Background Information

If you see a Repo Mirror Error during Server provisioning as below, you may follow the suggested steps in the Answer section.

00:36:43: Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
00:37:06: Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
00:37:06: Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 7 - "Failed to connect to 2a01:c0:2:4:0:acff:fe1e:1e52: Network is unreachable"


  1. The Repo Mirror is unavailable.
    • If this is a public mirror, then the distributor owns the service.
    • If this is RightScale's mirror, then report the error to Support.
  2. The package you are downloading has been removed or not available.
    • If the package is hosted at a public mirror, then the distributor owns the package.
    • If the package is hosted at RightScale's mirror, then report the issue to Support.
  3. There could also be network latency that may cause connection to the mirrors to fail.
    • Check at Cloud Provider's status page of any on-going outage or maintenance.
    • Check with RightScale Support if all is clear from the Cloud Provider's end.