
OAuth-compatible authentication and authorization supports a password-less Dashboard user that can log into the API and make authenticated requests. This feature is currently in public beta. Please contact support with any issues.

With OAuth, you can make authenticated API 1.0 and 1.5 requests without needing a password and can be disabled at any time without changing your password.

Obtaining an OAuth Grant

Follow the steps below to enable OAuth:

  1. Make sure you're in the account you want to enable with OAuth.
  2. Go to Settings > Account Settings > API Credentials.
  3. In Status , click enable.
  4. Obtain the API refresh token in order to make API requests without logging in. It's important that this token is protected.
  5. Lastly, take note of the Token Endpoint (API 1.5) value as this is required when making API request.

Note : The hostname of the Token Endpoint (API 1.5) may vary between RightScale accounts depending on the geographical region in which each account is hosted.

Token Endpoint (API 1.5): https://us-3.rightscale.com/api/oauth2

Make sure to use the correct endpoint for your account when making API request, both OAuth and otherwise.


Obtaining an API Access Token

Note : The following examples use API 1.5.

Example Call

    #Obtain these values from the 'Settings > Account > API Credentials' page
    #Example: API_ENDPOINT="us-3"


    curl --include \
      -H "X-API-Version:1.5" \
      --request POST "$my_token_endpoint" \
      -d "grant_type=refresh_token" \
      -d "refresh_token=$my_refresh_token"

Example Response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate
    Pragma: no-cache

  • Make note of the access_token to use when requesting a resource. See below for an example of how this is done.

Making an OAuth-Authorized API Request

Once you obtain your access token, incorporate it into your API requests.

Example Call


    curl --include \
      -H "X-API-Version:1.5" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
      --request GET "https://$API_ENDPOINT.rightscale.com/api/deployments"

Example Response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8



Obtaining an API Access Token

Note : The following examples use API 1.5.

Example Call

Example: API_ENDPOINT="us-3"
    $oauthRefreshToken = "0facab1a657fff56f3214ecf7eeeafbfe6084052"

    $oauthUrl = "https://$API_ENDPOINT.rightscale.com/api/oauth2"
    $postString = "grant_type=refresh_token;refresh_token=$oauthRefreshToken;"
    $postBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($postString)

    $httpRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($oauthUrl)
    $httpRequest.Method = "POST"
    $httpRequest.headers.Add("X_API_VERSION", "1.5")
    $httpRequest.ContentLength = $postbytes.Length
    $requestStream = $httpRequest.GetRequestStream()
    $requestStream.Write($postBytes, 0, $postBytes.length)

    [System.Net.WebResponse] $httpResponse = $httpRequest.GetResponse()
    $responseStream = $httpResponse.GetResponseStream()
    [System.IO.StreamReader] $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.Streamreader -ArgumentList $responseStream
    $httpResult = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
    write-host $httpResult

Example Response

    write-host $httpResult

  • Make note of the access_token to use when requesting a resource. See below for an example of how this is done.

Making an OAuth-Authorized API Request

Once you obtain your access token, incorporate it into your API requests.

Example Call


    $httpRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("https://$API_ENDPOINT.rightscale.com/api/deployments")
    $httpRequest.Method = "GET"
    $httpRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization","Bearer $accessToken")
    [system.Net.WebResponse] $httpResponse = $httpRequest.GetResponse()
    $responseStream = $httpResponse.GetResponseStream()
    [System.IO.StreamReader] $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.Streamreader-ArgumentList $responseStream
    $httpResult = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
    write-host $httpResult

Example Response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


Additional Notes

  • Anyone who possesses a valid token can log into the enabled account via the API and perform API requests on your behalf, with all of your permissions. Please protect this token appropriately.
  • The OAuth API feature allows users with Single Sign-On enabled to access the API without a username/password combination.
  • Enable enables OAuth for your account and generates a valid token. This token does not expire until it is disabled which will make the previous token invalid. The next time it is enabled, a new token will be generated.

See also