Create Repository

Creates a repository in an account.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

The following example creates a repository in your account and fetches the assets from the repository. It takes a couple moments for the repository assets to be fetched. You can perform a Show Repository to view the fetch_status and check if the fetch has successfully completed.

Note :

  • When adding a git repository, you need to need to use the repository[credentials][ssh_key] parameter. This value cannot be left blank. If the git repository is public and does not need an SSH Key, set the value to text:. If it is private, paste in text:. The source_type needs to be set to git. If you are using credentials, use cred:.
  • When adding an svn repository, you need to use the repository[credentials][username] and repository[credentials][password] parameters. If these values are blank, use text:. If it is private, specify text: and text: for the values of the parameters. The source_type needs to be set to svn. You can also use cred: and cred:.
  • When uploading a compressed file, use the same parameters as you would with an svn repository. The source_type needs to be set to download.
    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X POST \
    -d repository[name]=MyGitRepository \
    -d repository[source]= \
    -d repository[source_type]=git \
    -d repository[credentials][ssh_key]=text: \

Sample Output

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Server: nginx/1.0.14
    Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:21:35 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Connection: keep-alive
    Status: 201 Created
    Location: /api/repositories/239933001
    X-Runtime: 371
    X-Request-Uuid: 03c157ff325b4c28bde370f5a46ce79e
    Cache-Control: no-cache

List Repositories

List all repositories of an account.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

The following example will list all repositories added in an account. If you are looking for a specific repository, you can list all the repositories to locate the repository ID and perform a Show Repository.

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X GET

Sample Output

Note : Truncated XML output without headers included (to save space).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <link rel="self" href="/api/repositories/13"/>
        <updated_at>2013/08/29 05:37:44 +0000</updated_at>
        <created_at>2009/09/16 05:28:40 +0000</created_at>
        <description>From JohnDoe - RightScale</description>
        <name>GitHub - rightscale/cookbooks_public</name>
          <succeeded_at>2013/08/29 05:37:44 +0000</succeeded_at>
          <action rel="cookbook_import_preview"/>
          <action rel="cookbook_import"/>
          <action rel="refetch"/>
          <action rel="resolve"/>
          <link rel="self" href="/api/repositories/120"/>
        <updated_at>2013/05/24 03:15:34 +0000</updated_at>
    . . .

Refetch Repository

Scrapes a repository for cookbooks and other RepositoryAssets.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

Refetching performs a scrape to see if any changes have been made to the source repository. This action will pull in assets from a repository added to an account. You can then perform an Import Cookbooks from a Repository to bring cookbooks into your account and attach them when modifying a ServerTemplate. You can perform a Show Repository to view the fetch_status to see if the refetch completed successfully.

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X POST

Sample Output

    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Server: nginx/1.0.15
    Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 20:30:23 GMT
    Connection: keep-alive
    Status: 204 No Content
    X-Runtime: 341
    X-Request-Uuid: 0c3909a2c4ad4c47930d2df4aed2caee
    Cache-Control: no-cache

Show Repository

Shows a single repository that has been added to an account.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

After performing a List Repositories, you can get the repository ID and view the information of an individual repository. This can be beneficial when checking if a fetch has successfully completed after a repository has been created.

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X GET

Sample Output

The output below displays a repository that has not yet performed a fetch after its creation. Note the blank fetch_status.

Note : The XML output does not have headers (to save space).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <link rel="self" href="/api/repositories/239957001"/>
      <updated_at>2013/09/05 21:31:30 +0000</updated_at>
      <created_at>2013/09/05 21:31:30 +0000</created_at>
        <action rel="cookbook_import_preview"/>
        <action rel="cookbook_import"/>
        <action rel="refetch"/>
        <action rel="resolve"/>

The output below displays a repository that has successfully performed a fetch moments after the repository was added. Note the information in fetch_status.

Note : The XML output does not have headers (to save space).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <link rel="self" href="/api/repositories/239957001"/>
      <updated_at>2013/09/05 21:33:07 +0000</updated_at>
      <created_at>2013/09/05 21:31:30 +0000</created_at>
    Cookbooks refresh for GitRepositoryAPIExample completed successfully.

    Saved results
        <succeeded_at>2013/09/05 21:33:07 +0000</succeeded_at>
        <action rel="cookbook_import_preview"/>
        <action rel="cookbook_import"/>
        <action rel="refetch"/>
        <action rel="resolve"/>