
Only users with the 'admin' role privileges have the ability to add/change an account's AWS credentials. Subaccount users will not have access to the AWS Credentials even if they have 'admin' role privileges on that subaccount. You can only change credentials that can be regenerated from Amazon (AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and 509 key/cert). For RightScale billing purposes, you cannot change the AWS account number associated with the RightScale account. (If you need to change the associated AWS account number, please contact support@rightscale.com).

If you need to validate any of your credentials, click the fix or validate links. If you have not signed up for AWS or need to add a service such as CloudFront or SQS, follow the tutorial links below.

To work with AWS Credentials in the RightScale CM dashboard, navigate to Clouds > AWS Global > Edit


See also