
Since stock/official images are made available by the cloud provider or the OS developer, they can be deregistered and made unavailable at anytime at the discretion of the owner. It is advised that you create your own MultiCloud Image with your own custom image for linux or windows. This ServerTemplate will allow you to build your own images that will not be deregistered.

The Image Bundler For RightLink 10 ServerTemplate contains a set of scripts to make a private image based on public image using Packer. For Windows instances RightLink 10 can be bundled with the image to allow RightLink install and enable during boot. A tutorial on using this ServerTemplate is available.

The following features are supported:

  • Uses RightScripts to automate installing and configuring Packer to build your image
  • Copies public image to your cloud account
  • Supports AWS, Google Compute and Azure Resource Manager
  • Linux and Windows Platforms
  • Can bundle cloud-init and RightLink 10 into image if necessary