
Creates an Account after authenticating as your master account.


Example Call

Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.


  • Command must be run by a user who has the 'enterprise_manager' role within the Enterprise account.
  • header returned by Curl gives an API HREF for the created account, which includes the RightScale account ID. This account will automatically be added to your RightScale organization.
  • All users in your organization will be given a base set of permissions to the new account. The owner of the organization will be granted the 'enterprise_manager' role, and can proceed to grant additional users this role on the new account if needed.
  • An optional parameter is the ability to set which cluster you would like the account to be created in. If not specified, will default to one of these possible values:
    • /api/clusters/3 - for US-3 (UCP)
    • /api/clusters/4 - for US-4 (UCP)
    child_account_name='My_Child_Account_Name' #Change to the desired name for your child account
    cluster='/api/clusters/3' #(Optional) The cluster you would like the child account to be created in.

    curl -i -H x-api-version:1.5 -b mycookie -X POST \
     -d "child_account[name]=$child_account_name" \
     -d "child_account[cluster_href]=$cluster" \

Sample Output


  • Output is from Curl using the -v verbose switch, and the original Curl command is included at the top.
  • Parts of output are omitted to keep it brief and relevant.
    curl -v -X POST -H 'X-API-VERSION:1.5' -b myCookie -d "child_account[name]=My_Child"
    * About to connect() to port 443 (#0)
    *   Trying
    * Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
    > POST /api/child_accounts HTTP/1.1
    < HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    < Location: /api/accounts/72312


Example Call

Prerequisite : Example assumes you have previously authenticated, and your valid session cookie is in 'mycookie'.


  • Command must be run by a user who has the 'enterprise_manager' role within the Enterprise account.
  • All users in your organization will be given a base set of permissions to the new account. The owner of the organization will be granted the 'enterprise_manager' role, and can proceed to grant additional users this role on the new account if needed.
    ## Replace 'Child-Account-Nickname' with desired child account name
    child_account = @client.child_accounts.create(:child_account =>
      {:name => 'Child-Account-Nickname', :child_account[cluster_href] => '/api/clusters/3'})

Sample Output


  • Sample output comes from a Ruby interactive shell (Pry).
  • New account info is stored in a variable named 'child_account' (per the example above). Additional commands can be run against this object after it's creation.
  • Output includes original example as originally issued within IRB.
    [7] pry(main)> child_account = @client.child_accounts.create(:child_account =>
    [8] pry(main)> {:name => 'Child-Account-Nickname', :child_account[cluster_href] => '/api/clusters/3'})
    => #<RightApi::Resource resource_type="account">

    ## Use .api_methods method to show additional available methods for child account manipulation

    [10] pry(main)>
    => [:links,

    ## Show newly created child account ID

    [13] pry(main)>
    => "/api/accounts/72315"