Windows ServerTemplates published by RightScale contain a script (SYS Install RightScale PowerShell library), which runs in the boot sequence and installs RightScale's PowerShell Library onto the Windows server. RightScale's PowerShell Library contains a number of useful PowerShell scripts and functions. Several of the other RightScripts in RightScale's Windows ServerTemplates leverage these functions in their own code, which means there is a dependency on the above script, which is why it's typically the first RightScript executed in the boot sequence.
If you are developing your own Windows ServerTemplates, it's recommended that you add the SYS Install RightScale PowerShell library RightScript to the ServerTemplate's boot sequence so that you can take advantage of RightScale's PowerShell Library in your own scripts.
File ad\AD.ps1
Function CheckAdSiteExist
This function connects to remote domain controller and check if site exists.
CheckAdSiteExist [[-AdminPassword] <String>] [[-AdminAccount] <String>] [[-SiteName] <String>] [[-ServerName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- AdminPassword - Password of user name which has permissions for AD connection. .PARAMETER AdminAccount - Login, like DomainName\LoginName.
- AdminAccount -
- SiteName - Name of AD site. .PARAMETER ServerName - Address of domain controller.
- ServerName -
Return Value
$True or $False
CheckAdSiteExist -AdminAccount "Domain\Administrator" -AdminPassword "PaSSwo@rd" -ServerName "" -SiteName "Default"
Function Transfer_FSMO
This function transfers or seizes FSMO roles in Active directory
Transfer_FSMO [[-Dc_Name] <String>] [[-FsmoRole] <String>] [[-UserLogin] <String>] [[-Userpassword] <String>] [<CommonP arameters>]
- Dc_Name - FQDN name or IP address of the domain controller.
- FsmoRole - Name of FSMO role. Possible values:
,becomeInfrastructur eMaster
. .PARAMETER UserLogin - Active Directory's account login. .PARAMETER UserPassword - Password of AD account. - UserLogin -
- Userpassword -
Transfer_Fsmo -Dc_Name "" -FsmoRole "becomeSchemaMaster" -UserLogin "Administrator" -Userpassword "PasSwo5rd"
File ad\AdBackupPolicy.ps1
Function implementing AD backup retention policy.
Function ADBackupPolicy
This function connects to storage in different clouds and remove old backup.
ADBackupPolicy [[-RemoteStorage] <String>] [[-StorageName] <String>] [[-BackupLineage] <String>] [[-NumberBackupsToKeep] <Int32>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-RackspaceUserName] <String>] [[-RackspaceAuthKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- RemoteStorage - Type of remote storage.
- StorageName - Name of storage conteiner.
- BackupLineage -
- NumberBackupsToKeep - Number of backups to leave.
- accessKeyId -
- secretAccessKey -
- RackspaceUserName -
- RackspaceAuthKey -
ADBackupPolicy -RemoteStorage "$remoteFileStorage" -StorageName "$StoragetName" -BackupLineage "$AD_Backup_Name" -NumberBackupsToKeep $NumberBackupsToKeep
File ad\ADDownloadBackup.ps1
Function GetADBackupFromRemoteStorage
GetADBackupFromRemoteStorage [[-RemoteStorage] <String>] [[-StorageName] <String>] [[-BackupLineage] <String>] [[-timestamp] <String>] [[-DestinationPath] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-RackspaceUserName] <String>] [[-RackspaceAuthKey] <String>]
Function GetADBackupFromRemoteStorage
GetADBackupFromRemoteStorage [[-RemoteStorage] <String>] [[-StorageName] <String>] [[-BackupLineage] <String>] [[-timestamp] <String>] [[-DestinationPath] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-RackspaceUserName] <String>] [[-RackspaceAuthKey] <String>]
File ad\CheckBootMode.ps1
Function CheckBootMode
This function check boot mode of OS.
CheckBootMode [<CommonParameters>]
File aws\Aws.ps1
General AWS functions.
Function InitAwsSdk
Loads AWS SDK into current PowerShell session. SDK should be already installed (e.g. via a RightScript).
InitAwsSdk [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
File aws\EC2.ps1
Functions dealing with AWS EC2.
Function CreateEc2ClientByAz
Creates AmazonEC2Client instance that can be used to perform AWS SDK calls for resources located in some AWS availability zone.
CreateEc2ClientByAz [[-az] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- az - Name of the availability zone. Extracted from env varibale EC2_PLACEMENT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE if not passed.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Instance implementing AmazonEC2 interface (Amazon API Docs).
$ec2 = CreateEc2ClientByAz 'us-east'
Function GetAwsRegionName
Returns display name of AWS region by region id.
GetAwsRegionName [[-regionId] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- regionId - String ID of the AWS region, for example 'us-east-1'
Return Value
Name of the AWS region.
$regionName = GetAwsRegionName 'us-east-1'
Function GetEndpointByAz
Gets domain name or URL of AWS availability zone endpoint.
GetEndpointByAz [[-az] <String>] [[-addHttps] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- az - Name of the availability zone, following AZs are supported: us-east, us-west-2, us-west-1, eu-west, ap-southeast, ap-northeast.
- addHttps - Flag indicating if the domain name should be prefixed by https://. $True is the default value.
Return Value
Domain name of availability zone endpoint prefixed by https:// if specified. Throws exception is region is invalid.
$endpointHttps = GetEndpointByAz 'us-west-2'
Function GetInstanceImageName
Returns name of the image for the instance. With default parameters it returns name of the image for current instance. Uses AWS SDK calls.
GetInstanceImageName [[-instanceId] <String>] [[-az] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- instanceId - AWS instance id. Extracted from env variable EC2_INSTANCE_ID by default.
- az - Name of the availability zone. Extracted from env varibale EC2_PLACEMENT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE by default.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Name of the EC2 image (not MCI).
$imgName = GetInstanceImageName
Function GetInstanceVpcId
Returns VPC id if current instance is deployed in VPC, otherwise returns $Null.
GetInstanceVpcId [[-instanceId] <String>] [[-az] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<Co mmonParameters>]
- instanceId - AWS instance id. Extracted from env variable EC2_INSTANCE_ID by default.
- az - Name of the availability zone. Extracted from env variable EC2_PLACEMENT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE by default.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Name of the EC2 image (not MCI).
$imgName = GetInstanceImageName
Function GetSnapshotInfoById
Get volume snapshot information by snapshot id. Performs DescribeSnapshots AWS API call with passed snapshot id.
GetSnapshotInfoById [[-snapshotId] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters >]
- snapshotId - AWS snapshot id.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Snapshot object or $Null
File aws\S3.ps1
Functions dealing with AWS S3 service.
Function DeleteFromS3
Deletes a file from S3 bucket.
DeleteFromS3 [[-bucket] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonPa rameters>]
- bucket - Name of S3 bucket to delete file from.
- name - Name of the file in S3 bucket.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Nothing (throws exception if delete failed).
Function GetFromS3
Downloads a file from S3 bucket.
GetFromS3 [[-bucket] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-destPath] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- bucket - Name of S3 bucket to download file from.
- name - Name of the file in S3 bucket.
- destPath - Full destination path (dir + file name).
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function GetListFromS3
Gets list of files stored in S3 bucket.
GetListFromS3 [[-bucket] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- bucket - Name of S3 bucket.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Array of file names stored in S3 bucket. Throws exception if failed.
Function GetListFromS3Prefix
Gets list of files stored in S3 bucket which names start with specified prefix.
GetListFromS3Prefix [[-bucket] <String>] [[-prefix] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- bucket - Name of S3 bucket.
- prefix - Prefix to filter file names (string).
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Array of file names. Throws exception if failed.
Function PutToS3
PutToS3 [[-localPath] <String>] [[-bucket] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-blocksize] <Int32>]
File ebs\EbsBackupRestoreVolume.ps1
Function to do EBS snapshot of a volume (used by AD template).
Function EbsBackupExists
Returns $True of at least one backup of given lineage name exists or $False if it doesn't.
EbsBackupExists [[-lineageName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- lineageName - Lineage name.
Function EbsBackupVolume
Simply requests EBS snapshot of a volume and performs cleanup of previous backups.
EbsBackupVolume [[-DriveLetter] <Object>] [[-lineageName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- DriveLetter - Drive letter of a volume to do snapshot (single char).
- lineageName - Name of backup, used as lineage name.
Function EbsClearBackupLineage
Deletes all backups in given backup lineage.
EbsClearBackupLineage [[-lineageName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- lineageName - Lineage name of backups to be cleared.
Function EbsRestoreVolume
Restores single volume from EBS snapshot.
EbsRestoreVolume [[-dbLineageName] <Object>] [[-timestamp] <Object>] [[-iops] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- dbLineageName - Name of the backup lineage to restore from.
- timestamp - Timestamp of the specific backup to restore from (optional). Restores from the most recent backup if omitted.
- iops - The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. IOPS is currently only supported on Amazon EC2. Range is 100 to 1000. Example: 500
File ebs\EbsBackupVolumes.ps1
Functions to do EBS snapshots.
Function CommitSnapshot
Commits snapshot. Adds tag committed=true by invoking update_ebs_snapshot.js API 1.0 call.
CommitSnapshot [[-aws_id]
- aws_id - AWS ID of the snapshot.
Function EbsBackupVolumes
Performs backup by creating EBS snapshots of data and log volumes. Simple and striped volumes are supported. This function creates EBS snapshots of data nd log volumes by invoking create_ebs_backup.js API 1.0 call. Uses VSS to guarantee consistency of files on data volume. Also performs cleanup of lineage backup with parameters passed via env variables (DB_BACKUP_KEEP_LAST, DB_BACKUP_KEEP_DAILY, etc).
EbsBackupVolumes [[-dataVolRoot] <Object>] [[-logsVolRoot] <Object>] [[-dbLineageName] <Object>] [[-dataVolDevices] <Ar ray>] [[-logsVolDevices] <Array>] [<CommonParameters>]
- dataVolRoot - Drive letter of data volume (single char).
- logsVolRoot - Drive letter of logs volume (single char).
- dbLineageName - Backups lineage name.
- dataVolDevices - Array of device names that make up data volume (required for striped volume, could be omitted for simple volume). If omitted the device name is assumed to be xvdX, where X is drive letter (e.g xvdd for D:\, xvde for E:\, etc).
- logsVolDevices - The same as dataVolDevices but for logs volume.
Return Value
$True if successful, throws exception if failed.
File ebs\EbsCreateAttachStripe.ps1
Functions to create and attache striped volumes.
Function EbsCreateAttachStripedVolume
EbsCreateAttachStripedVolume [[-numberStripes] <Int32>] [[-stripeSize] <Int32>] [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-reservedLetters] <Array>] [[-instanceId] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-iops] <String>]
Function EbsGetAttachedDevices
Function to get device names of all volumes attached to the instance.
EbsGetAttachedDevices [[-instanceId] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- instanceId - AWS ID of the instance (optional, env variable EC2_INSTANCE_ID is used by default).
Return Value
Array of device names of attached volumes (array of strings).
File ebs\EbsCreateAttachVolume.ps1
Functions to create and attach simple (not striped) volumes to the instance.
Function EbsAttachVolume
Function to attach existing EBS volume to the instance.
EbsAttachVolume [[-vol_id] <String>] [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-timeout] <Int32>] [[-newVolume] <Boolean>] [[-device] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- vol_id - AWS ID of the volume to attach.
- driveLetter - Drive letter to assign to new volume. Optional, if skipped device parameter should be specified.
- timeout - Timeout in seconds to wait for successful attachment (0 means infinity).
- newVolume - Flag indicating whether to format attached volume.
- device - Device name to attach volume as. If skipped drive letter is used as last letter of device name (i.e. 'e' means xvde, etc).
Function EbsCreateAttachVolume
This function creates a new EBS volume, attaches to current instance, assings drive letter and formats new volume.
EbsCreateAttachVolume [[-driveLetter] <Object>] [[-sizeGb] <Object>] [[-deleteOnTermination] <Object>] [[-iops] <String >] [<CommonParameters>]
- driveLetter - Drive letter to assign to the attached volume (char). Also used as last letter of device name to attach the volume (so 'd' means 'xvdd', 'e' means 'xvde', etc).
- sizeGb - Size of the new volume in GB (positive integer).
- deleteOnTermination - Flag indicating whether to set delete on termination flag for new volume.
- iops - The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. IOPS is currently only supported on Amazon EC2. Range is 100 to 1000. Example: 500
Function EbsCreateVolume
Function to create a new EBS volume and wait until new volume is actually created (i.e. for 'available' status).
EbsCreateVolume [[-sizeGb] <Int32>] [[-name] <String>] [[-iops] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- sizeGb - Size in GB of the new volume (positive integer).
- name - Name of the new volume.\
- iops - The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. IOPS is currently only supported on Amazon EC2. Range is 100 to 1000. Example: 500
Return Value
AWS volume ID of the created volume.
File ebs\EbsDeleteOnTermination.ps1
Function to set delete on termination flag.
Function EbsSetDeleteOnTermination
Sets delete on termination flag for EBS volume. Volume should be already attached to the instance.
EbsSetDeleteOnTermination [-instance_id] <Object> [-volume_id] <Object> [-device_name] <Object> [-flag] <Object> [[-acc essKeyId] <Object>] [[-secretAccessKey] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- instance_id - AWS ID of the instance.
- volume_id - AWS ID of the attached volume.
- device_name - Name of device the volume is attached to the instance as.
- flag - Flag indicating whether to set or clear delete on termination flag.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
File ebs\EbsDeleteVolume.ps1
Functions to detach and delete EBS volumes.
Function EbsDeleteVolume
Function to detach and delete simple EBS volume.
EbsDeleteVolume [[-drive] <Object>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- drive - Drive letter of the volume to detach and delete.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
$True if successful, $False is fails.
Function EbsDetachAllVolumes
Detach all volumes from the instance or set delete on termination flag.
EbsDetachAllVolumes [[-instanceId] <String>] [[-setDeleteOnTermination] <Boolean>] [[-waitForDetachment] <Boolean>] [[- accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- instanceId - AWS ID of the instance (optional, uses value of EC2_INSTANCE_ID env variable by default).
- setDeleteOnTermination - Flag idicating whether to set delete on termination flag instead of actual detachment (was added vecause of AWS detachment issue).
- waitForDetachment - Flag indicating whether to wait for actual detachment of each volume (i.e. for 'available' status of the volume).
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
$True if successful, $False if fails.
Function EbsDetachVolume
Function to detach EBS volume for the instance and wait until it's detached actually.
EbsDetachVolume [[-drive] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- drive - Drive letter of the volume to detach.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
AWS ID of the detached volume or $False if failed.
File ebs\EbsRestoreVolumes.ps1
Function to restore EBS volumes from snapshots.
Function EbsGetLatestLineage
Function to compare 2 backup lineages to determine which one has the most recent backup.
EbsGetLatestLineage [[-lineage1] <Object>] [[-lineage2] <Object>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String >] [<CommonParameters>]
- lineage1 - Name of the first lineage to compare.
- lineage2 - Name of the second lineage to compare.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Name of the lineage which has the most recent backup or empty string if bith lineages are empty.
Function EbsRestoreVolumes
Restores data and log volumes from EBS snapshots. Supports simple and striped volumes.
EbsRestoreVolumes [[-dbLineageName] <Object>] [[-timestamp] <Object>] [[-iops_data] <Object>] [[-iops_logs] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- dbLineageName - Name of the backup lineage to restore from.
- timestamp - Timestamp of the specific backup to restore from (optional). Restores from the most recent backup if omitted.
- iops_data -
- iops_logs -
File ebs\EbsVolumeInfo.ps1
Functions to get EBS volume information using AWS SDK calls.
Function EbsGetVolumeId
Get EBS volume ID by device name.
EbsGetVolumeId [[-device] <String>] [[-instanceId] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [< CommonParameters>]
- device - Device name of attached volume, for example 'xvdd' (string).
- instanceId - AWS ID of the instance, optional (extracted from EC2_INSTANCE_ID env variable if omitted).
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Volume ID if successful, $False if failed.
Function EbsGetVolumeStatus
Function to get status of EBS volume.
EbsGetVolumeStatus [[-volumeId] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- volumeId - AWS ID of the volume.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
Volume status (e.g. 'available', 'in-use', etc) or $False if failed.
Function EbsWaitForVolumeStatus
Function to wait for specific status of a volume with a timeout.
EbsWaitForVolumeStatus [[-volumeId] <String>] [[-status] <String>] [[-timeout] <Int32>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-se cretAccessKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- volumeId - AWS ID of the volume.
- status - Status of the volume to wait for (e.g. 'available', 'in-use').
- timeout - Timeout in seconds (default is 30 minutes).
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
Return Value
$True if volume got specified status, $False if exited by timeout.
File rax\CloudFiles.ps1
Functions dealing with Rackspace CloudFiles service.
Function BackupPolicy
BackupPolicy [[-container] <String>] [[-Lineage] <String>] [[-NumberBackupsToKeep] <Int32>] [[-username] <String>] [[-a uthKey] <String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container.
- Lineage - Array of file names to be uploaded.
- NumberBackupsToKeep - The path for backup's downloads.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function DeleteItemCloudFiles
This function deletes a storage object in a given container.
DeleteItemCloudFiles [[-container] <String>] [[-storageitem] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[- region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container that contains the storage.
- storageitem - The name of the storage object to delete.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function GetBackupFileFromCloudSpace
This function connects to Cloudfiles and lookig for the last backup.
GetBackupFileFromCloudSpace [[-container] <String>] [[-lineagename] <String>] [[-PathDestination] <String>] [[-Timestam p] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container.
- lineagename - Array of file names to be uploaded.
- PathDestination - The path for backup's downloads.
- Timestamp - Timestamp of backup in format
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
GetBackupFileFromCloudSpace "TestContainer" "testik" "c:\backup" "20111024095922"
Function GetFilesListFromCloudFiles
This function retrieves the objects of a container, excluding folders.
GetFilesListFromCloudFiles [[-container] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function GetFromCloudFiles
This function downloads a storage object from Cloud Files.
GetFromCloudFiles [[-container] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-destPath] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container.
- name - The name of the storage object to retrieve.
- destPath - Local path for downloaded item.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function GetListFromCloudFilesPrefix
This function retrieves the objects of a container, excluding folders.
GetListFromCloudFilesPrefix [[-container] <String>] [[-prefix] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - The name of the container.
- prefix -
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function PutListToCloudFiles
This function puts a numeros files to CloudFiles.
PutListToCloudFiles [[-LocalFiles] <Array>] [[-container] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-reg ion] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- LocalFiles - Array of file names to be uploaded.
- container - The name of the container.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
Return Value
Function PutToCloudFiles
This function uploads a storage object to Cloud Files.
PutToCloudFiles [[-localPath] <String>] [[-container] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-username] <String>] [[-authKey] < String>] [[-region] <String>] [[-snet] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- localPath - The complete file path of the storage object to be uploaded.
- container - The name of the container to put the storage object in.
- name - The name of file in container.
- username - Rackspace username
- authKey - Rackspace auth key
- region -
- snet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
File ros\Ros.ps1
Functions to deal with ROS in service-independent manner. S3 and Cloud Files are supported now. These functions provide level of abstraction between remote storage services and multicloud functions or RightScripts. General workflow of using these functions is: 1. Create ROS context which basically contains type of remote storage service, access credentials needed to deal with the service and additional information (for example name of S3 bucket). 2. Execute functions (get, put, delete, list, etc).
Function InitRosContextFromInputs
Function InitRosContextFromInputsApp
Function RosAuthenticateSoftlayer
RosAuthenticateSoftlayer [[-slRegion] <String>] [[-userName] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-useinternalendpoint] <String>]
Function RosDeleteObject
Function to delete a file from remote storage.
RosDeleteObject [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [[-name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - Initialized ROS context.
- name - Name of the file to delete.
Function RosGetList
Function to get a list of files stored in the remote storage.
RosGetList [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - Initialized ROS context.
Return Value
List of file names (array of strings).
Function RosGetListPrefix
Function to get list of files stored in the remote storage with names starting with specified prefix.
RosGetListPrefix [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [[-prefix] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - Initialized ROS context.
- prefix - Prefix to filter file names (string value).
Return Value
List of file names (array of strings).
Function RosGetObject
Function to download a file from remote storage.
RosGetObject [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [[-name] <String>] [[-destPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - Initialized ROS context.
- name - Name of the file to download.
- destPath - Complete local path to store downloaded file to.
Function RosGetType
Extracts ROS type for ROS context.
RosGetType [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - ROS context.
Return Value
ROS type ('s3','cloud_files' or 'Azure_Storage' for now).
Function RosInitAzure_Storage
Function to initialize ROS context for Rackspace Cloud Files.
RosInitAzure_Storage [[-container] <String>] [[-userName] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-parallelThreadCount] <Int3 2>] [[-blockSize] <Int64>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - Name of Cloud Files container.
- userName - The Rackspace user name that's used to authenticate requests to Rackspace services.
- authKey - The Rackspace API key that's used to authenticate requests to Rackspace services. Note that we have to convert block size param from MB to bytes
- parallelThreadCount -
- blockSize -
Return Value
ROS context (hashtable).
Function RosInitCloudFiles
Function to initialize ROS context for Rackspace Cloud Files.
RosInitCloudFiles [[-container] <String>] [[-userName] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[-rax_region] <String>] [[-stor age_servicenet] <String>] [[-is_rax_cloud] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- container - Name of Cloud Files container.
- userName - The Rackspace user name that's used to authenticate requests to Rackspace services.
- authKey - The Rackspace API key that's used to authenticate requests to Rackspace services.
- rax_region -
- storage_servicenet - This parameter indicates if to use RAX service network or not. If this parameter is true and cloud is rackspace - then Service network will be used for data monipulation.
- is_rax_cloud - This parameter indicates if instance is in Rackspace cloud
Return Value
ROS context (hashtable).
Function RosInitS3
Function to initialize ROS context for AWS S3.
RosInitS3 [[-bucket] <String>] [[-accessKeyId] <String>] [[-secretAccessKey] <String>] [[-blockSize] <Object>] [<Common Parameters>]
- bucket - Name of S3 bucket.
- accessKeyId - The Access Key ID used to authenticate requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- secretAccessKey - The Secret Access Key used to authenticate your requests to AWS services. Not required parameter, by default value of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env variable is used.
- blockSize -
Return Value
ROS context (hashtable).
Function RosInitSoftlayerStorage
Function to initialize ROS context for Soflayer Storage.
RosInitSoftlayerStorage [[-slRegion] <String>] [[-container] <String>] [[-userName] <String>] [[-authKey] <String>] [[- useinternalendpoint] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- slRegion - Name of SoftLayer region (currently supported Softlayer_Dallas, Softlayer_Amsterdam and Softlayer_Singapore).
- container - Name of SoftLayer Storage container.
- userName - The SoftLayer user name that's used to authenticate requests to SoftLayer storage.
- authKey - The SoftLayer auth key that's used to authenticate requests to SoftLayer storage.
- useinternalendpoint -
Return Value
ROS context (hashtable).
Function RosInitSwift
Function to initialize ROS context for OpenStack Swift.
RosInitSwift [[-authurl] <String>] [[-userid] <String>] [[-password] <String>] [[-container] <String>] [[-blockSize] <I nt64>] [[-useinternalendpoint] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- authurl - Swift authentication endpoint URL
- userid - User id of account in format tenantID:username
- password - Account password
- container - Container name on storage
- blockSize - Size of file part upload
- useinternalendpoint -
Return Value
ROS context (hashtable).
Function RosIsSupported
Function to determine if ROS service is supported.
RosIsSupported [[-rosType] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosType - Mnemonic name of the ROS service. Currently supported values are 's3' and 'cloud_files'.
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function RosPutObject
Function to upload a file to remote storage.
RosPutObject [[-ctx] <Hashtable>] [[-localPath] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- ctx - Initialized ROS context.
- localPath - Complete local path to the file that should be uploaded.
- name - Name under which the file will be stored on remote storage.
File ros\RosBackups.ps1
This file provides function dealing with SQL Server ROS backups. SQL Server ROS backups are native SQL Server dump files uploaded to remote storage. Currently full, diff and log backups are supported (with full backup containing system databases - master, model, msdb). Restore could be performed from full, full+diff or full+diff+log backups. ROS backups are organized as multiple files named under following naming convention:
Function CheckCanRestoreSysDatabases
Compare SQL Server versions. This function compares SQL Server version used for backup and the version of instance. If versions mismatch throw error with message.
CheckCanRestoreSysDatabases [[-backupVersion] <String>] [[-instanceVersion] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- backupVersion -
- instanceVersion -
Function ExtractExtension
Helper function to extract extension from file name.
ExtractExtension [[-fileName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- fileName - File name to extract extension from.
Return Value
Extracted extension (string).
Function ExtractTimestamp
Helper function to extract timestampt from backup file name.
ExtractTimestamp [[-fileName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- fileName - File name to extract timestamp from. assume that last 14 digits in file name followed by '_' is a timestamp
Return Value
Timestamp as string in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
Function RestartMsSqlServer
Function RosCleanBackups
Helper function to perform cleanup on a list of ini files.
RosCleanBackups [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-iniFiles] <Array>] [[-keepLast] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- iniFiles -
- keepLast - Number of backups to keep (positive integer value). Default value is 60.
Function RosCleanupLineageBackups
Function that performs simple cleanup of backup on the remote storage. This function implements simple retention policy to keep specified number of last backups for given lineage name. Default value is to keep last 60 backups.
RosCleanupLineageBackups [[-rosCtx]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- lineage - Lineage name of backups.
- keepLast - Number of backups to keep (positive integer value). Default value is 60.
Function RosFindBackups
RosFindBackups [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-backupType] <String>] [[-startingFrom] <String>] [[-latestBefore] <String>]
Function RosFindLatestBackup
Function to find latest backup for given lineage (globally or before specified timestamp).
RosFindLatestBackup [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-backupType] <String>] [[-latestBefore] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- lineage - Lineage name of backups.
- backupType - Type of backups to search. Currently supported values: full, diff, log.
- latestBefore - Timestamp to get the latest backup that is created before a certain date.
Return Value
Parsed ini file of the backup found (hashtable). $False if backup was not found.
Function RosFullLineageRestore
Performs restore of latest backups for given lineage.
RosFullLineageRestore [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-backupDir] <String>] [[-noRecovery] <Boolean>] [[-skipRestoreSystemDatabases] <Boolean>] [[-latestBefore] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- lineage - Lineage name of backups.
- backupDir - Full path to store backup files temporarily on downloading and before restoring in SQL Server.
- noRecovery - Flag indicating to restore in NORECOVERY mode (default is $False). Find full backup
- skipRestoreSystemDatabases -
- latestBefore -
Return Value
$False if backup is not found.
Function RosLineageBackup
Function to perform backup of specified type. This function performs full, diff or log backup of each database of local SQL Server instance(including system databases for full backup) and uploads backup files to remote storage. Note, that no archiving is performed so it's recommended to enable SQL Server backup compression (supported from SQL Server 2008R2). WARNING: if $backupType parameter is 'log' and full backup was not taken previously for a database (LastBackupDate property is empty) this function performs full backup to NUL device to enable creating log backup. Missing this full backup is potentially dangerous because it breaks backup/restore chain. So if you need full backup/restore chain you need to make sure you did full backup before invoking this function with $backupType = 'log'. Note: The use case for doing log backup without full one is using Snapshots method for backups (so data and log files are stored inside snapshots provided by the cloud so full backup is not needed). Performing log backups is needed to enable log truncation and prevent infinite growing of log files.
RosLineageBackup [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-backupDir] <String>] [[-backupType] <String>] [[-iniF ileName] <String>] [[-filterDbNames] <Array>] [[-filterInclusive] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- lineage - Lineage name of backups.
- backupDir - Full path to store backup files temporarily before uploading to ROS.
- backupType - Type of backup to perform (string value 'full', 'diff' or 'log'). Full backup is default.
- iniFileName - Name of ini file to create (optional). Naming convention is used if not specified: SQLS_BAK_
.ini. - filterDbNames - Array of database names to backup or omit (depending on value of filterInclusive parameter).
- filterInclusive - Flag indicating whether to backup only databases specified in filterDbNames parameter or skip the mentioned databases. TODO Check params
Function RosLineageRestore
Performs restore from previously taken backup.
RosLineageRestore [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-backupIni] <Hashtable>] [[-backupDir] <String>] [[-noRecovery] <Boolean>] [[-filterDbNames] <Array>] [[-filterInclusive] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- backupIni - Parsed ini file containing information about backup (generally obtained via RosFindLatestBackup function).
- backupDir - Full path to store backup files temporarily on downloading and before restoring in SQL Server.
- noRecovery - Flag indicating to restore in NORECOVERY mode (default is $False).
- filterDbNames - Array of database names to restore or omit (depending on value of filterInclusive parameter).
- filterInclusive - Flag indicating whether to restore only databases specified in filterDbNames parameter or skip the mentioned databases.
Function RosLineageRestoreBackups
Restores list of backups between $firstAfter and $latestBefore timestamps. RosLineageRestore function is used to restore single backup.
RosLineageRestoreBackups [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-backupDir] <String>] [[-backupsList] <Object>] [[-firstAfter] <Stri ng>] [[-latestBefore] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- backupDir - Full path to store backup files temporarily on downloading and before restoring in SQL Server.
- backupsList - List of backups to restore (array of parsed ini files).
- firstAfter - Timestamp to limit backups to be restored after specified in this param.
- latestBefore - Timestamp to limit backups to be restored before specified in this param.
Function RosLineageRestoreSysDatabases
Performs restore of system databases (master, model, msdb) from previously taken backup. It stops SQLSERVERAGENT service, restarts MSSQLSERVER in single user mode, performs a restore, then restarts services in normal mode.
RosLineageRestoreSysDatabases [[-rosCtx] <Hashtable>] [[-backupIni] <Hashtable>] [[-backupDir] <String>] [<CommonParame ters>]
- rosCtx - Initialized ROS context.
- backupIni - Parsed ini file containing information about backup (generally obtained via RosFindLatestBackup function). Should be full type of backup.
- backupDir - Full path to store backup files temporarily on downloading and before restoring in SQL Server.
File rs\RightScripts.ps1
Functions dealing with RightScripts.
Function RsRunRightScriptTmo
Executes RightScript on instances that have specified list of tags set and waits until specified tag changes its value (generally used to track that RightScript completes).
RsRunRightScriptTmo [[-rsName] <Object>] [[-params] <Object>] [[-timeOut] <Object>] [[-tagList] <Object>] [[-returnTag] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- rsName - Name of the RightScript to run.
- params - Params string in format '-p PARAM1=type:VALUE1 -p PARAM2=type:VALUE2 ...' For example: '-p SIZE=text:5 -p AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=cred:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -p AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=cred:AWS_SECRET_ACCES S_KEY'
- timeOut - Timeout in seconds to wait for returnTag.
- tagList - List of tags to identify instance to run RightScript on.
- returnTag - Name of the tag to return its value.
Return Value
Value of returnTag or empty string if exited by timeout.
File rs\RsApi15.ps1
Functions to perform RightScale API 1.5 calls.
Function RsApi15_CallWithRetry
Function to do RightScale API 1.5 call with retry.
RsApi15_CallWithRetry [[-href] <String>] [[-method] <String>] [[-params] <String>] [[-authCookies] <Object>] [[-maxAtte mpts] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- href - Href of the API call to invoke (added to https://my.rightscale.com).
- method - HTTP method of the call, i.e. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', etc (string).
- params - Parameters of the call.
- authCookies - Authentication cookies returned by RsApi15_Login or RsApi15_InstanceLogin functions or $Null ($Null is valid for login calls only). Make full URL adding / if neccessary
- maxAttempts -
Return Value
Response object or $Null if fails.
Function RsApi15_CallWithRetryJson
Calls RsApi15_CallWithRetry and parses returned JSON output.
RsApi15_CallWithRetryJson [[-href] <String>] [[-method] <String>] [[-params] <String>] [[-authCookies] <Object>] [[-max Attempts] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- href - Href of the API call to invoke (added to https://my.rightscale.com).
- method - HTTP method of the call, i.e. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', etc (string).
- params - Parameters of the call.
- authCookies - Authentication cookies returned by RsApi15_Login or RsApi15_InstanceLogin functions or $Null ($Null is valid for login calls only).
- maxAttempts -
Return Value
Hashtable in the following format (-key: value): -HttpStatusCode: HTTP status code returned -HttpLocation: value of the Location header returned -JSON: parsed content of the response object
Function RsApi15_Login
Login to RightScale API 1.5 service via instance token.
RsApi15_Login [[-acctHref] <String>] [[-email] <String>] [[-password] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- acctHref -
- email -
- password -
Return Value
Set of authentication cookies (System.Net.CookieContainer object) if successful or $Null if failed
File rs\RsApi15_Backups.ps1
Backups related functions (API 1.5).
Function RsApi15_BackupSingleVolume
Performs backup by creating snapshot of specified volume.
RsApi15_BackupSingleVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-volLetter] <String>] [[-lineage] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- volLetter - Drive letter the volume (single char).
- lineage - Name of backup lineage (string, extracted from env variable DB_LINEAGE_NAME by default).
Return Value
Hrefs of the created backup, throws exception if failed.
Function RsApi15_BackupVolumes
Performs backup by creating snapshots of data and log volumes. Simple and striped volumes are supported. This function creates snapshots of data nd log volumes by invoking /api/backups API 1.5 call. Uses VSS to guarantee consistency of files on data volume. Also commits the created backup.
RsApi15_BackupVolumes [[-context] <Object>] [[-dataVolLetter] <String>] [[-logsVolLetter] <String>] [[-lineage] <String >] [[-dataVolDevices] <Array>] [[-logsVolDevices] <Array>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- dataVolLetter - Drive letter of data volume (single char). By default is extracted from RS_SQLS_DATA_VOLUME env variable.
- logsVolLetter - Drive letter of logs volume (single char). By default is extracted from RS_SQLS_LOGS_VOLUME env variable.
- lineage - Name of backup lineage (string, extracted from env variable DB_LINEAGE_NAME by default).
- dataVolDevices - Array of device names that make up data volume (required for striped volume, could be omitted for simple volume). If omitted the device name is assumed to be /dev/xvdX, where X is drive letter (e.g /dev/xvde for E:\, etc).
- logsVolDevices - The same as dataVolDevices but for logs volume.
Return Value
Hrefs of the created backup, throws exception if failed.
Function RsApi15_CleanupLineage
Performs cleanup of the backups lineage with specified parameters of retention policy.
RsApi15_CleanupLineage [[-context] <Object>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-keepLast] <Int32>] [[-dailies] <Int32>] [[-weekli es] <Int32>] [[-monthlies] <Int32>] [[-yearlies] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- lineage - Name of backups lineage.
- keepLast - Number of last backups to keep (optional, default is 60).
- dailies - Number of daily backups to keep (optional, default is 14).
- weeklies - Number of weekly backups to keep (optional, default is 6).
- monthlies - Number of montly backups to keep (optional, default is 12).
- yearlies - Number of yearly backups to keep (optional, default is 2).
Function RsApi15_CommitBackup
Performs commit of the specified backup (adds committed=true tag).
RsApi15_CommitBackup [[-context] <Object>] [[-backupHref] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- backupHref - Href of the backup to commit.
Function RsApi15_FindBackup
Find latest backup for given lineage.
RsApi15_FindBackup [[-context] <Object>] [[-lineage] <String>] [[-timestamp] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- lineage - Name of backups lineage to search in.
- timestamp - Timestamp to search for backups latest before that moment of time. Optional.
Return Value
Href of found backup or $False if not found.
Function RsApi15_RestoreSingleVolume
Restores single volume from previously created backup.
RsApi15_RestoreSingleVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-backupHref] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- backupHref - Href of the backup to restore volumes from.
Return Value
Hrefs of the restored volume, throws exception if failed.
Function RsApi15_RestoreVolumes
Restores volumes from previously created backup. Simple and striped volumes are supported.
RsApi15_RestoreVolumes [[-context] <Object>] [[-backupHref] <String>] [[-volumeType1] <String>] [[-volumeType2] <String >] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- backupHref - Href of the backup to restore volumes from.
- volumeType1 - Volume type name for first volume
- volumeType2 - Volume type name for second volume
Function RsApi15_WaitBackupCompleted
Waits until specified backup is completed.
RsApi15_WaitBackupCompleted [[-context] <Object>] [[-backupHref] <String>] [[-timeout] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function.
- backupHref - Href of the backup.
- timeout - Timeout in seconds.
Return Value
$True if successfull, throws exception if failed.
File rs\RsApi15_Volumes.ps1
Volumes related functions (API 1.5).
Function GetVolumeReadyStatus
Function RsApi15_AttachVolume
Attach volume to the instance.
RsApi15_AttachVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-volumeHref] <String>] [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-newVolume] <Boolean>] [[-device] <String>] [[-startDiskpart] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- volumeHref - Href of the volume to attach.
- driveLetter - Drive letter to assign to attached volume.
- newVolume - Flag indicating whether to format the volume after attachment.
- device - Device name to attach to (optional, /dev/xvd{driveLetter} is used by default).
- startDiskpart - Flag indicating whether to start instance of diskpart tool to have stable volume indices.
Return Value
Index of disk in the system (to be used to select disk in diskpart tool).
Function RsApi15_CreateAttachStripedVolume
Creates specified number of volumes, attaches to the current instance, creates striped volume, formats and assigns drive letter for that striped volume.
RsApi15_CreateAttachStripedVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-numberStripes] <Int32>] [[-stripeSize] <String>] [[-driveLet ter] <String>] [[-reservedLetters] <Array>] [[-volumeType] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- numberStripes - Number of stripes that make up striped volume.
- stripeSize - Size of each stripe in GB (positive integer) or name of the volume type.
- driveLetter - Drive letter to assign to new striped volume.
- reservedLetters - Array of last letters of device names that should not be used when attaching stripes (e.g. @('e') means not to use 'xvde' so xvde device will be available to attach another volume after this function completes).
- volumeType -
Function RsApi15_CreateAttachVolume
Create and attach volume.
RsApi15_CreateAttachVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-size] <String>] [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-volumeType] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- size - Size of the volume to be created. This could be integer value specifying size in GB or name of the volume type that exist in the cloud.
- driveLetter - Drive letter to assign to the new volume.
- volumeType - Name of the volume type
Return Value
Href of the created volume attachment.
Function RsApi15_CreateVolume
Creates new volume from scratch or restores from snapshot.\
RsApi15_CreateVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-size] <String>] [[-snapshotHref] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-volumeTy pe] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- size - Size of the volume to be created. This could be integer value specifying size in GB or name of the volume type that exist in the cloud.
- snapshotHref - Href of the snapshot to restore volume from.
- name - Name of the new volume.
- volumeType - Name of the volume type
Return Value
Href of the created volume, throws eexception if failed.
Function RsApi15_DeleteVolume
Deletes the volume.
RsApi15_DeleteVolume [[-context]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- volHref - Href of the volume to delete. Single attempt to delete volume on rackspace-ng because volumes with existing snapshot cannot be deleted
Return Value
$True if successful, throws exception if failed.
Function RsApi15_DetachVolume
Detach volume from the instance.
RsApi15_DetachVolume [[-context] <Object>] [[-volHref] <String>] [[-driveLettersSync] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- volHref - Href of the volume to detach.
- driveLettersSync - Comma separated list of drive letters to flush disk cache. Flushing is performed using sync utility (should be installed already).
Return Value
$True if successful, throws exception if failed.
Function RsApi15_DeviceIdToDriveLetter
RsApi15_DeviceIdToDriveLetter [[-deviceId] <String>] [[-cloudProvider] <String>]
Function RsApi15_DeviceIdToSuffix
RsApi15_DeviceIdToSuffix [[-deviceId] <String>]
Function RsApi15_DriveLetterToDeviceId
RsApi15_DriveLetterToDeviceId [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-cloudProvider] <String>]
Function RsApi15_GetAttachedVolumes
Get list of all volumes attched to the instance.
RsApi15_GetAttachedVolumes [[-context] <Object>] [[-deviceStartsWith] <String>] [[-skipDevice] <String>] [<CommonParame ters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- deviceStartsWith - Use this param to return only volumes which attachment device name starts with specified string.
- skipDevice -
Return Value
Array of hrefs of volumes attached to the current instance (array of strings).
Function RsApi15_WaitVolumeStatus
Function to wait for specific status of a volume with a timeout.
RsApi15_WaitVolumeStatus [[-context] <Object>] [[-volHref] <String>] [[-status] <String>] [[-timeout] <Int32>] [<Common Parameters>]
- context - Instance context returned by RsApi15_GetInstanceContext function
- volHref - Href of the volume to check status.
- status - Status of the volume to wait for (e.g. 'available', 'in-use').
- timeout - Timeout in seconds (default is 30 minutes).
Return Value
$True if volume got specified status, throws an exception if exited by timeout.
Function RsCreateVolumeName
RsCreateVolumeName [[-serverName] <String>] [[-driveLetter] <String>] [[-stripeNumber] <Int32>]
File rs\RsApiCallWithRetry.ps1
Functions to perform RightScale API 1.0 calls.
Function RsApiCallWithRetry
Function to do RightScale API 1.0 call with retry.
RsApiCallWithRetry [[-subPath] <Object>] [[-method] <Object>] [[-params] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- subPath - Subpath of the API URL to call (string). Base path is extracted from RS_API_URL env variable.
- method - HTTP method of the call, i.e. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', etc (string).
- params - Parameters of the call (string).
Return Value
Response object if successful, $False if failed.
Function RsApiCallWithRetryJson
Function that call RsApiCallWithRetry and parses JSON output into PowerShell objects (strings, arrays, hashtables, etc).
RsApiCallWithRetryJson [[-subPath] <Object>] [[-method] <Object>] [[-params] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- subPath - Subpath of the API URL to call (string). Base path is extracted from RS_API_URL env variable.
- method - HTTP method of the call, i.e. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', etc (string).
- params - Parameters of the call (string).
Return Value
Parsed object (System.Collections.IDictionary) if successfull, $False if failed.
File rs\RsInstanceApi15.ps1
Helper functions for instance-facing login.
Function RsApi15_GetInstanceContext
Function to get instance information to be used for next API calls.
RsApi15_GetInstanceContext [[-authCookies] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
- authCookies - Authentication cookies returned by RsApi15_InstanceLogin function.
Return Value
Hashtable containing following elements (-key: value): -name: name of the instance, -auth: authentication cookies (copy of input parameter) -cloud_href: href of the cloud, -datacenter_href: href of the datacenter, -instance_href: href of the instance itself.
Function RsApi15_InstanceLogin
Login to RightScale API 1.5 service via instance token.
RsApi15_InstanceLogin [[-apiToken] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- apiToken - API token to be used for login. Defaults to RS_API_TOKEN env variable.
Return Value
Set of authentication cookies (System.Net.CookieContainer object) if successful or $Null if failed
File rs\RsTag.ps1
Functions dealing with tags (using rs_tag utility).
Function RsTag_GetCountAll
RsTag_GetCountAll [[-tagList] <Object>]
Function RsTag_GetValue
RsTag_GetValue [[-tagList] <Object>] [[-returnTag] <Object>]
Function RsTag_GetValues
Returns array of values of the specified tag on instaces having all tags from the specified list.
RsTag_GetValues [[-tagList] <Object>] [[-returnTag] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- tagList - List of tags to look for (array of strings or space-separated string).
- returnTag - Name of the tag to return value.
Return Value
Array of values of the returnTag tag on discovered instance, empty array if not found.
File sqls\Certificate.ps1
Certificate functions.
Function CreateCertFromString
Restore certificate and private key (protected by password) from base64 encoded string (input - credential) and save its to local path.
CreateCertFromString [[-Ip] <String>] [[-server] <Server>] [[-cert] <String>] [[-KeyPassword] <String>] [<CommonParamet ers>]
- Ip - Ip addres of partner. Used to create cert names/filenames
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- cert - Base64 encoded value. Contains certificate and private key.
- KeyPassword - Password to decript private key
Function DisplayCertAsString
Displays certificate and private key as base64 encoded strings
DisplayCertAsString [[-certPath] <String>] [[-pkPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- certPath - Path to certificate file
- pkPath - Path to private key file
Function SqlsCreateAndSaveCert
Creates certificate with specified name and saves it to local file. Drops one with the same name if exists.
SqlsCreateAndSaveCert [[-server] <Server>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-localCertPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- certName - Name of the certificate to be created.
- localCertPath - Complete path to file to save certificate as.
Function SqlsCreateCertificate
Creates SQL Server certificate for given database.
SqlsCreateCertificate [[-server] <Server>] [[-dbName] <String>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-subject] <String>] [[-passwor d] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- dbName - Database name.
- certName - Certificate name.
- subject - Certificate subject.
- password - Certificate password.
Function SqlsCreateCertificateMaster
Creates SQL Server certificate for master database.
SqlsCreateCertificateMaster [[-server] <Server>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-subject] <String>] [[-password] <String>] [< CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- certName - Certificate name.
- subject - Certificate subject.
- password - Certificate password.
Function SqlsDisplayCert
Creates certificate with specified name, encode it using base64 algorithm and saves it to local file. Drops one with the same name if exists.
SqlsDisplayCert [[-server] <Server>] [[-privateKeyPassword] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- privateKeyPassword - Password which will be used to encrypt private key.
Function SqlsDropAllCertMasterPrefix
Erases all certificates with preffix SQLS_CERT
SqlsDropAllCertMasterPrefix [[-server] <Server>] [[-preffix] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- preffix -
Function SqlsSaveCert
Saves certificate with specified name to local file.
SqlsSaveCert [[-server] <Server>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-localCertPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- certName - Name of the certificate to be saved.
- localCertPath - Complete path to file to save certificate as.
File sqls\Mirroring.ps1
Utility functions for setting up mirroring.
Function SqlsConfigurePartnerCertAuth
Configures SQL Server instance to act as partner in mirroring configuration (principal or mirror).
SqlsConfigurePartnerCertAuth [[-server] <Server>] [[-partnerIp] <String>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-certPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- partnerIp - IP address of another partner.
- certName - Certificate name used for authentication.
- certPath - Certificate file used for authentication.
Function SqlsConnectToPartner
Starts mirroring session for all non-system databases.
SqlsConnectToPartner [[-server] <Server>] [[-partnerIp] <String>] [[-tcpPort] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- partnerIp - IP address of another partner.
- tcpPort - TCP port number to be used for mirroring data transfer (integer).
Function SqlsCreateMirroringEndpointCert
Creates mirroring endpoint with certificate authentication on specified TCP port. Drops one with the same name if exists.
SqlsCreateMirroringEndpointCert [[-server] <Server>] [[-tcpPort] <Int32>] [[-certName] <String>] [[-role] <String>] [<C ommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- tcpPort - TCP port number to be used for mirroring data transfer (integer).
- certName - Certificate name to be used for authentication.
- role - ROLE = { WITNESS | PARTNER | ALL }
Function SqlsCreateMirroringStateChangeAlert
Creates mirroring state change Alert object to supply mirroring state graph.
SqlsCreateMirroringStateChangeAlert [[-server] <Server>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
Function SqlsCreateMirroringStateChangeJob
Creates mirroring state change Job object to supply mirroring state graph.
SqlsCreateMirroringStateChangeJob [[-server] <Server>] [[-adm_pwd] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- adm_pwd -
Function SqlsDeleteMirroringEndpoint
Deletes mirroring endpoint.
SqlsDeleteMirroringEndpoint [[-server] <Server>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
Function SqlsDeleteMirroringStateChangeAlertAndJob
Clean up RightScale Objects in SQL Server
SqlsDeleteMirroringStateChangeAlertAndJob [[-server] <Server>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
Function SqlsGetPartnerTag
Gets value of specified tag for mirroring partner server.
SqlsGetPartnerTag [[-lineage] <String>] [[-role] <String>] [[-tag] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- lineage - Lineage name.
- role - Mirroring role ('principal', 'mirror' or 'witness')
- tag - Name of the tag to get value of.
Return Value
Value of the tag, $false is unable to get tag.
Function SqlsRemoveLogin
Removes certificate, user and login for specified IP
SqlsRemoveLogin [[-server] <Server>] [[-ip] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server - Server object (instance of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server).
- ip - IP address of partner.
Function SqlsStartBroker
Enable Service Broker on msdb.
SqlsStartBroker [[-server] <Server>] [<CommonParameters>]
- server -
Function SqlsWaitForPartner
Waits until specified status of mirroring partner. Uses RightScale tags for status tracking.
SqlsWaitForPartner [[-lineage] <String>] [[-role] <String>] [[-status] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File sqls\MoveSysDatabases.ps1
Utitlity function to move system databases.
Function SqlsMoveSysDatabases
Moves data and log files of SQL Server system databases (master, model, msdb, tempdb) to other locations. Supports both copying files to new locations or just switching
to existing files. Function stops SQL Server service if running but doesn't start it again.
SqlsMoveSysDatabases [[-dataPath] <String>] [[-logsPath] <String>] [[-copyFiles] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
File sqls\Query.ps1
Functions to perform queries on SQL Server instance.
Function SqlsExecNonQuery
Executes query against specified database.
SqlsExecNonQuery [[-server] <Server>] [[-dbName] <String>] [[-query] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function SqlsExecNonQueryMaster
Executes query against master database.
SqlsExecNonQueryMaster [[-server] <Server>] [[-query] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function SqlsSelectValue
Executes SELECT query on specified database and returns the first column of the first row of the result set.
SqlsSelectValue [[-server] <Server>] [[-dbName] <String>] [[-query] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Value of the column of the first row of the result set or $Null if the query produces empty result set.
File sqls\SqlServer.ps1
General SQL Server functions.
Function CreateMasterKeyPassword
CreateMasterKeyPassword [[-server] <Server>] [[-password] <String>]
Function GetSqlServer
GetSqlServer [[-name] <String>]
Function GetSQLServerVersion
GetSQLServerVersion [[-server] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
'2012' or '2008R2'
Function LoadSqlsAssemblies
Version-agnostic Function to load SMO assemblies.
LoadSqlsAssemblies [<CommonParameters>]
Function OpenOrCreateMasterKey
OpenOrCreateMasterKey [[-server] <Server>] [[-password] <String>]
Function SetSQLAgentProperty
SetSQLAgentProperty [[-propertyName] <String>] [[-propertyValue] <String>]
Function SqlsHasMirroring
SqlsHasMirroring [[-server] <Server>]
File sqls\SqlsUtils.ps1
SQL Server utility functions.
Function SqlsCanDoDiffBackup
Check whether full backup was already performed for a given database so there is a base to do diff backup.
SqlsCanDoDiffBackup [[-server] <Server>] [[-dbName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function SqlsEnableTcp
Function SqlsForceDatabasesRecovery
Performs restore with recovery for all databases in 'Restoring' state.
SqlsForceDatabasesRecovery [[-server]
Function SqlsSetSingleUserMode
SqlsSetSingleUserMode [-singleUserMode]
Function SqlsWaitDbStatus
Waits until specified database has specified status.
SqlsWaitDbStatus [[-server] <Server>] [[-dbName] <String>] [[-status] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function SqlsWaitServerStatus
Waits until SQL Server has specified status.
SqlsWaitServerStatus [[-status] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\Archive.ps1
Functions to deal with archives.
Function Archive
This function archives a folder or a file.
Archive [[-Source] <String>] [[-PathTo7Zip] <String>] [[-ArchName] <String>] [[-ArchiveDestination] <String>] [[-ArchFi leSize] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Return a list of archvived files (array of file names) or throws exception if failed.
Function UnzipFile
Unzips file from a specified location.
UnzipFile [[-SourcePath] <String>] [[-PathTo7Zip] <String>] [[-DestinationPath] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\Checks.ps1
Functions to check values and inputs.
Function CheckChar
Checks if a value is a character from specified array.
CheckChar [[-value] <String>] [[-values] <Array>] [[-errorMessage] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if the value is correct otherwize throws an exception.
Function CheckInputChar
Checks if a input of a RightScript is a character from specified array.
CheckInputChar [[-inputName] <String>] [[-optional] <Boolean>] [[-values] <Array>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if the value is correct otherwize throws an exception.
Function CheckInputInt
Checks if a input of a RightScript is an integer within specified range.
CheckInputInt [[-inputName] <String>] [[-optional] <Boolean>] [[-minValue] <Int32>] [[-maxValue] <Int32>] [<CommonParam eters>]
Return Value
$True if the value is correct otherwize throws an exception.
Function CheckInputNotEmpty
Checks if input of a RightScript is not empty.
CheckInputNotEmpty [[-inputName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if value is not empty, throws exception if empty
Function CheckInt
Checks if a value is an integer within specified range.
CheckInt [[-value] <String>] [[-minValue] <Int32>] [[-maxValue] <Int32>] [[-errorMessage] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if the value is correct otherwize throws an exception.
Function CheckNotEmpty
Checks if value is not empty.
CheckNotEmpty [[-value] <String>] [[-errorMessage] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if value is not empty, throws exception if empty
File tools\ExtractReturn.ps1
Functions to extract returned value (useful for cmdlets/functions that write something to console during execution).
Function ExtractReturn
Extracts last value from pipeline output of a cmdlet or a function.
ExtractReturn [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Last items in the pipeline (value actually returned by prev function/cmdlet).
Function GetExtractReturn
Returns last item from its parameter.
GetExtractReturn [[-value] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\GenHtmlHelp.ps1
Helper functions to generate simple HTML help for .ps1 files in a directory.
Function GetFunctions
Helper function to get all functions declared in .ps1 file in a directory.
GetFunctions [[-path] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function Help_GetDescription
Help_GetDescription [[-help] <Object>]
Function Help_GetNotes
Help_GetNotes [[-help]
Function Help_GetReturnValues
Help_GetReturnValues [[-help] <Object>]
Function Help_GetSynopsis
Help_GetSynopsis [[-help] <Object>]
Function Help_GetSyntax
Help_GetSyntax [[-help] <Object>]
Function ToHtmlSafe
ToHtmlSafe [[-in] <Object>]
File tools\IniFiles.ps1
Functions to work with .ini files.
Function ParseIniFile
Function to parse .ini file.
ParseIniFile [[-file] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Contents of .ini file as nested hashtable.
Function WriteIniFile
Function to save .ini file.
WriteIniFile [[-ini] <Hashtable>] [[-file] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\LoadAssembly.ps1
Wrapper function to load assembly.
Function LoadAssembly
Wrapper function to load assembly. Now using [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName. To be reimplemented when LoadWithPartialName becomes deprecated.
LoadAssembly [[-partialName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\NewGenericObject.ps1
Function to create generic object (no built-in one in PowerShell).
Function NewGenericObject
Creates an object of a generic type (PowerShell lacks built-in function for that).
NewGenericObject [[-typeName] <String>] [[-typeParameters] <String[]>] [[-constructorParameters] <Object[]>] [<CommonPa rameters>]
Return Value
Created object or throws exception if fails.
File tools\Passwords.ps1
Helper functions dealing with passwords.
Function GenRandomPassword
Generates random password of specified length. Only alphanumeric characters are used. Also the functions ensures the password contains at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one digit.
GenRandomPassword [[-len]
Return Value
Generated password as string value.
File tools\RepartitionDisk.ps1
Repartition disk utility function.
Function RepartitionDisk
RepartitionDisk [[-size1] <String>] [[-letter1] <Char>] [[-size2] <String>] [[-letter2] <Char>]
File tools\ResolveError.ps1
Function to provide extended error description.
Function ResolveError
Provides extended error description (writes to console). Useful in troubleshooting.
ResolveError [[-errorRecord] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\Sample.ps1
Sample PS1 file.
Function Sample
Sample [[-a] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function Sample2
Smaple2 [[-a] <Object>]
File tools\Text.ps1
Functions dealing with text files.
Function FilesSearchReplace
Function to search and replace string in text files.
FilesSearchReplace [[-files] <Object>] [[-search_for] <Object>] [[-replace_to] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\tools.ps1
Other utility functions.
Function Check_Process_Exist
Checks if process exist.
Check_Process_Exist [[-process_name] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function LoadSnapin
Load a PowerShell snapin
LoadSnapin [[-SnapinName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File tools\Unzip.ps1
Unzip function.
Function UnzipFiles
Unzips a folder or a file.
UnzipFiles [[-Source] <String>] [[-PathTo7Zip] <String>] [[-ArchiveDestination] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
List of archvived files (array of strings).
File waz\WazStorage.ps1
Functions dealing with Azure Storage service.
Function DeleteItemAzureStorage
This function deletes a storage object in a given container.
DeleteItemAzureStorage [[-container] <String>] [[-storageitem] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-accountkey] <Stri ng>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Function GetFilesListFromAzureStorage
This function retrieves the objects of a container, excluding folders.
GetFilesListFromAzureStorage [[-container] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-accountkey] <String>] [<CommonParamet ers>]
Return Value
Function GetFilesListFromAzureStoragePrefix
This function retrieves the objects of a container, excluding folders.
GetFilesListFromAzureStoragePrefix [[-container] <String>] [[-prefix] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-accountkey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Function GetFromAzureStorage
This function downloads a storage object from Azure Storage.
GetFromAzureStorage [[-container] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-destPath] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-acco untkey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Function PutListToAzureStorage
This function puts a numeros files to CloudFiles.
PutListToAzureStorage [[-LocalFiles] <Array>] [[-container] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-accountkey] <String> ] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Function PutToAzureStorage
This function uploads a storage object to Azure Files.
PutToAzureStorage [[-localPath] <String>] [[-container] <String>] [[-name] <String>] [[-accountname] <String>] [[-accou ntkey] <String>] [[-parallelThreadCount] <Int32>] [[-blockSiziInBytes] <Int64>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
File win\Acl.ps1
Functions to deal with NTFS permissions.
Function AclAllowInheritanceFiles
Allow inheritance to files in specified directory
AclAllowInheritanceFiles [[-dir] <String>] [[-filter] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function AclGrantFullControl
Grants full control permissions to specified directory including files and subdirectories.
AclGrantFullControl [[-dir] <String>] [[-acctName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
File win\Firewall.ps1
Functions to deal with Windows firewall.
Function OpenTcpPort
Function to allow inbound connection on specified port and optionally for specified IP address.
OpenTcpPort [[-port] <Int32>] [[-ip] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
File win\Hosts.ps1
Function Set-HostsEntry
Set-HostsEntry [-IPAddress] <String> [-HostName] <String> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-OutVariable <String>] [-OutBuffer <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
File win\IIS.ps1
Functions dealing with IIS server.
Function CheckAppPoolStatus
This function returns status for application pool in IIS Web server.
CheckAppPoolStatus [[-AppName] <String>] [[-ServerName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
App pool status as string, possible values are Starting
, Started
, Stopping
, Stopped
Function StartAppPool
This function starts application pool in IIS Web server.
StartAppPool [[-AppName] <String>] [[-ServerName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
File win\IpSettings.ps1
Functions to deal with network settings.
Function AddFirewallRule
Adds firewall rule.
AddFirewallRule [[-Name] <Object>] [[-Ports] <Object>] [[-Protocol] <Object>] [[-RemoteAddress] <Object>] [<CommonParam eters>]
Function CheckIpValid
This function checks if provided ip address is valid
CheckIpValid [[-IpAddress] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function GetAllIPv4IPAddresses
Returns array of all IP addresses for all network adapters.
GetAllIPv4IPAddresses [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Array of IP addresses (array of strings).
Function ResolveDNSName
ResolveDNSName [[-DnsName] <String>]
Function Set_Dynamic_IP
Enables DHCP on all network adapters.
Set_Dynamic_IP [<CommonParameters>]
Function Set_Static_IP
Sets static IP mode for all network adapters.
Set_Static_IP [<CommonParameters>]
File win\Registry.ps1
Function addRegKey
Used to add reg key.
addRegKey [[-regFullPath] <String>] [[-regKey] <String>] [[-regValue] <String>] [[-regtype] <String>] [<CommonParameter s>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function changeRegKey
Changes value of existing reg key.
changeRegKey [[-regFullPath] <String>] [[-regKey] <String>] [[-regValue] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function CheckRegKey
Check if reg key exist.
CheckRegKey [[-regFullPath] <String>] [[-regKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function removeRegKey
Removes reg key.
removeRegKey [[-regFullPath] <String>] [[-regKey] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
File win\SchTasks.ps1
Functions to deal with scheduled tasks.
Function CreateScheduledTask
Creates scheduled task with specified name, command, frequesncy that runs on behalf of specified user (user account is optionally created and added to specified group).
CreateScheduledTask [-taskName] <String> [-command] <String> [[-frequencyHours] <Int32>] [[-userName] <String>] [[-grou pName] <String>] [[-password] <String>] [[-createUser] <Boolean>] [-delayHours <Int32>] [-delayMinutes <Int32>] [-delet eExisting <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function DeleteScheduledTask
Deletes Scheduled Windows task. If user on behalf of which name scheduled task is running exists and specifyed it will be also deleted.
DeleteScheduledTask [[-taskName] <String>] [[-userName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function ScheduledTaskExists
Checks if scheduled task with specified name exists on local computer.
ScheduledTaskExists [[-taskName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if scheduled task exists, $False if it doesn't exist
File win\Services.ps1
Functions dealing with Windows services.
Function RestartService
Restarts service snd checks if it's restarted within specified timeout.
RestartService [[-serviceName] <String>] [[-timeOutSec] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function StartService
Starts service snd checks if it's started within specified timeout.
StartService [[-serviceName] <String>] [[-timeOutSec] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function StopService
Stops service snd checks if it's stopped within specified timeout.
StopService [[-serviceName] <String>] [[-timeOutSec] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
File win\Users.ps1
Functions to deal with users and groups.
Function CreateUser
Creates user on local computer and puts it into specifyed group.
CreateUser [[-userName] <String>] [[-groupName] <String>] [[-password] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function DeleteUser
Deletes Specifyed user.
DeleteUser [[-userName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Function UserExists
Checks if specifued user exists on computer.
UserExists [[-userName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True if user exists, $False if it doesn't exist
File win\Version.ps1
Helper functions to get Windows version and bitness.
Function GetOSType
This function gets type of operating system.
GetOSType [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
Hashtable @{type
= Architecture
Function Is32Bit
This function checks if operating system is 32 bit.
Is32Bit [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function Is64Bit
This function checks if operating system is 64 bit.
Is64Bit [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function IsServer2003
This function checks if operating system is Windows Server 2003.
IsServer2003 [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function IsServer2008
This function checks if operating system is Windows Server 2008.
IsServer2008 [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function IsServer2008R2
This function checks if operating system is Windows Server 2008R2.
IsServer2008R2 [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.
Function IsServer2012
This function checks if operating system is Windows Server 2012.
IsServer2012 [<CommonParameters>]
Return Value
$True or $False.