
This article provides an overview of Linux and Windows operating system compatibility in RightLink 10 and includes links to the compatible operating system images tested by RightScale. Please see Operating System, Use Case, and Cloud Support for detailed information on which particular RightLink 10 versions support specific use cases and operating system versions.


RightLink 10 is principally supported on most modern Linux distributions that satisfy a few simple pre-requisites. However, there may be cases in which RightLink 10 may not work out-of-the-box using the standard install/enable scripts provided by RightScale.

RightLink 10 and the 'enable running instance' use-case is regression tested by RightScale to work out-of-the-box on a standard install of: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS 7, CentOS 6, CoreOS.

RightLink 10 and the 'install at boot' use-case is regression tested by RightScale to work out-of-the-box on a standard install of: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS 7, CentOS 6, CoreOS.

RightLink 10 and the 'install on image' use-case is regression tested by RightScale to work out-of-the-box on a standard install of: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS 7, CentOS 6, CoreOS.

Summary of the Linux prerequisites for RightLink 10 and the standard and scripts:

  • bash
  • curl or wget
  • SSL root certificates
  • SysV init, systemd, or upstart
  • apt or yum (for package management)
  • cloud-init (with multipart MIME support)
  • useradd
  • collectd (to support monitoring)


RightLink 10 is principally supported on most modern Windows distributions that satisfy a few simple pre-requisites. However, there may be cases in which RightLink 10 may not work out-of-the-box using the standard install/enable scripts provided by RightScale.

RightLink 10 and the 'enable running instance' use-case is regression tested by RightScale to work out-of-the-box on a standard install of: Windows Server 2012R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008R2.

RightLink 10 and the 'install on image' use-case is regression tested by RightScale to work out-of-the-box on a standard install of: Windows Server 2012R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008R2.

Summary of the Windows prerequisites for RightLink 10 and the standard rightlink.install.ps1 and rightlink.enable.ps1 scripts:

  • Current SSL root certificates
  • .Net 2.0 or newer
  • PowerShell 2.0 or newer

RightScale Tested Images

Each release of RightLink 10 and its associated Base ServerTemplate is tested on a number of clouds using as stock/official an image for each OS as possible. Since these stock/official images are made available by the cloud provider or the OS developer, they can be deregistered and made unavailable at anytime at the discretion of the owner. The following table lists the provenance of the images for the most recent releases. For the exact images used in testing each release, please consult the release notes (e.g. RightLink 10.5.2 Release). Note that the list of tested images is not intended as a recommendation of these images, but as a reference so you can locate known-to-work images and compare with your own images if you are having difficulties.

The following images are regression tested by RightScale and known to work. Known to work means that the following features operate properly:

  • enable a running bare instance using the or rightlink.enable.ps1 scripts
  • reboot the instance
  • stop and start the enabled instance
  • create the 'rightscale' user
  • support managed login (Linux only)
  • install the RightLink 10 init scripts or Windows services
  • install monitoring.
OS Clouds Image provenance
Ubuntu 12.04 / 14.04 AWS

Official Ubuntu image locator

Azure Official public image
AzureRM Official public image
Google Official public image

Official Ubuntu image site

Softlayer Official public image
VMware (using RCA-V) Custom image based off the vanilla OS distro install, cloud-init, open-vm-tools, and A known user/pass or SSH key


AWS Official public image
Azure Official public image
AzureRM Official public image
Google Official public image
OpenStack Official public image
Softlayer Official public image. NOTE: Enable running mode only
VMware (using RCA-V) Official public image. NOTE: Requires v2.0 of RCA-V for install-at-boot and install on image modes.

CentOS 6 / 7

Azure Official public image. NOTE: Enable running mode only
AzureRM Official public image. NOTE: Enable running mode only

Official CentOS image site

Google Official public image
Softlayer Official public image
VMware (using RCA-V) Custom image based off the vanilla OS distro install, RightScale cloud-init, A known user/pass or SSH key

Windows 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2

AWS Official public image
Azure Official public image
AzureRM Official public image
OpenStack Custom image
Google Official public image
Softlayer Official public image
VMware (using RCA-V) Custom image