This page lists some common error messages that you may experience while uploading or running a CAT, along with common causes and resolutions. If you don't find your error message here, please send us feedback so we can consider adding it.

Error Message Text Common Causes Resolution
Any internal error An issue with the RightScale system Contact support immediately with all pertinent information: account number, CloudApp link, exact error message
activity did not complete Usually indicates an issue with the RightScale system Contact support immediately with all pertinent information: account number, CloudApp link, exact error message
operation [operation name] aborted The RightScale system aborted the operation due to it exceeding internal limits. This can occur if you have a long running operation (many days) that continually makes decisions, such as waiting for a server to be in a certain state Try reducing the number of long-running concurrent tasks in your Cloud Workflow definition. Also, if you are using the sleep function, try increasing the sleep time so that fewer decisions are created
422: ResourceNotFound: Instance not found. There was an error launching the instance in Cloud Management, but the launch() operation actually succeeded so Self-Service is unaware of the underlying error. Navigate to the deployment in CloudManagement and locate the offending resource. Audit entries may contain some details, or attempting to launch the resource should present the error.
Any 422 error Indicates an error from the cloud provider when taking an API action. These messages are usually followed by the error message from the cloud provider (such as availability zone/instance capacity limits, exceeded quotas, etc). Attempt to understand the error returned by the cloud and mitigate it.
instance stranded in booting or Instance in array stranded When attempting to launch the server/array using the provision() operation, the server/array stranded, causing provision to clean up the server/array by terminating it and destroying it, and then raise an error. Navigate to the associated deployment in CM and use the Audit Entries tab to locate the server that stranded and the audit entry that describes the problem.

RightScale support is always available to help understand and debug these issues. If you'd like Support, email with all pertinent information: account number, CloudApp link, exact error message.