cm15 show $instance_href \
    --x1 ':has(.rel:val("server_template")).href'
    rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
    cm15 index $st_href/runnable_bindings \
    --x1 ":has(.sequence:val(\"operational\")):has(.name:val(\"$rightscript_name\")).id"

  # Run remote RightScript
  rsc $retry_args $auth_args \
  cm15 multi_run_executable ${cloud_attribute}/multi_run_executable \
  "right_script_href=/api/right_scripts/$rightscript_id" \