Version 20161221

Released February 2017

New Features

  • Introduced the notion of bulk resources, allowing N number of a given resource to be defined and launched automatically. Also introduced Output Sets to help show output values from bulk resources.
  • Introduced the notion of custom provision functions on resource declarations allowing for custom logic when provisioning resources.
  • IP Address Binding and Volume Attachment resources in CAT now have a server field which can reference a server directly. The old instance field should now only be used for referencing an instance.
  • Mapping values may now be string, integer, boolean, or null values.
  • New CAT methods are added: copy_index, dec, div, field, get, ljust, mod, prod, rjust, to_s.
  • Some methods can now be used on declaration attributes to satisfy common use cases for bulk resources.
  • Integrate your CloudApps with external services using CAT Plugins (added April 2017).

Breaking Changes

  • Any ip_address_binding that has a instance field that references a server declaration must be changed to use the new server field instead.

    Old syntax:

    resource "my_server", type: "rs_cm.server" do
    resource "binding", type: "rs_cm.ip_address_binding" do
      instance @my_server

    New syntax:

    resource "my_server", type: "rs_cm.server" do
    resource "binding", type: "rs_cm.ip_address_binding" do
      server @my_server
  • Any volume_attachment that has a instance field that references a server declaration must be changed to use the new server field instead.

    Old syntax:

    resource "my_server", type: "rs_cm.server" do
    resource "binding", type: "rs_cm.volume_attachment" do
      instance @my_server

    New syntax:

    resource "my_server", type: "rs_cm.server" do
    resource "binding", type: "rs_cm.volume_attachment" do
      server @my_server

Version 20160622

Released June 2016

Breaking Changes

  • Naming restrictions are now enforced on permission and operation declarations. Use the new 'label' field for human-friendly UI labels.

    Old syntax:

    permission "manage sgs" do 
      label "Manage SGs"

    New syntax:

    permission  "manage_sgs" do 
      label "Manage SGs"
  • Actions and resources for Permission declarations have been moved from the rs namespace to the rs_cm namespace to match the new RCL v2 syntax. Here is an example:

    Old syntax:

    permission "manage_sgs" do
      actions "rs.create", "rs.destroy"
      resources "rs.security_groups"

    New syntax:

    permission "manage_sgs" do
      actions   "rs_cm.create", "rs_cm.destroy"
      resources "rs_cm.security_groups"
  • Short descriptions and labels on parameter declarations must not be an empty string or a whitespace-only string. Here is an example:

    Old syntax:

    parameter "performance" do  
      type "string"  
      label " "
      description ""
      allowed_values "low", "high"

    New syntax:

    parameter "performance" do  
      type "string"  
      label "Application Performance"
      description "Application performance profile"
      allowed_values "low", "high"
  • The rs_ca_ver CAT field must be an integer value. Here is an example:

    Old syntax:

    rs_ca_ver '20131202'

    New syntax:

    rs_ca_ver 20131202
  • All CAT fields must appear before any declarations or definitions. Here is an example:

    Old syntax:

    resource "database_slave", type: "server" do
      name "Database Slave"  
      cloud "AWS US-East"
      server_template_href "/api/server_templates/123"
    name 'My CloudApp'
    rs_ca_ver 20131202
    short_description 'This is a CloudApp that does something great'

    New syntax:

    name 'My CloudApp'
    rs_ca_ver 20161221
    short_description 'This is a CloudApp that does something great'
    resource "database_slave", type: "server" do
      name "Database Slave"  
      cloud "AWS US-East"
      server_template_href "/api/server_templates/123"
  • Definitions now use RCL v2 syntax.

New Features

  • CAT Imports
  • Added label field to operations and permissions which will be displayed in the UI

Version 20131202

Released December 2013