List Clouds

List all Clouds known by the current account.


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.

Example Call

    #!/bin/sh -e
    curl -i -H X_API_VERSION:1.5 -b mycookie -X GET

Sample Output

  • Note : The sample output below does not include XML headers, and is truncated for readability sake.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175" rel="self"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/datacenters" rel="datacenters"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/instance_types" rel="instance_types"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/security_groups" rel="security_groups"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/instances" rel="instances"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/images" rel="images"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/volume_attachments" rel="volume_attachments"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/recurring_volume_attachments" rel="recurring_volume_attachments"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2175/volumes" rel="volumes"/>
        <description>Google Cloud, including Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage, etc.</description>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178" rel="self"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/instance_types" rel="instance_types"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/instances" rel="instances"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/images" rel="images"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/volume_attachments" rel="volume_attachments"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/recurring_volume_attachments" rel="recurring_volume_attachments"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/volume_snapshots" rel="volume_snapshots"/>
          <link href="/api/clouds/2178/volumes" rel="volumes"/>
        <description>Azure West US</description>
        <name>Azure West US</name>
    . . .

Additional Notes:

  • Several clouds/cloud ID's are included. Google Compute Engine (2175), and Windows Azure classic (2178)
  • Tip : To determine the Cloud ID from within the Dash:
    • Click on Clouds > CloudName
    • Click on or hover over any of the cloud's supported resources. Note the number after the .../clouds/< CloudID >/... for the goto URL (typically displayed in the lower left of a browser if you hover over the resource).
    • Important! Although you can obtain the Cloud ID from the Dashboard, you cannot obtain any of the cloud resources from the UI. You must query for them using the API.


Example Call

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'pp' # Require pretty print Ruby gem
    require 'right_api_client' # RightScale API client gem

    user = '' # Set user email address for using the Dashboard
    acct = '1234' # Set the account ID
    pass = 'SomePassword' # Set the password for the user. Create client object so you can use the API.
    @client = => user, :password => pass, :account_id => acct)
    # Setup and authenticate above. Set and use additional variables below, display output, etc.
    pp @client.clouds.index

Sample Output

    [#<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="SoftLayer">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Google">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure West US">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure East US">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure East Asia">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure Southeast Asia">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure West Europe">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Azure North Europe">,
     #<RightApi::ResourceDetail resource_type="cloud", name="Openstack Juno">]


Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated and your session cookie for subsequent requests is in 'cookieContainer'.

Example Call

    #get cookie container from authentication $cookieContainer
    $listCloudsRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
    $listCloudsRequest.Method = "GET"
    $listCloudsRequest.CookieContainer = $cookieContainer
    $listCloudsRequest.Headers.Add("X_API_VERSION", "1.5");
    [System.Net.WebResponse] $listCloudsResponse = $listCloudsRequest.GetResponse()
    $listCloudsResponseStream = $listCloudsResponse.GetResponseStream()
    $listCloudsResponseStreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $listCloudsResponseStream
    [string]$listCloudsResponseString = $listCloudsResponseStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
    write-host $listCloudsResponseString