Create Deployment

Create a new deployment.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X POST \
    -d deployment[name]="Deployment for API Sandbox" \
    -d deployment[description]="Sandbox for miscellaneous API tests" \

Sample Output

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Server: nginx/1.0.15
    Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:33:36 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Connection: keep-alive
    Status: 201 Created
    Location: /api/deployments/314837001
    X-Runtime: 292
    X-Request-Uuid: ecf7f1ed401b48a4b98de27d894389db
    Set-Cookie: _session_id=b8112ab3a540a2cf0a81ce64be2c3e38; path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
    Cache-Control: no-cache


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated and your session cookie for subsequent requests is in 'cookieContainer'.

Example Call

    #get cookie container from authentication $cookieContainer
    $deploymentName = "Deployment for API Sandbox"
    $deploymentDescription = "Sandbox for Miscellaneous API Tests"
    $postString = "deployment[name]=""$deploymentName""&deployment[description]=$deploymentDescription"
    $postBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($postString)
    $createDeploymentRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
    $createDeploymentRequest.Method = "POST"
    $createDeploymentRequest.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer
    $createDeploymentRequest.Headers.Add("X_API_VERSION", "1.5");

    $createDeploymentRequestStream = $createDeploymentRequest.GetRequestStream()
    $createDeploymentRequestStream.Write($postBytes, 0, $postBytes.Length)
    [System.Net.WebResponse] $createDeploymentResponse = $createDeploymentRequest.GetResponse()
    $createDeploymentResponseStream = $createDeploymentResponse.GetResponseStream()
    $createDeploymentResponseStreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $createDeploymentResponseStream
    [string]$createDeploymentResponseString = $createDeploymentResponseStreamReader.ReadToEnd()

Sample Output

    IsMutuallyAuthenticated : False
    Cookies : {}
    Headers : {Transfer-Encoding, Connection, Status, X-Runtime...}
    SupportsHeaders : True
    ContentLength : -1
    ContentEncoding :
    ContentType : text/html; charset=utf-8
    CharacterSet : utf-8
    Server : nginx/1.0.15
    LastModified : 2/21/2013 12:54:34 PM
    StatusCode : Created
    StatusDescription : Created
    ProtocolVersion : 1.1
    ResponseUri :
    Method : POST
    IsFromCache : False

Delete Deployment

Delete a deployment. Also known as destroy a deployment.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X DELETE$DEPLOYMENT

Sample Output

There is no XML/JSON content, just headers output. (HTTP 204 No Content)

Notes :

  • You cannot delete a locked deployment. (HTTP 422 Unprocessible Entity and ActionNotAllowed: The deployment is locked returned.)
  • You cannot delete a deployment with operational servers. (HTTP 422 and ActionNotAllowed: This deployment cannot be deleted because it contains running servers and/or active arrays.)
  • Warning! You can delete a deployment that has non-operational servers in it (as long as its not locked). The servers will be deleted too.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated and your session cookie for subsequent requests is in 'cookieContainer'.

Example Call

    #get cookie container from authentication $cookieContainer
    $deploymentID = "365623001"
    $deleteDeploymentsRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("$deploymentID")
    $deleteDeploymentsRequest.Method = "DELETE"
    $deleteDeploymentsRequest.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer
    $deleteDeploymentsRequest.Headers.Add("X_API_VERSION", "1.5");
    [System.Net.WebResponse] $deleteDeploymentsResponse = $deleteDeploymentsRequest.GetResponse()
    $deleteDeploymentsResponseStream = $deleteDeploymentsResponse.GetResponseStream()
    $deleteDeploymentsResponseStreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $deleteDeploymentsResponseStream
    [string]$deleteDeploymentsResponseString = $deleteDeploymentsResponseStreamReader.ReadToEnd()

Sample Output

    IsMutuallyAuthenticated : False
    Cookies : {}
    Headers : {Connection, Status, X-Runtime, X-Request-Uuid...}
    SupportsHeaders : True
    ContentLength : -1
    ContentEncoding :
    ContentType :
    CharacterSet :
    Server : nginx/1.0.15
    LastModified : 2/21/2013 1:00:04 PM
    StatusCode : NoContent
    StatusDescription : No Content
    ProtocolVersion : 1.1
    ResponseUri :
    Method : DELETE
    IsFromCache : False

List Deployments

List all Deployments of an account (also referred to as the Deployments Index).


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X GET

Sample Output

Note : Truncated XML output without headers included (to save space).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <link href="/api/deployments/394" rel="self"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/394/servers" rel="servers"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/394/server_arrays" rel="server_arrays"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/394/inputs" rel="inputs"/>
    . . .
          <link href="/api/deployments/306795001" rel="self"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/306795001/servers" rel="servers"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/306795001/server_arrays" rel="server_arrays"/>
          <link href="/api/deployments/306795001/inputs" rel="inputs"/>
        <description>Test out API 1.5. Craft examples based on http/curl and right_api_client. Greg Doe</description>
        <name>GD: API 1.5 Sandbox</name>


Example Call

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'pp' # Require pretty print Ruby gem
    require 'right_api_client' # RightScale API client gem

    user = '' # Set user email address for using the Dashboard
    acct = '1234' # Set the account ID
    pass = 'SomePassword' # Set the password for the user. Create client object so you can use the API.
    @client = => user, :password => pass, :account_id => acct)
    # Setup and authenticate above. Display output below.
    pp @client.deployments.index

Sample Output

    [#<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="Default">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="RightScale Staging">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="GD: API 1.5 Sandbox">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="Cloned Resat API 1.5">,
    . . . output abbreviated here . . .
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="Resat API 1.5">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="Ride Deployment - 1354684326633">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="QA_rspec_Deployment 1354732811">,
      #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="deployment", name="Knapp">]


Only Show (Filter) certain Deployments

Similar to the way you can Filter by Nickname in the Dashboard UI, this example will only display Deployments that contain api in their name.

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'pp' # Require pretty print Ruby gem
    require 'right_api_client' # RightScale API client gem

    user = '' # Set user email address for using the Dashboard
    acct = '1234' # Set the account ID
    pass = 'SomePassword' # Set the password for the user. Create client object so you can use the API.
    @client = => user, :password => pass, :account_id => acct)
    # Setup and authenticate above. Set and use additional variables below, display output, etc.
    pp @client.deployments.index(:filter => ['name==API']) # ONLY show deployments with "api" in the nickname

Note: If you run the above script (e.g. DeploymentListFilter) and total the number of deployments, it should match the number in the Dashboard (Manage > Deployments) if you filter by the same nickname.

For example:

$ ruby DeploymentListFilter | wc -l




Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated and your session cookie for subsequent requests is in 'cookieContainer'.

Example Call

    #get cookie container from authentication $cookieContainer
    $listDeploymentsRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
    $listDeploymentsRequest.Method = "GET"
    $listDeploymentsRequest.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer
    $listDeploymentsRequest.Headers.Add("X_API_VERSION", "1.5");
    [System.Net.WebResponse] $listDeploymentsResponse = $listDeploymentsRequest.GetResponse()
    $listDeploymentsResponseStream = $listDeploymentsResponse.GetResponseStream()
    $listDeploymentsResponseStreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $listDeploymentsResponseStream
    [string]$listDeploymentsResponseString = $listDeploymentsResponseStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
    write-host $listDeploymentsResponseString

Sample Output

See http/curl output.