
A Cloud Application Template (CAT) file comprises a sequence of fields and declarations. It describes the structure and behavior of a Cloud Application (CloudApp).


There are 8 different types of declarations listed below.

  • Parameters - used to get input to a CloudApp from an end user
  • Mappings - used to abstract detail away from an end-user
  • Resources - declaratively describe the cloud resources needed for this CloudApp
  • Conditions - boolean values based on the environment of the CloudApp
  • Outputs - used to show running CloudApp information to end users
  • Operations - define the behaviors that apply to this CloudApp during its lifecycle
  • Definitions - reusable code components written in a cloud-focused workflow language (RightScale Cloud Workflow)
  • Permissions - used to specify any additional permissions required to run the CloudApp

Declarations all require a name that can be used to reference them in other areas of the template. Names are required to begin with an underscore or lowercase alphabetic character ('a' - 'z'), followed by any combination of underscores or alpha-numeric characters.

The language also provides many built-in methods that can be used.


The six fields that can be defined in a CAT are:

  • name (required): Name of the Cloud Application Template. Must be unique, and must not be whitespace-only.
  • rs_ca_ver (required): Version of the engine used to parse the CAT. (This reference describes version 20160622)
  • short_description (required): Short description (shown to users in Catalog view on the front of the card). Must not be whitespace-only. The rendering of this content supports markdown syntax for formatting, lists, code blocks, image insertion, and more.
  • long_description (optional): Long description (shown to users when they click Details on a catalog item). Must not be whitespace-only. The rendering of this content supports markdown syntax for formatting, lists, code blocks, image insertion, and more.
  • package (optional): Package path of the Cloud Application Template. Must be forward-slash separated scopes where each scope begins with a lowercase letter or underscore and contains only lowercase/uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores. For more information about using the package field, see Creating A Package. Note that any package beginning with 'rs' or 'rightscale', case insensitive, is reserved and cannot be used.
  • import (optional): The package path of another Cloud Application Template, which is to be imported into current Template. For more information about using the import field, see Importing A Package


Parameters allow you to get input from end users that can be passed to your cloud resources, used to make decisions on what to configure/launch, and used in custom operation logic. A parameter declaration has a name, a type and other optional fields that let you define things like a default value, or a set of potential values.

Parameters can be referred to in a CAT using the syntax $<parameter_name> where parameter_name is the string following the parameter keyword.

Here is an example of a parameter declaration defining a performance parameter which can take one of two values (low or high):

parameter "performance" do  
  type "string"  
  label "Application Performance"  
  description "Application performance profile"  
  allowed_values "low", "high"


The available fields are:

Name Required? Type Description
name yes string The name of the parameter, declared in-line, such as parameter "my_param_name" do
type yes string Defines whether the parameter is a string, a number or a comma separated list of values. The possible values for this field are string, and number.
label yes string The display name shown to the user. Must not be whitespace-only.
category no string An optional category used to group parameters in the UI.
description no string A description shown in the launch UI
default no Default value for parameter if none is specified. Note this must meet the requirements of the other fields (such as max_length, allowed pattern, etc).
no_echo no boolean Whether the value of the parameter should be hidden in UIs and API responses. The possible values for this field are true and false (default).
allowed_values no array A comma-separated list of allowed values. Not valid when allowed_pattern is specified.
min_length and max_length no number The minimum and maximum number of characters in the parameter value. Only valid when type is one of string or list.
min_value and max_value no number The smallest and largest numeric value allowed for the parameter. Only valid when type is number.
allowed_pattern no May be a string or a Regexp. If a string is given then it will look for matches of the string in parameter values. Not valid when 'allowed_values' is specified. Note: the Ruby Regexp engine (a PCRE engine) is used to process and validate Regexp values, but there are a few unsupported features. These include modifiers other than 'm' and 'i', modifier groups (such as /(?mi)example/), and modifier spans (such as /(?mi:example)/). A helpful tool for developing PCRE regular expressions can be found here.
constraint_description no string Message displayed when any of the constraint is violated. The system generates default error messages, this field allows overriding these to provide a clearer message to the user.
operations no array Used to specify during which operations to show this parameter to the user (when using the UI). This will override the default behavior of when to show parameters.


  • Parameters are displayed in the UI in the same order as they are defined in the template.
  • If a default value is set for a parameter, this value will be pre-populated in the UI. For example, for a parameter with allowed values of true/false and a default value of true, the resulting checkbox on the UI would be enabled. Additional information on UI behavior is provided below.


parameter "db_dump_bucket" do
  type "string"
  label "Database S3 bucket"
  category "Database"
  description "URL to S3 bucket that contains MySQL database dump"
  min_length 3
  max_length 63
  allowed_pattern "[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9\.-]*"
  constraint_description <<-EOS
    Bucket names must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters long. Bucket names must be a series of one or more labels. Adjacent labels are separated by a single period (.). Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes. Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number. Bucket names must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,

Parameters can be used in other declarations using the $ operator, for example:

parameter "cloud" do
  type "string"
  label "Cloud server should be launched in"  
  allowed_values "AWS US-East", "Google"

resource "server", type: "server" do  
  name "My server"  
  cloud $cloud  
  server_template_href "/api/server_templates/123"

In the example above, the server resource declaration uses the value associated with the parameter cloud to initialize the server resource cloud field. See the section below for more information on resources.

It is important to note that parameter values can be specified when launching a CloudApp or when running a custom operation on a running CloudApp. The CAT parser automatically identifies which parameters are required in both cases (in the launch case the parser crawls through all the resource declarations and launch/enable operations to compute all the required parameters). To override the automatic behavior of the parser, use the operations field.

API Behaviors

When using the API to launch a CloudApp, only those parameters that are required for launch and do not have a default value must be specified (it is allowable to specify values for other parameters - for example, to override the default value - just not required). Also by default, only parameters that do not have a default value and were not set when launching the CloudApp must be set when running a custom operation through the APIs.

So for example, the following CAT defines two operations - enable and pull_code - both using the same definition get_code. The get_code definition accepts one argument code_branch. The parser will infer that this parameter is needed to both launch the CloudApp (since that ends up running the enable operation) and run the custom pull_code operation. Since the parameter definition contains a default value it is acceptable to launch the CloudApp without passing any parameter value and it is also acceptable to run the custom operation pull_code without passing any value. In both cases the parameter may be specified and will be used.

parameter "code_branch" do
  type "string"
  label "Branch used to deploy code"
  default "master"

operation "enable" do
  definition "get_code"

operation "pull_code" do
  definition "get_code"

define get_code($code_branch) do
  # Run script to pull code from given branch

It is possible to override this default behavior and force a parameter to be passed when launching an operation, even if it has a default or previous value, by using the operations field. The following parameter definition would require the code_branch parameter to be passed in when launching the CloudApp, even though it has a default value in its definition.

parameter "code_branch" do
  type "string"
  label "Branch used to deploy code"
  default "master"
  operations "launch"

operation "enable" do
  definition "pull_code"

operation "pull_code" do
  definition "pull_code"

define pull_code($code_branch) do
  # Run script to pull code from given branch

Finally, the parameter declaration could also list both operations requiring values to be explicitly specified in both cases.

User Interface Behavior

By default the UI will display all parameters that are needed to either launch the CloudApp or run the custom operation. The UI will pre-populate parameter values with either their default value or their previously set value, if one exists.

In the first example above, the UI will present the code_branch parameter to the user both when launching the CloudApp and when running the pull_code custom operation. On launch, the value will be pre-populated with the default value (master), and when launching the custom operation the value will be pre-populated with whatever the value was the last time it was used.

Specifying an explicit list of operations in a parameter declaration will cause the UI to only show that parameter for the corresponding operations (or launch if the string launch appears in that list). In the second example above, the parameter will only be shown on launch and would not be shown when running the pull_code custom operation (in this case it uses the previously set value).


Mappings allow you to lookup values based on other values that may come from parameters, built-in method results or resource fields. Mappings must contain string literals, not resource attributes or other function calls (that is they are static constructs). Also, mappings can only be two-levels deep.

Mappings Usage

Here is an example of a mapping you could use to define resource field values based on parameters:

mapping "profiles" do {  
  "low" => {
    "db_instance_type" => "m1.small",
    "app_instance_type" => "m1.small"  },  
  "high" => {
    "db_instance_type" => "m2.xlarge",
    "app_instance_type" => "c1.xlarge"  } }

You can then use the map built-in method to lookup values:

resource "app_server", type: "server" do
  name "AppServer"
  cloud "AWS US-East"  
  datacenter "us-east-1a"
  instance_type map($profiles, $profile, "app_instance_type")
  security_groups "ssh", "app_server"  
  server_template find(name: "PHP App Server (v13.5)", revision:187)

This example uses the value of the profile parameter to lookup the application instance type.


Resources represent a RightScale or cloud provider resource which is part of your cloud application. Resources can be referred to elsewhere in the CAT by using the syntax @<resource_id> where resource_id is the string following the resource keyword.


The fields used to define a resource differ depending on the resource type. See the Self-Service Resource Reference for a full list of all available resources and their fields. Additionally, there are some fields that can be used for any resource:

Name Required? Description
condition $<condition name> no Only instantiate this resource if the conditiion resolves to true.
like @<resource_name> no Inherit all of the field values from the specified resource. Additional fields can be specified and will override the inherited values. Note: if you override a field, it replaces the inherited value(s) (inputs are not appended for example, the original inputs simply aren't used).

Many fields in a Resource can take either a string which will be used to find the resource, or the resource href itself. For details see Self-Service Resource Reference.


Here is an example of a server resource:

resource "database_slave", type: "server" do
  name "Database Slave"  
  cloud "AWS US-East"
  server_template_href "/api/server_templates/123"


A condition consists of a name and a condition function that returns a boolean value. You can attach a condition to a resource, output, or operation to conditionally create the object depending on the result of the condition function.


Here is an example of a condition that returns true if the profile parameter value is high:

condition "high_profile" do
  equals?($profile, "high")

Conditions can then be used when declaring resources, outputs, or operations. The following example illustrates the use of a condition when declaring a resource.

resource "database_slave", type: "server" do
  name "Database Slave"
  condition $high_profile
  cloud "AWS US-East"  
  server_template find(name: "Database Manager with MySQL 5.5 (v13.5)", revision:139)

The functions available to define conditions are described in the Built-in methods and keywords section below. They consist of equals?, logic_or, logic_and, and logic_not.


CAT designers use permissions declarations to specify additional end-user permissions (in addition to those automatically generated by Self-Service) required to use a CloudApp. For a detailed discussion, see CloudApp Permissions.

Permission declarations are named sets of resource types and actions performed on those resource types.


Permission declarations have two fields:

Name Required? Type Description
actions yes array A list of namespace-scoped actions which can be performed on resources
resources yes array A list of resource types which the specified actions may be performed on
label no string The label of the permission to show in the UI

Resources and actions are both scoped to namespaces using the syntax namespace.resource_or_action. All RightScale resources have a namespace of rs_cm.


permission "manage_sgs" do                       # The name of the permission
  label     "Manage SGS"                         # The UI label of the permission
  actions   "rs_cm.create", "rs_cm.destroy"      # Actions which may be taken
                                                 #  on the resources
  resources "rs_cm.security_groups"              # Resources which may be used

You can simplify a permission declaration by using the wildcard character * in the actions field as shown below.

permission "serverz_4_dayz" do
  label     "Any Server Action"
  actions   "rs_cm.*"                # Any action
  resources "rs_cm.servers"

Actions you specify in a permission declaration must each apply to at least one of the resources defined in the permission. Likewise, each resource you specify in a permission declaration must have at least one corresponding applicable action defined. Failing either of these requirements will result in a parser error.

permission "unused_action" do
  actions   "rs_cm.launch", "rs_cm.create"      # Error: rs_cm.launch doesn't apply
                                                #  to any resources
  resources "rs_cm.security_groups", "rs_cm.security_group_rules"

permission "unused_resource" do
  actions   "rs_cm.launch", "rs_cm.terminate"
  resources "rs_cm.instances", "rs_cm.sessions" # Error: there aren't any actions
                                                #  applicable to rs_cm.sessions


Outputs provide a mechanism to expose the result of running an Operation on the CloudApp; they are shown in the UI to your users. Output values may be explicitly returned from Operations or a default_value can be specified which is computed after running the auto_launch operation (see below). An output declaration consists of a name, a label, an optional category, description, and an optional default value. For common attributes that are available for resources, see Self-Service Output Reference.


The following fields are available for Outputs:

Name Required? Type Description
name yes string The name of the output, declared in-line, such as output "my_output_name" do
label yes string The label of the Output to show in the UI
category no string Category to group related outputs together in the UI
description no string Description shown in the UI
default_value no The default value of this output, calculated after the auto_launch operation is run

The fields available to show resource information in the default_value field differ depending on the resource type. See the Self-Service Output Reference for a full list of all available resources and their outputs.

The example below shows an output listing the public IP addresses of a running Cloud Application from the front_end resource:

output 'ip_address' do
  label "IPs"
  category "Connect"
  default_value join(["Public IP address: ", @front_end.public_ip_address])
  description "Service public IPs"

The value of an Output can be overwritten by using an output_mapping in an operation declaration (see below).

User Interface Behavior

The category is used to group outputs in the UI and has no other effect. On the main CloudApp index page in card view (showing multiple CloudApps), the UI shows the first 6 outputs from the first category. Other categories are shown as tabs in the detail view of the CloudApp.

Any output will be hidden that either: is an empty string, is set to null in an output_mapping, or contains a reference to a resource that doesn't exist. For example, if your output value is defined as @server.name but @server is not a resource (perhaps is was excluded by use of a condition), the output will not be shown in the UI.


Operations describe the tasks that happen to your application across its lifecycle. There are five special operations listed below, but any number of custom operations are supported. Custom operations can be made available to end-users through the Self-Service user interface. The operation name is shown to end-users as allowable operations on their CloudApps.

Operations can update the resources and outputs that make up a CloudApp by explicitly mapping return values from a definition to the resource/output in the CloudApp.


Each operation contains fields that define the operation and mappings that map return values from a definition back to the outputs/resources of a CloudApp:

Name Required? Type Description
name yes string The name of the operation, declared in-line, such as operation "my_operation_name" do
label no string The label of the operation to show in the UI
definition yes string The Cloud Workflow definition name that will be run when this operation is triggered
description no string A textual description of what the operations does. This is shown to the user when selecting an operation
resource_mappings no hash Overwrites a resource in the CloudApp with a new resource that has been returned by the definition
output_mappings no hash Overwrites an output value of a CloudApp with a value returned by the definition
operation "backup_primary_db" do
  label "Backup Primary Database"
  description "Creates a backup of the primary database"
  definition "create_database_backup"

  # Updates the 'my_server' resource in the CloudApp with the 'new_server'
  # resource returned by the associated definition
  resource_mappings do {
    @my_server => @new_server
  } end

  # Updates the 'ip_address' Output value to the new string defined by
  # 'new_ip' after being returned by the associated definition
  output_mappings do {
    $ip_address => join(["IP:",$new_ip])
  } end

Special Operations

When a user Launches a CloudApp, Self-Service will run operations in the following order:

  1. launch operation as defined in the CAT, if one exists
  2. auto_launch operation built into Self-Service
  3. enable opeartion as defined in the CAT, if one exists

If the launch or enable operations are not defined in the CAT, those steps are skipped -- auto_launch is always run (its behavior is defined below).

When a user Terminates a CloudApp, Self-Service will run operations in the following order:

  1. terminate operation as defined in the CAT, if one exists
  2. auto_terminate operation built into Self-Service

If the terminate operation is not defined in the CAT, that step is skipped -- auto_terminate is always run (its behavior is defined below).

When a user Stops a CloudApp, Self-Service will run operations as follows:

  • stop operation as defined in the CAT, if one exists
  • If no stop operation is defined, Self-Service runs the Terminate sequence as defined above

When a user Starts a CloudApp, Self-Service will run operations as follows:

  • start operation as defined in the CAT, if one exists
  • If no start operation is defined, Self-Service runs the Launch sequence as defined above

These special operations describe the basic start and stop operations of your application. To use them, simply create an operation with the appropriate name.

  • launch - used to launch all the services of the application
  • enable - used to apply the steps necessary to configure your resources as needed (for example, connect the app servers to the load balancers)
  • stop - used to stop the CloudApp. This operation is called by the scheduler if the CloudApp has a schedule.
  • start - used to start the CloudApp. This operation is called by the scheduler if the CloudApp has a schedule.
  • terminate - used to terminate all resources associated with a CloudApp

The built-in operations have the following behavior:

  • auto_launch - will sequentially provision all resources defined in the CAT that a) were not passed in to the launch operation, and b) do not have a condition statement that evaluates to false. This operation cannot be overridden.
  • auto_terminate - terminate and destroy all associated resources defined in the CAT as well as any new cloud resources that have been created as a result of the behavior of the CloudApp (except Volume Snapshots) which are associated with the deployment. This operation cannot be overridden.

Note: If any resources provisioned via launch/auto_launch have dependencies, terminate/auto_terminate will delete them in the correct order so they are deleted without any error. For example, deleting a security group used by a server will not cause any error as the server will be deleted before the security group is deleted.


Definitions are collections of cloud workflow code written using RightScale Cloud Workflow language. Resources and variables from the CAT must be explicitly passed in to definitions. Return values from definitions can be used to update Output values or resources in a CloudApp (see Outputs above).


define create_front_end_tier(@front_end1, @front_end2) task_label: "Setup Load Balancer" do

Returning Information from Definitions

By using output_mappings and resource_mappings in Operations, you can return information from RCL back to the CloudApp in Self-Service. To return a variable or resource, simply add it to the return statement of the definition.

For example, if you were to write a custom launch operation which launched the @my_server resource, you would need to do it like so:

define launch(@my_server) return @my_server do  
  provision(@my_server)  # Do something else with the server

Note: if the name of the resource returned by a definition is the same as the resource in the CAT, that resource will be automatically updated without requiring the use of a resource_mappings block.

Built-in Methods and Other Keywords

On top of simple values and parameters you may also use any of the following built-in methods to define a resource field, condition declarations, and output values.

  • cred(cred_name): Return the value of the Credential in Cloud Management with the given name. Note: using this function requires the admin role, or a permission that grants the admin role.
  • equals?(a, b): Condition that evaluates to true if a and b are the same.
  • find(filter_1: ..., filter_2: ...): Look up resource given a list of filters (e.g. name and revision for published resources like ServerTemplates, RightScripts etc.). Useful to prevent hard-coding hrefs in fields (for example so that the same Cloud Application Template can be used across multiple RightScale accounts). ** See note below
  • first([elem1, elem2, .., elemn]): Extract first element of list.
  • get(index, [val1, val2, .., valn]): Extract element at given index from list.
  • join([string1, string2, .., stringn], sep): Join multiple strings together with given separator. sep is optional, the default value is the empty string.
  • last([elem1, elem2, .., elemn]): Extract last element of list.
  • logic_and(condition1, condition2): Apply logical and operator to values of two conditions (see the Conditions section above). This returns a condition, so calls can be nested.
  • logic_not(condition): Apply logical not operator to value of condition. This returns a condition, so calls can be nested.
  • logic_or(condition1, condition2): Apply logical or operator to values of two conditions (see the Conditions section above). This returns a condition, so calls can be nested.
  • map(mapping_name, key_name, value_name): Look up value from mapping, see the Mappings declaration section above.
  • null: A keyword which indicates that a resource field should be excluded from those sent during the provisioning step. May be used in a resource or mapping.
  • split(string, sep_or_regexp): Split a string by either a string or by using a regular expression.
  • switch(condition, a, b): Return b if condition is a condition that evaluates to false, a otherwise. This method allows you to set a field conditionally depending on the value of a condition declaration. The associated values may in turn be simple values or built-in methods. The condition must refer to a condition declaration and may not be an inline expression, e.g. switch($high_profile, "c3.xlarge", "m1.small").
  • tag_value(resource, string): Given a resource and the namespace/predicate of a tag, return the value of that tag on that resource. (e.g. tag_value(@server, ec2:Name)
  • uuid(): Return a guid in standard notation.

You may also refer to other resources defined in the CAT using the @ operator, for example:

resource "master", type: "server" do
  # ...

resource "master_volume", type: "volume" do
  # ...

resource "master_xvdb", type: "volume_attachment" do
  device "/dev/xvdb"
  instance @master       # Refers to "master" server defined above
  volume @master_volume  # Refers to "master_volume" volume defined above

When setting the value of a field which represents a resource, you have two options: you can use the resource href, or you can use the find function to locate a resource using it's name. When using find, the engine makes an index request on all resources of the corresponding type in the RightScale account using the filters given and picks the first match.

Note: Using find should be done carefully as creating a new resource with the same name in RightScale could end up affecting future executions of the CAT. Using a resource name can be useful for resources with static names (such as clouds, datacenters, instance types) and for building a CAT that works across multiple RightScale accounts (since the same named resource will have different hrefs in different accounts).