Background Information
When you reboot, stop or terminate a Server and it says that the task has been completed, but nothing happens.
If you encounter this behavior, you may try to check the following:
1. Check the health and/or status of the Server in question from your Cloud Provider's Console. Most likely, the Server is in a failed state.
For example, on AWS failed instance will usually report an error similar to the one below:
System reachability check failed at June 7, 2015 at 3:24:00 PM UTC+8 (35 minutes ago)
Instance reachability check failed at June 7, 2015 at 3:24:00 PM UTC+8 (35 minutes ago)
2. After checking the Cloud Provider's Console and if the Server in a failed state, you can attempt to retry the failed action using the Cloud Provider's Console.
3. If the action continues to fail, re-launching the Server will be the easiest way to bring up a replacement of the failed Server. Keep in mind that relaunching a Server from RightScale will terminate the current instance, destroying all resources associated with it, and launch a new instance.